similar to: acts_as_ferret and capistrano

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "acts_as_ferret and capistrano"

2007 Mar 31
Problem with setting up remote indexing
Hello, I have been trying to set up the remote indexing for acts_as_ferret and followed the guide here: I added :remote => true to my models and then specified host and port for the production environment. After defining the host/port for production, I tried to run my development server and received the following error:
2007 Apr 03
Inifinite loop problem with DRb server
Hi all, We''re attempting to use Ferret with the DRb server at the moment, and it doesn''t work, at all... = Executive Summary The DRb server process keeps on calling the remote index to the DRb server process... Which means DRb is calling itself, and itself, and itself, until Ruby kills the Thread with a SystemStackLevel error. = The excruciating details... # Mongrel is
2006 Jan 25
AJAX Search w/database results
Hey, I have a main page that lists a table of Devices, along with a Search box. I''d like to have the Search field pull up any related Devices, and then re-populate the table. I can do this without AJAX, just calling my List action over again, passing the params to search on, but with AJAX I get the error, "Cannot convert nil to string" on this line: @device_pages, @devices =
2006 Apr 03
Capistrano - how do I set up the database config?
My app is set up without database.yml in version control. I created a shared_path/config dir, and put database.yml in it. After I update the code, I want to link the app''s database.yml file to the shared config. So I added this task desc ''Copy the database config'' task :after_update_code, :roles => :app do run "ln -s #{shared_path}/config/database.yml
2017 Jun 13
Classification and Regression Tree for Survival Analysis
I am trying to use the CART in a survival analysis. I have three variables of interest (all 3 ordinal - x, y and z, each of them with 5 categories) from which I want to make smaller groups (just an example 1st category from X variable with the 2nd and 3rd categories from the Y category and 2, 3 and 4 categories from the Z category etc) based on their, let's say, association with mortality. Now
2006 Jan 24
SwitchTower and multiple database.yml files - how do you deal with them?
Hi everyone, What are other people doing with regards to database.yml being in version control? My dilema: I set up my rails app in svn using these instructions: The part to note is where I ignore database.yml, allowing different developers to keep their own database.yml without clobbering other developers'' files.
2006 Oct 03
Capistrano and Uploaded Documents
I have an application I''m working on which allows me to upload files. The files are stored somewhere in the public directory so that they can be accessed directly. When I deploy an update with Capistrano, I ''lose'' the files because of the current symlink points to the new checked out version. Before I start working on a solution, has anyone else already solved this
2006 Jan 12
url_for in tests
Hi there, I''ve added an extra bunch of testing features for doing in-browser testing with Selenium, and am having quite a time figuring out how to use url_for with having a controller object present. I''ve tried using ActionController::Base.url_for and ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper.url_for but haven''t been able to get something that works. What I want to be able
2006 Apr 18
Capistrano from windows to linux.
There seems to be a bug when deploying a rails application developed in windows to a linux box. The rake deploy command attempts to run the command "/install/path/current/script/process/reaper" but the files do not have the execute bit set. What can I do to make sure either the execute bit is run or prepend the command with sh or ruby? Thanks.
2007 Apr 09
Errno::EACCES in Controller / Permission denied
Hello, I did a seemingly smooth install of ferret, but when I try to add it to my model, I get an error. My info: My rails site: shelikes (a restaurant review site) My controller: Display My model: Review My only line of code added for ferret is: class Review < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret ...( more stuff not related )... end Below is the error information. Any thoughts on how
2007 Nov 11
Reducing dependency on remote ferret process
Hi. We use FerretDrb for search. If the ferret process is down, our entire application comes down the moment we try to save a model which is indexed. Is there a way to decouple this relationship such that we can somehow resume normal operations despite ferret being down and not index the model? Thanks. Morten
2006 Jul 06
Capistrano deployment questions == Best practice type ones
Hi everyone, I''ve been sold on the whole idea of using Capistrano for deployment of my sites and have successfully deployed three apps in three different environments all with success. As I''m trying to configure my sites I''ve encountered a number of issues/questions hence this post. 1. Database.yml Twice I''ve been stumped by apps refusing to work on
2006 Jul 27
Dreamhost working deploy.rb? Can anyone post/send me a copy?
Hi, Just trying to get Capistrano working to Dreamhost. I''m hitting a permissions issue on the reaper file at the moment. Has anyone a copy of the capistrano DEPLOY.RB file they could post or send me a copy of please? Thanks Greg -- Posted via
2006 May 18
capistrano and Dreamhost issue
Hi, i''m striving to capistranize a foo app on DH. Everything is hosted on DH to simplify a bit : - svn repository (http access) - the application - the DB I used the recipe of Jamis Buck modified by Geoffrey Grosenbach which you can find here : I did the least modifications possible. As recommended. 1) When I launch the
2007 Sep 13
refreshing indexes?
I am new to ferret and am just reading about it in the O''reilly shortcuts as well as other web resources. My app is a Rails app and so I am looking into acts_as_ferret as well. There are some questions for which I couldn''t find answers in the material I have read so far so I''d appreciate any help on these from the list. A bit of a background. My app will have 10,000 -
2006 May 14
Configuring Capistrano For Local To Remote Deployment
How does one configure capistrano for moving local file to your remote server? In the docs it says that one cannot use file:// so what''s the configuration step for resolving this issue? Thanks in advance, -Conrad -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2008 May 05
Deploying to a staging server using Capistrano: how to start up BackgrounDRb?
Hi. I am using BackgrounDRb to process thumbnails and upload to S3 - things are hunky-dory in development (thumbs are generated, these are uploaded to S3, the metadata is saved to trhe DB, and I get a nice status page updated by periodic calls via ask_status), but when I tried to deploy to our staging server and stop/start BackgrounDRb via Capistrano, things blew up - well, not exactly,
2006 Mar 03
has_one :next - invalid name?
I have this in a model: has_one :next, :class_name=>''WorkPart'', :foreign_key=>''next_id'' And it causes this error: compile error /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.13.1/lib/active_record/deprecated_associations.rb:83: void value expression
2006 Jan 25
Using ''GET''-method in Forms
Hi all, I''m using a selection-list / dropdown-list to choose an element in a number of grouped elements. Is there a way of passing an element_id to the form AND using the HTTP-''get''-method? I found that the <% start_tag %> has a :method-switch as an option, but it passes the arguments on like "/controller/action/?action=1". I would need something like
2006 Feb 14
Escaping the AJAX View
I have a login form, in which I use a "form_remote_tag". I''m redirecting users to this form when they fail authentication as well... and using the "jumpto" method of capturing they original URL they requested via request.parameters, and redirecting to this URL after they authenticate. Problem is, if I try to do a "redirect_to", this won''t work, as