similar to: SwitchTower deployment has errors with different :db server

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "SwitchTower deployment has errors with different :db server"

2006 Jan 04
SwitchTower deployment
I''ve been trying to configure SwitchTower to perform deployment of my app to a Dreamhost server. I can run rake remote_exec ACTION=setup just fine but rake deploy keeps giving me errors when its checking out the latest revision from the Subversion repository on the same Dreamhost server. It displays errors like this: loading configuration c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/switchtower-0.1
2006 Feb 21
SwitchTower 1.0.1, SwitchTower Extensions
SwitchTower is a utility that can execute commands in parallel on multiple servers. It allows you to define tasks, which can include commands that are executed on the servers. You can also define roles for your servers, and then specify that certain tasks apply only to certain roles. Manual: Project:
2005 Dec 22
How to specify SwitchTower SSH port
Hi ! Following Ezra's suggestions on, I changed the port sshd listens to. I'm trying to setup SwitchTower, and I don't know how to set the port. Where should that be configured ? I can't see anything in switchtower.rake, nor can I see it in the source. If this already exists, can anybody point me to documentation. If not, can I get any
2006 Jan 27
Switchtower deploy error
I''m trying to deploy a rails app with no success. I can execute: ''rake remote_exec ACTION=setup'' but when I try to execute : ''rake deploy'' I got this error: loading configuration c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/switchtower-0.10.0 /lib/switchtower/recipes/standard.rb loading configuration ./config/deploy.rb executing task deploy transaction: start
2006 Feb 07
Switchtower not working due to openssl not found
I''m struggling to get switchtower working, and from other posts about it I know it has something to do with ruby binding to open ssl. I''m just not sure what I should recompile/reinstall to get things to work. running: "rake remote_exec ACTION=setup" gives me ---> ...executing "mkdir -p -m 775 /usr/apps/hello-rails/releases /usr/apps/hello-rails/shared/system
2006 Feb 19
SwitchTower 1.0.0
SwitchTower is a utility that can execute commands in parallel on multiple servers. It allows you to define tasks, which can include commands that are executed on the servers. You can also define roles for your servers, and then specify that certain tasks apply only to certain roles. Manual: Project:
2006 Jan 19
Switchtower isn''t restarting lighttpd
I''ve got switchtower set up, and it seems to work fine except for one problem: It doesn''t successfully restart lighttpd. I have the following task in my deploy.rb file: desc "Restart the web server" task :restart, :roles => :app do sudo "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ restart" end This is on a FreeBSD system, so it''s using the rc script to
2006 Feb 01
Switchtower Error
This is my deploy file set :application, "varcasa stage" set :repository, "file:///c:/svnrepo/thenali/trunk" # ============================================================================= # ROLES # ============================================================================= # You can define any number of roles, each of which contains any number of # machines. Roles might
2006 Jan 17
Switchtower & OpenSSL
I''ve been deploying local applications into production (both linux boxes) with Switchtower, and I''ve had no problems, until now. I just tried doing a "rake deploy", and I get this error: ============ [update_code] exception while rolling back: NameError, uninitialized constant OSSL rake aborted! no such file to load -- openssl ============ Now, on both the production
2006 Jan 05
Switchtower for distribution?
I am just about to dive into Switchtower, but had a thought (go figure?). Could Switchtower use be inverted? Could user, clients, or customers install switchtower and "pull" applications? Just a thought. -- Posted via
2006 Feb 19
Switchtower - unitialized constant
Just loaded up Switchtower 1.0 today, via gems. I''m on OS X (10.4.5), with ruby and friends installed via darwinports in opt/local. After installing ST, I switchtowerized my app, set up the deploy recipe, then ran: rake remote_exec ACTION=setup When I do, i get this error: rake aborted! uninitialized constant SwitchTower Obviously, this happens with any of the tasks in ST (like
2006 Jan 26
Switchtower Port Issues
Hi there, I''m having some difficulties finding some decent info on getting Switchtower to function for my needs. I''ve read most of the Switchtower doc on, however it''s not answering some potent questions I have. 1. The doc mentions, as an example, using an SVN repos at What if I
2006 Feb 01
Trouble with migrate over Switchtower
>From my blog: wer/ > Lately though I?ve run into an issue > trying to run migrations over Switchtower. > So I?ll prepare a migration and commit it to the repository. I?ll then do a > deploy to get the latest version up on the production server. Next, I?ll run > the following to tell the production
2005 Dec 22
Does Switchtower support svn+ssh://
All the examples I''ve seen have the SSH repository accessed via http:// Does Switchtower support svn+ssh:// URLs? Jake -- Posted via
2006 Jan 24
SwitchTower and multiple database.yml files - how do you deal with them?
Hi everyone, What are other people doing with regards to database.yml being in version control? My dilema: I set up my rails app in svn using these instructions: The part to note is where I ignore database.yml, allowing different developers to keep their own database.yml without clobbering other developers'' files.
2005 Dec 16
Switchtower for production?
Hello, The company that I work for will be developing a large webbased survey (for a government institution) somewhere in Q1/Q2 of 2006. I''m investigating the technological possibilities and Rails is certainly a candidate. The survey application will have to perform under very high peak load, and the exact specifications of the hardware are not known at this point. I''m assuming
2005 Nov 07
Switchtower deployment
Hi, Has anyone experiences using SwitchTower (Windows) in a shared hosting environment (Textdrive)? I already patched the SwitchTower rake tasks (I don''t know if someone is interested on it), but i still experience some problems (not in the sudoers list, ...). Thank you for answer (and thank you to the textdrive guys, i never had a such fast support!) -- Jean-Etienne Durand
2006 Feb 28
SwitchTower rake deply failure on DreamHost
I''ve been following some tutorials on how to get switchtower working on dreamhost. I got the setup to work just fine, but the rake deploy doesn''t work. I get the following error. any ideas? ---------------------------------------------- > rake deploy (in /home/.interim/i8ramin/work/ loading configuration
2006 Mar 27
Capistrano deployment issues under Ubuntu Dapper
I''ve recently upgraded my box from Ubuntu Breezy to Dapper, and for the life of me can''t figure out why I''m getting this exception thrown. I''ve switched from Switchtower to Capistrano, and when I run rake deploy I get this output: ** [update_code] exception while rolling back: NameError, uninitialized constant Net::SSH::Transport::OSSL
2006 Mar 06
Capistrano 1.1
Capistrano is a utility for executing tasks in parallel across multiple remote hosts. It was formerly known as SwitchTower. Installation: gem install capistrano Manual: Version 1.1 introduces a few changes: * Renamed! Due to the trademark infringement debacle of last week, we had to change the name. Moving forward it will be known as