Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Help with Many-To-Many insert"
2006 Mar 02
Select from Many to Many
Here is what I have:
<select id="resource_core_content_ids"
name="resource[core_content_ids][]" size="15" style="width: 200px;"
<% @core_contents.each do |c| %>
<option value="<%= c.id %>" <% if @resource.core_contents.include?
(c) %>
2006 Mar 04
Get ID after save
This is simple (I am sure) but how do you get the id of the inserted
element after the element has been save?
I thought it was something like this:
@product = Product.new(params[:product]
if @product.save
add_image(product.id, params["image"])
flash[:notice] = ''Product was successfully created.''
redirect_to :action => ''list_products''
2006 Feb 17
Why doesn''t this work!
I have this in my controller...
@tech_standards = TechStandard.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM tech_standards
WHERE subpoint <> 0")
Everything is fine except when I look at my view I still get supoints
that are 0. When I run this query in my query browser I don''t.
<select name="resource[tech_standard]" id="tech_standard">
2006 Feb 21
Validation issues
I have a form. Everything submits into the database if I don''t have any
validation rules. When I put these rules:
validates_uniqueness_of :title, :message => "already exists in
validates_presence_of :title
I get this error (which seems weird because I am not validating against
You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it!
2006 Mar 16
ACLSystem and session variables
I am using the ACL System that is described on the Rails wiki and I have
a quick question. I want to set the "role" as a session variable so
that I can display certain navigation schemes and I was doing it like
@session[:user][:role] = @user.roles
When I print out this variable I get:
How can I turn this into a readable value? I tried .to_i
2006 May 30
Hide parent element
I have some code that calls a partial to display one or more blocks
within a div tag. I want to have a close button (or cancel link) that
will fade that block but leave the others. Here is the code:
<%= link_to_remote "Add Miscellaneous Link", :url => { :action =>
:add_iyc_link } %>
page.insert_html :bottom, ''links'', :partial
2006 Feb 21
Error, got String?
I am getting this error.
ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch in Resources#create
Focus expected, got String
I have a select menu named resource[focus]. My focus (belongs_to
:resources) table has a one-to-many relationship with the resources
(has_one :focus) table (A resource will have only one focus but one
focus will have many resources). I assume this error means that the
focus is
2006 Apr 10
Fix log files
What is the code I include in one of my files so that my log files are
easier to read? I am using Windows.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2006 Mar 17
OT: Subversion folder cleanup
How do you clean up your app folder to place onto the server? I want to
get rid of all the .svn stuff.
Seth Buntin
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2006 Mar 10
installing rails 1.0 on Windows
I ran the gem installer and it seemed to work, but i believe i''m still using
an older version. How can i tell what version I''m really using?
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2006 May 04
windows / migration issues
Running latest rails, etc on windows xp.
I can''t use "rake migrate" to migrate to latest version. I NEED to
specify, i.e. "rake migrate VERSION=11" for things to work
plain ''ol "rake migrate" never makes it to the latest version. no
errors, she just stops short of the latest version.
hasn''t been a problem until now --
2006 Feb 16
Observer two fields?
Can I observer two fields? I have a select menu for subject level and a
select menu for content area and I wasn''t to get all fields from a table
that correlate to that
@cores = CoreContent.find(:all, :condition => "subject =
''@params[resource_subject_id]'' and level =
Seth Buntin
Web Resources
2006 Feb 23
Sending parameters for filtering
I have a many-to-many table I have standards that I want to assign to
resources. In my form I have spit the form into two pages. The first
page gets most of the information about the resource and stuff and I
want it to send two parameters to the next page so I can "filter" out
some of the standards.
I have this:
@resource = Resource.new(params[:resource])
2006 Feb 27
DB error
I am getting this error:
Mysql::Error: Field ''core_contents_id'' doesn''t have a default value:
INSERT INTO core_contents_resources () VALUES ()
When I try to insert records into a many-to-many table. Can anyone tell
me why?
Seth Buntin
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2006 Feb 10
RoR, Apache 2, FastCGI
I have everything working and I am really excited about learning Ruby
and Rails. But whenever I access my different defs in my controller it
takes ~ 5 seconds before they are returned. I am working locally so I
don''t know what the issue is.
System Details:
Windows XP
Apache 2.0.55
Ruby 1.8.2
Rails 1.0
Seth Buntin
Web Resources Coordinator
Kentucky Academy of Technology
2006 Feb 13
I have this:
<%= @tech_standard.category + " " + @tech_standard.point + "." +
@tech_standard.subpoint %>
I get this error:
cannot convert Fixnum into String
point and subpoint are number.
How do I concatenate those values?
Seth Buntin
Web Resources Coordinator
Kentucky Academy of Technology Education
Murray State University
2006 Feb 17
Would I use a helper for this situation?
I have a layout that is used over two controllers (admin and login).
Each controller has their own navigation. Can I do something like this?
<%= getNavigation("admin") %> or <%= getNavigation("login") %>
And return the navigation list depending on the string sent?
Seth Buntin
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2006 Feb 21
Select error
This code:
<label for="resource_type">Type</label><br/>
<%= select(:resource, :type, %w{ Web Data }, { :include_blank => true
}) %>
Produces this error:
TypeError in Resources#new
Showing app/views/resources/_form.rhtml where line #6 raised:
wrong argument type String (expected Module)
Extracted source (around line
2006 Feb 15
Applying list-item format depending on action
What would be the best way to do this? I have a list and I want one
item to be underlined (depending on the action that I am on). Do I?:
Have a bunch of if statements:
if :controller => ''admin'', :action => ''list''
<li id="current">Pages</li>
What do you think? Is there a
2006 Feb 22
Select menu validation
Is there a trick to validating select menus? I have this rule:
validates_presence_of :title, :type
:title is a text box and validates correctly but :type doesn''t:
<label for="resource_type">Type</label><br/>
<select name="resource[type]" id="resource_type">
<option value=""