similar to: "No such file or directory - script" Error on Model.rebuild

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: ""No such file or directory - script" Error on Model.rebuild"

2007 Sep 03
MySQL has gone away
Hi, in a production environment we are running into "MySQL server has gone away" errors (see below) when we call rebuild_index in aaf. This happens sporadically. Any suggestions for what might be wrong or workarounds? I guess we try a reconnect before we call rebuild_index? Matthew ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql::Error: MySQL server has gone away: SELECT count(*) AS
2007 Apr 18
stack level too deep for method missing when using drb
I set up ferret and it''s running fine normally. Now I want to hook up the backgroundrb server. However whenever I try to do a search, I get this error: (druby://localhost:9010) /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:1075:in `method_missing'' (druby://localhost:9010) ./vendor/plugins/acts_as_ferret/lib/remote_index.rb:20:in `find_id_by_contents'' (druby://localhost:9010)
2007 Oct 03
The ferret logs
Hi. We''ve had some problems with ferret not being able to load our classes (stack trace below for the curious). I nailed it down to a deployment issue, where an old instance of ferret drb was running. I don''t understand the details quite yet, but the result was the the old ferret was never shutdown during redeployment, and attempts were made to start up a new one. Anywho,
2007 Nov 11
undefined method `add''
We''ve been running into problems with ferret indexing lately. The problem is intermittent and some times it persists. Just got this after wiping the index and redeploying: NoMethodError (undefined method `add'' for Solution:Class): (druby:// /data/releases/20071111152414/vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:1238:in `method_missing''
2008 Jan 21
Rails app cannot connect to Ferret server
I have installet the Ferret gem v. 0.11.6 and the latest acts_as_ferret plugin from svn:// I''ve followed the instructions here to set up the server, and put acts_as_ferret :remote => true on one of my models (Ad) I can also start the ferret_server, but when
2007 Apr 03
Inifinite loop problem with DRb server
Hi all, We''re attempting to use Ferret with the DRb server at the moment, and it doesn''t work, at all... = Executive Summary The DRb server process keeps on calling the remote index to the DRb server process... Which means DRb is calling itself, and itself, and itself, until Ruby kills the Thread with a SystemStackLevel error. = The excruciating details... # Mongrel is
2007 Aug 30
Method missing error after switching to DRB
I am getting these errors after switchign to dRb: It is trying to call ''add'' on MY SourceListing class, not extended with the ferret indexing methods. Any ideas on where to fix this? I''m combing through the code now. no luck, trying to call class method instead ferret server error undefined method `add'' for SourceListing:Class
2007 Nov 05
Partial Class Definition if Ferret Server Not Running
When using a remote ferret server, if the ferret server is not running the acts_as_ferret class method will raise an exception. This causes the model class to only be partially defined, and therefore all use of that class in the rails application will explode until the rails process is restarted. This stems from the fact that ensure_index_exists is called on the server just before the
2007 Apr 01
strange behavior after switching to DRb server
After switching to the DRb server, I am experiencing strange behavior when sorting on score. My app was working as expected before the switch. Both before and after the switch, my app sorts properly on other fields, such as date. For sorting on score, I am using the following option find_by_contents option: :sort => Ferret::Search::SortField::SCORE Before switching to DRb, this worked
2007 Apr 04
Please help with Drb server
The Problem: The application is using the AAF plugin. When I attempt to rebuild the index on the production server from the console, I get the following error: ------ DRb::DRbConnError: druby:// - #<Errno::ETIMEDOUT: Connection timed out - connect(2)> from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:736:in `open'' from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:729:in
2007 Jul 04
problems after gem update
Hi, I had ferret working wonderfully but i am regretting doing a gem update today. I had alot of trouble first installing it and was really happy to have it working. The upgrade was from 0.3.1 to 0.4.0. The problem is; in the rails console, >> @results = Book.find_by_contents("peter pan") => #<ActsAsFerret::SearchResults:0x487040c @total_hits=0, @results=[]> Its indexing
2007 Nov 10
Ferret-talk Digest, Vol 25, Issue 3
Thanks Stuart. I thought I had read somewhere that rebuild_index built the index in a different location and then swapped it, but after looking at the code (in local_index.rb) this doesn''t appear to be the case. That might explain why the ferret server crashes sometimes when a search takes place during a reindex. I wouldn''t be doing exactly the same thing as this but
2007 Jun 28
ThreadError from DRb server
Hi there, I''ve just started using aaf for searching and it''s running well apart from one error I received: A ThreadError occurred in person#search: current thread not owner (druby:/localhost:9010) /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/monitor.rb:274:in `mon_check_owner'' (druby:/localhost:9010) /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/monitor.rb:274:in `mon_check_owner''
2007 Apr 01
rebuild_index fails on some models using aaf
I''ve been running the super latest AAF plugin with a mongrel cluster/ferret_server combo smoothly for a few days in production mode, indexing 4 models with no surprises. Only now when I try including some new Models to be indexed, the ferret_server fails to index with ferret server error undefined method `_'' for Summary:Class (it creates the dir on index/production, tho) and
2007 Jun 28
DRb server crashing
I''m having a problem where the DRb server seems to be disappearing (crashing?) and I don''t know how to track down the cause or work around the problem. Unfortunately I haven''t found a way to reproduce the problem, but it seems to happen fairly often (maybe once a day). Other then that ferret seems to be working well. I can''t seem to find any trace of the
2007 Mar 31
Problem with setting up remote indexing
Hello, I have been trying to set up the remote indexing for acts_as_ferret and followed the guide here: I added :remote => true to my models and then specified host and port for the production environment. After defining the host/port for production, I tried to run my development server and received the following error:
2007 Nov 13
acts_as_ferret : cannot use a customized Analyzer (as indicated in the AdvancedUsageNotes)
Hi all, I cannot make aaf (rev. 220) use my custom analyzer, despite following the indications @ To pinpoint the problem, I created a model + a simple analyzer with 2 stop words : "fax" and "gsm". test 1 : model.rebuild_index + model.find_by_contents("fax") # fax is a stop word. => I get a
2007 Apr 07
Constant 0.11.4 Errors
Folks, Since upgrading to ferret 0.11.4 on Mac OS X Tiger, I''ve been running into constant crashes when running my Rails tests. Here''s an example of the output. -- snip -- 1) Error: test_published_blog_can_be_ferreted(BlogTest): Ferret::FileNotFoundError: File Not Found Error occured at <except.c>:117 in xpop_context Error occured in fs_store.c:329 - fs_open_input
2008 Jan 10
Error on manual indexing
I''m having some problems with getting the drb server to work correctly on my production server. As a workaround I tried disabling automatic indexing and have a cron job manually update the index every hour or so. I disabled the automatic indexing with: def ferret_enabled? false end But whenever I try Page.rebuild_index I get a ''wrong number of arguments''
2009 Feb 12
"Max pool size" - connection error
On our server, which is nginx with an 8-mongrel cluster, and a ferret_server for searching, we get an intermittent error when doing ferret searches - always on the same index (for the User class). I don''t know why it''s always this same index - it''s smaller, with less indexed fields, then some of the other indexes, and is generally unremarkable. When the error occurs, i