similar to: TimeStamp conversion

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "TimeStamp conversion"

2012 Jun 21
where do I report this DateTime bug?
I have isolated what appears to be a bug in the Rails extensions to DateTime, but I don''t know where to report it. I have a standalone file to demonstrate the bug, but the punch line is that this code: TestRecord.create!(:f_datetime => (expected = DateTime.jd(2000000))) found = TestRecord.first.f_datetime puts("expected == found => #{expected == found}")
2006 Mar 23
Custom date format
Hi, I''ve followed these directions : It seems pretty straightforward but obviously it doesn''t work for me... article.date_edited.to_formatted_s(:my_format_1) produce a default formatted date, not the one I''ve defined in environment.rb : ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Date::Conversions::DATE_FORMATS.merge!(
2006 Mar 14
How to provide 2 actions to a form?
Hi, I have a form in rhtml. Now I have 2 buttons indside that form. Clicking on the first button action will be ''create'' & on second button action will be ''delete''. How to do this? Thanx Prash -- Posted via
2006 Jun 08
datetime fixture format for Mysql 5.0
Hi All: I develop on several machines, most have Mysql 4.* and one has Mysql 5.0. On 4.*, the following erb for a fixture works fine: updated_at: <%= 1.days.ago.to_s:db%> But fails on 5.0. I had a similar deal when I had date fixtures, and switched forrmats so that both 4.* and 5.0 were happy. is there to_s:db_works_for_mysql_50() ? or similar? Thanks Forrest
2006 Feb 27
How can i use the submit_tag method (from: actionView::FormTagHelper) to create various submit buttons and chose the right action in accord to the button that i pushed? -- Posted via
2006 Apr 29
Multiple actions from one form - possible?
Hello * Obviously the rhtml below does not work, but it should be apparent what I try to achieve - I would like to give the user the choice to submit a form either to action1 or action2 but I cannot figure out how?! It would be great if someone could give some assistance. Thanks a lot, Alex <%= start_form_tag :action1 => ''save'', :action2 =>
2006 Jan 04
date conversion
I have the date saved in a database in the following format ''20060102170020''. How do I go about converting the date in the format of January, 01, 1901? I searched all over and found something similiar using ''to_formatted_s''. However I only found support for converting month to a three letter format (e.g. ''Jan''). Is there an eaiser way?
2006 Jul 10
Formatting of dates in a text_field
When displaying a date field using a text_field object, is it possible to specify how the date will be formatted? <%= text_field ''item'', ''created_at'', {:class=>"text-input", :size=>18, :disabled=> true} produces 2006-07-07 12:00:00 I would like to reformat it to something like 07/07/2006 12:00pm -- Posted via
2006 Jun 01
How do I get today''s date?
I know this is a simple question, but i just want to put the current day, month, date and year on my website. I still can''t figure out how to read the Rails API. Can anybody help me out? TIA -- Posted via
2006 Apr 24
rails calendar system
Hi, Anyone got some tips on how to design some sort of datagrid/calendar where the columns define a resource and the rows define the date. In the corresponding cells are activities that match the resource and date, ... Thanks! Steven. -- Posted via
2009 Mar 05
before_filter :action_name OR :action_name
Hi there I am wondering if we can use before_filter in the form of :action OR :action what i want to do is to implement one of the actions, if the first failed, then go to the second when i use before_filter :action1 before_filter :action2 each method will run them, my case is that i want to check if one of them is true and not both any idea?
2011 Jan 23
Gentlemen, I have googled, searched the mailing list archives, and even spoke on the IRC channel, but have not found an answer to the following problem. I am attempting to retrieve multiple columns in an ODBC query using ARRAY per the solutions offered by many individuals. My dialplan code is as follows: exten => _.,n,Set(ARRAY(var1,var2,var3)=${ODBC_LOOKUP(${KEYVAL})}) exten =>
2006 Apr 03
render :partial + redirect_to :controller
This is of course disallowed, which I discovered only after nearly completing my spanking new ajaxified UI. What is the motivation behind this, and what is the best workaround? This UI does a scriptaculous drag-and-drop of items from a first div (div1) over to a second div (div2), which triggers the contents of div2 to be updated to reflect the drop. No prob, thus far. But then the
2006 Mar 28
Problem connecting with an SQL Server 2000 database
Hi, I?m working on a rails application that uses data from an existing ms sqlserver 2000 database. Unfortunately I can?t get the connection to work properly. I used to make the connection. - Inserted the ado.rb - Changed my database.yml to development: adapter: sqlserver database: database_name host:
2006 Apr 20
checking date
Radrails created a field for date <%= product.date_available.strftime("%y-%m-%d") %> What does this mean? Should the definition be date or datetime? I tried both and no results Jim -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2004 Jan 21
[Fwd: Re: Comboot Menu]
Thanks for the comment. The next pass for a file format ... ------ FILE BEGINS ----- # Comment lines [menu] item="text to display" status="status line text" action= SUBMENU | INACTIVE | whatever submenu= <number> data="arbitrary string" item="text to display" status="status line text" action= SUBMENU | INACTIVE | RUN | EXIT submenu=
2006 Apr 14
Running through results of find()
Hi, I''ve got a question about the find() method in RoR This is my code: actions=Action.find(:all, :conditions => "ActivityID=''actid''") This should return a list, array, hash, ... ? of Actions. What type of data does find() return? And how do I run through it? I would like to show Action.ActionCode for every action in actions. I tried: for action in
2006 Apr 10
form_remote_tag can only have one submit button?
I setup a form_remote_tag with several submit buttons, all of them share the same name ( ''do_action'' ) and their values differ. eg. button1 named do_action with value ACTION1 button2 named do_action with value ACTION2, etc No matter which button I press the value passed is always the one defined for the first of these buttons ( the correct value associated with the pressed
2006 Jul 02
2 before_filters, only want one to render something
I have two before_filters for a few of my controllers. They are running my own methods authorize and admin_authorize. authorize is called on just about every action to make sure that a user is logged in. admin_authorize is called on about 80% of the actions and is used to make sure that a user is an administrator. If a user tries to access an admin_authorize protected action without being
2006 Jul 11
Aggregate Controllers
Hi, I''m developing a dashboard like page and basically want to combine the result of multiple actions on a page. I''ve done this so far: def index r1 = render_to_string :action => "action1" r2 = render_to_string :action => "action2" render :text => r1+r2 end This works, but now I want to render from other controllers and this is where