similar to: Problems monitoring Mongrel with F5 BigIP

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 12000 matches similar to: "Problems monitoring Mongrel with F5 BigIP"

2007 Feb 27
Mongrel performing only half as fast as Apache?
I''m trying to do some initial benchmarking of our setup, mainly just to establish baselines. I''m essentially using the process Zed outlines in a previous message: What I''m running into is that Mongrel appears only half as fast as Apache when serving a small static HTML file. If I then add in Apache with
2011 Nov 18
BigIP and Puppet
Has anyone successfully puppetized BigIP (F5)? I''m specifically trying to figure out a path in making our BigIP instances be under puppet so all the VIPs, pools, profiles, etc. are all under puppet control. My requirements are probably going to be fulfilled even with just uploading a rules file if a delta''s detected. The main issue I have now is figuring out when to reload the
2013 Feb 06
Puppet F5 module
Hi, following this<>tutorial, I finally made it till the part where I see the SSL cert request from my f5 load balancer. Then I signed it and configured in nodes.pp the same pool and irule as suggested in the tutorial. BUT when I run on the proxy: # puppet device --deviceconf
2006 Feb 03
Re: [Serusers] high-availibility setup using f5 bigip
I think that the range of this question is too large. You should tell us what your scenario is. And tell us more about your configurations. 2006/2/2, Jack Wei <>: > hi, > > I'm trying to set up 2 SER and 2 Asterisks boxes using a bigip switch to do > load-balancing. I'm using Asterisk as a voicemail application only and have > successfully
2012 Jul 07
how to scale puppet with F5 load balancer?
How can I configure F5 load balancer to be infront of multiple puppet masters? The SSL will break as the server name if different, hostname of the VIP on the LB vs hostnames of each masters, right? Can you shed some light? Thanks. -- Hai Tao -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to
2007 Aug 19
Possible memory leak problem...
I''m trying to figure out a possible memory leak problem I have in my application. I''ve tested both with mongrel and webrick and the problem remains. So I think it''s not a mongrel problem, but I''m posting here to see if anybody can help me. The RAILS application is quite simple, no special plugins ( no RMagick that has the memory problem ),
2015 Jan 30
Upstart script for Poolmon
Hi My servers are Ubuntu 14.04 and I'm needing to make a Upstart script for Poolmon. Does someone already made this and could to share with us ? Thanks! -- Thiago henrique
2005 Oct 28
VLAN tagging problems
We are using Centos behind an F5 Bigip load balancer. The linux box is using bonding and tagged VLAN's Everything works fine except that when traffic is forwarded from the BigIP to the linux box on the VLAN where the web server is running the linux box returns the traffic on the wrong VLAN, It returns traffic on the lowest ordered VLAN. ie. here is a tcpdump on my load balancer showing
2009 Feb 05
squid HA failover?
I'm running a pair of squids as an internal cache for some intermediate data used by a web server farm and currently doing failover by going through an F5 bigip. However, I'd like to avoid the bigip and use heartbeat since there are only two machines. I don't need to sync any content since it is a fast-changing cache and either machine can handle everything. Is it possible to
2006 Sep 21
How do you use Mongrel?
Hey folks, I''m working on the Mongrel book with Zed, and wanted to get some feedback from the core users (this list) about how they use Mongrel. That sounds a bit vague, but I''m interested in hearing things about frustrating problems / workaround, preferred configurations, if you have a particular way you set up / store your config files when developing / deploying an
2013 Jan 09
Puppet & F5 Connection Refused
Hello, when I run on my proxy server: # puppet device --debug --deviceconf /etc/puppet/device/F5-lb-test.conf I get this error: info: starting applying configuration to F5-lb-test at https://operating:operating4lbtest@F5-lb-test/Common debug: Puppet::Device::F5: connecting to F5 device F5-lb-test. debug: Puppet::Device::F5: connecting to partition Common. *err: Can''t load f5 for
2009 Oct 21
"conventional cluster management software"
I saw this in the openfiler thread, and realised it is another major hole in my knowledge What do you all use for clustering, and does it run out-of-the-box with CentOS? My main areas of interest are : - DB clustering (PostgreSQL) - yeah, we're looking at commercial stuff and skytools - web server clustering - Apache on CentOS - storage clustering thanks, -Alan -- ?Don't eat anything
2008 Feb 21
Difference between nginx and mongrel
Hi, I could never find out what''s the difference between nginx and mongrel. All my searches say "nginx is a HTTP server ..." and "Mongrel is a fast HTTP library and server for Ruby....". For me they both mean "...HTTP server...". I kept up with this question for some time till I came across this santence from the guys at Friend for Sale: -----------------
2008 Feb 24
ANNC: qrp - queueing reverse proxy
Hi, I''ve started a new project that uses Mongrel. It basically lets you defer requests to it until other Mongrels in your (Rails) pool becomes free. Rubyforge project page: gems, tarballs and git repo in case they haven''t hit the mirrors yet: I should also add that nginx 0.6.7 or later is required for the
2008 Oct 14
Squid proxy High Availability
Hi all, I am running squid integrated with squidguard.dansguardian,clamav running on single standalone centos 5 server.Also running webmin for managing squid.This Squid is serving for 4000 clients. Since it is serving more users i don't want to take risk by running single server,if there is any single point of failure will cause all of my users to standstill. So i am planned to go for
2007 Oct 27
load balancers and mongrel
We have a load balancer sending requests to one of X boxes and one of N mongrel processes on that box. Since each mongrel processes is multi-threaded but it has a mutex around the section that calls rails, we end up with several requests queued up waiting when they could have gone to another box with a free process. For example, boxA, and boxB. boxA has mongrels 1 through 10 boxB has
2006 Nov 01
Nginx, Mongrel, Proxy and REMOTE_ADDR
I''m using a cluster of mongrels behind an apache 1.3 proxy pass. I''ve been passing the request to pen, which in turn balances the cluster of mongrels. Now, I''d like to be able to use a different server to send the static files created by the rails application, so I tried to replace pen with nginx. Everything seems to work fine except the environment variable REMOTE_ADDR.
2007 Feb 27
Deployement options
After reading the digital shortcut and the documentation on the web site I''m confused. Which one should I use? pen, balance or nginx ? I don''t want to use a behemoth like appache and ssl is not needed so it reduces my choice to those three only.... What are the pros and cons of each? I don''t have much money, so the less ressources I use the better it is for me.... As
2008 Jan 03
deployment survey
Hello Mongrels, Building on the last messages about Fastthread, can we get a detailed survey of the different ways people are deploying their applications? It will help with near-future Mongrel development. Please include the following things: * Framework, if any (Camping, Merb, Rails, Nitro, Ramaze, IOWA, Rack...) * Mongrel version * Mongrel handlers used (rails, dirhandler, camping,
2007 Jan 26
Most reliable setup for mongrel
I''m looking for the most reliable setup for Mongrel. Reliable meaning avoiding things like sending too many requests to a single mongrel process, or sending requests to a mongrel process that has hung for some reason. The handler will most likely be rails, but it might be a custom handler. SSL is also a requirement, which limits the options a bit but it can''t be done away