similar to: fedora configuration with ruby on rails

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "fedora configuration with ruby on rails"

2006 Feb 26
Ruby on Rails and Fedora Core 4
I have noticed a couple of weird things going on with our code and it running completely different (causing errors where they weren''t before) between our dev environment and a new staging environment that we are setting up. My dev environment is a PowerBook running everything current except for edge rails. Our staging envronment is Fedora Core 4 Ruby 1.8.4 installed via yum
2006 Apr 30
Ruby and Rails on Linux
Hi! 1. I want to install Ruby and Rails on Red Hat... Any RPM available... 2. I am not able to install Fast CGI gem in windows environment... with Lighty.. I am getting following error: Pl. guide me to correct this error... Thanks Siva. C:\>gem install fcgi Attempting local installation of ''fcgi'' Local gem file not found: fcgi*.gem Attempting remote installation of
2007 May 08
Can't get Ruby on Rails with Apache and FastCGI
Hi! Environment ========= Solaris 10 Apache 2.2.0 with fcgid_module Ruby 1.8.4 Rails 1.2.3 I am trying to get FastCGI working. Initially I used "dispatch.cgi" successfully but when I switched to "dispatch.fcgi" I get ==================================================== Application error Rails application failed to start properly
2005 Jul 28
Rails+Apache 2+FastCGI on Fedora Core 3 Linux: Has anyone got it working well?
Hi All, I have a Rails application that needs to be served from a Fedora Core 3 Linux server. The application runs well as a "plain" CGI application. My next step was to speed things up with FastCGI installed via "gem install fcgi". (version That approach lead to this error in the fastcgi.crash.log: Dispatcher failed to catch: undefined method
2006 Jun 01
Ruby on Rails strange issue
Hello, I just installed Ruby on Rails and created the new repository. I wanted to use Ruby on Rails with FCGI The repository was created in /path/to/public_html ls /path/to/public_html/ : app cgi-bin config doc log public README script tmp asd components db lib logo.jpg Rakefile README_LOGIN test vendor I installed fcgi support for ruby on rails and
2009 Aug 12
XaMp Studio edition won't play XM Radio on Ubuntu 9.04
XaMp studio is the coolest stand-alone player for XM Radio's XM Radio Online service (XMRO). It installs just fine. It loads just fine and logs into XM Radio and displays the channel list fine too. But when you hit play, it gets a "Stream Error: 1001" error message. I sure would like to get this working. I have converted from Windows XP to Ubuntu and really
2008 Jan 05
Error! Ruby on Rails based on FastCGI, Hello world !
Hey, I try to do my first steps in Ruby, and designed an "Hello World!" Application. Now I want to install this Application on an Apache server. I copied it to the "/public_html/" Directory here: (the application is called "rubyapp") I ran and get an Error. So I looked
2006 Jul 14
Rails Lighttpd Issue on Fedora
Hi guys, I''m here again with a problem. I have a rails app called brewed. It''s located /home/user/brewed. My lighttpd.conf is located at /home/user/lighty. When I execute lighty on port 80 with: /usr/local/sbin/lighttpd -f /home/user/lighty/lighttpd.conf rails seems to work fine. If I type on my browser, the page comes out well. I have my files
2006 Feb 22
Ruby on Rails with Apache2, MS SQL on Windows XP
My app was running fine with Linux, Apache2/Lighttpd and MySQL. I have a need to migrate to Windows, Apache2 and MS SQL. But I keep getting the following error when I load the initial home page. Anyone can please give me a pointer where to go next for troubleshooting? Thanks in advance. NameError in <controller not set>#<action not set> uninitialized constant
2006 Apr 14
Which Ruby is my Rails using?
I just noticed something. I''m running OS X and I''ve installed/updated Ruby to 1.8.4 using the HiveLogic instructions. In generating a new app, I noticed that the dispatch.cgi, dispatch.fcgi and dispatch.rb all start with: #!/usr/bin/ruby and not #!/usr/bin/env ruby The script/server file does use ''env''. Now, how will this impact how Rails is run? Will it
2006 Nov 09
Apache configuration
i TRY TO CONFIGURE APACHE FOR RUBY ON RAILS ON UNIX. BY THE FOLLOWING WAYl: Install FastCGI 1. wget 2. gunzip fcgi-2.4.0.tar.gz 3. tar -xvf fcgi-2.4.0.tar 4. cd fcgi-2.4.0 5. ./configure 6. make 7. make install 8. cd ../ Install mod_fcgid 1. cd ~ 2. wget 3. gunzip
2007 Nov 14
Best practice Ruby on Rails on Windows configuration
Hi, I have read many articles on the net today about configuring Ruby on Rails on a Windows server. But there doesn''t seem to a one solution for all on how to configure a new Ruby on Rails server. So I can use some advise with this. I am using a Windows 2003 server and don''t get many request a day. But most of the request are quite heavy. The main focus is on optimizing the
2005 Dec 28
Probs installing ruby-fcgi on Linux
Hi. I''ve installed fcgi 2.4.0 on a CentOS 4.2 box without problems using: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/fcgi --exec-prefix=/usr/local/fcgi make && make install When I try to install ruby-fcgi bindings I get the following: [root@machine ruby-fcgi-0.8.6]# ruby install.rb config -- --with-fcgi-lib=/usr/local/fcgi/lib --with-fcgi-include=/usr/local/fcgi/include install.rb:
2004 Nov 18
Ruby 1.8.2 breaks dispatch.fcgi
Hi, dispatch.fcgi does: require ''fcgi'' FCGI.each_cgi { |cgi| Dispatcher.dispatch(... Because each_cgi is only in fcgi.rb, this is dependant on finding fcgi.rb first. Rub 1.8.2 shows the following $LOAD_PATH /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-linux-gnu /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/i686-linux-gnu /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8 /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/i686-linux /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby
2007 Dec 21
config Rails .htaccess
Hello, newbie here please help I have developed my Rails site under Now I want to map it to use, what should i change to this .htaccess file =============== Content of my .htaccess file under public directory ============ # General Apache options AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi AddHandler cgi-script .cgi Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI # If you
2006 Mar 23
Lighttpd Configuration Problems
Hey Folks! I''ve got a Fedora Core 4 machine that I''m installing Ruby on Rails on, following this set of instructions: Everything has gone well up until I get to the part about configuring lighttpd to use virtual hosts. Here''s the chunk of code I''ve got in my config file that appears to be the culprit.
2006 Mar 28
Ruby 1.8.4 broke my Rails 1.1
I''ve been running edge_rails on ruby 1.8.2 for a while pretty successfully. Today, I decided to unfreeze_rails, install the new gem for 1.1 and then while I was at it, upgrade to Ruby 1.8.4. I did the whole configure, make, make test, make install. When I fired up rails, I started getting all sorts of errors:
2009 Aug 21
Rails installation does not work on windows
Hi, i wanted to upgrade my rails installation that worked for quite a while. So i did the obvious gem install rails but the fcgi gem fails with an error message Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError) ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. ruby extconf.rb install rails checking for fcgiapp.h... no
2006 Aug 26
LiteSpeed Web Server 2.2 with Ruby Rails integration....
Fellow Rail users and developers, Right now the easiest way to run Rails is in combination with Mongrel. However, it may not be a good idea to expose Mongrel directly to the outside world in a high-load production environment. In-addition, Mongrel_cluster + proxy + load balancer have to be used even for a single server deployment making the unified setup more complicated than needs be.
2005 Dec 17
[rails|fcgi bug] Rails app not responding
Hello, I really can't say if it's rails or fastcgi related, but sometimes rails is not responding. See some output from ./script/process/reaper: ./script/process/reaper Restarting [22804] /usr/local/bin/ruby18 /usr/home/www/public/dispatch.fcgi Restarting [22806] /usr/local/bin/ruby18 /usr/home/www/public/dispatch.fcgi Restarting [22807] /usr/local/bin/ruby18