similar to: collection_select has_and_belongs_to_many update_attributes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "collection_select has_and_belongs_to_many update_attributes"

2006 May 11
ActiveRecord collection_select and has_and_belongs_to_many
Hello everyone, first post to the list and a relative newbie to Rails development. Done quite a bit of JSP, PHP, HTML, XML etc and thought I would kick the tires on Rails to see if it can speed up development for internal applications. Anyway, I am running into a problem that is just driving me crazy and everything I read on the net doesn''t seem to help. I was hoping someone here might
2006 Aug 17
HABTM and collection_select
Hi, I''m trying to use collection_select with a habtm relationship. Let''s say you have two tables: books and authors with a many-to-many relationship. Is there any way in rails to render something like selection boxes for each author, so that the user can change them? I tried this (and several more variations) but it doesn''t work: <% for @author in @book.authors
2006 Jan 06
HABTM problem not saving all associations
Hello all, I have an Order object that has and belongs to many Products and has and belongs to many Loan Types. This is so I can select multiples of each in my order entry screen via checkbox groups. I''m having some trouble with saving multiple HABTM associations for a single model object; only the first HABTM association declared in the model will save during the initial
2009 May 31
[HELP] pagination w habtm association and authorization plugin...
I am using the proven authorization plugin to defines roles for users, so I can get all groups where a user is ''member'' @groups = current_user.group_memberships I have an habtm association between groups and events class Group < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :events .. class Event < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :groups I am trying to list
2005 Mar 01
has_and_belongs_to_many problem
I''m having a problem with a has_and_belongs_to_many (habtm) association between two models with extra attributes. I''m writing a comic book database, and each issue has many creators on it. Thing is, some creators perform multiple duties. They may write one issue, draw another, etc. However, if I add a creator twice to an issue and try to delete it, it removes both creators:
2012 Jan 30
Reaching into a has_and_belongs_to_many - will :through work?
Hi. I''m hoping somebody can tell me that I''ve just gotten my syntax wrong and I can in fact do what I want to do. I''ve got a Group, and a Group has_many Campaigns. Campaign has_and_belongs_to_many Users (and, naturally, vice versa). So I''ve got a groups table, a campaigns table (that has a group_id), a campaigns_users join table (with campaign_id and
2006 Aug 18
join update seperation?
I have a legacy DB without access to change the user or group table (must use StoredProcedures to edit those). But I do have access to the usergroup join so I thought the joins would be pretty much like my other rails apps where I do HABTM checkboxes. I''ve created a page that just shows habtm checkboxes for the join and the updates are occuring for the join but I''m
2006 Mar 22
HABTM / Dropdown Help Needed
I''m terribly new to Rails, so bear with me. I have an application I am working on which deals with projects and subcontractors. There can be several subs on each project and each sub can work on several projects. I have my join table set up and has_and_belongs_to_many in both models. If I manually put data in the join table, this works in my show view: <% for subcontractor in
2010 Sep 01
Error on update_attributes with HABTM relationship
Hope someone can tell me what''s up, because this has me baffled. I have an Image model, and a Provider model. Both are defined as "has_and_belongs_to_many" relating to each other. In my image form partial, I have a bit of AJAX generating the provider_ids array dynamically from a provider AJAX search on the same page. So for example, each time I click on a provider name that
2006 Jul 16
using collection_select
hello, supposing i have a User class that contains a Wibble class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :wibble end in my view i have <%= collection_select :user, :wibble, Wibble.find(:all), :id, :name %> when i post, i get an error like "Wibble expected, got String" how/where am I supposed to convert this posted wibble_id into a Wibble, or am I using collection_select
2006 Jan 25
Update join_table attributes
I have two ActiveRecord classes that point at each other with a "has_and_belongs_to_many" (habtm) relationship using a join table. The join table has an a few additional columns besides the _id columns. For those of you with the Agile Web Dev w/ Rails book, it''s exactly the same setup as the articles<->articles_users<->users example on p240. The habtm
2006 Jul 05
created_on in HABTM table getting parent dates
All of my HABTM tables receive the parent created_on/last_update_on dates whenever a record is inserted into these join tables. I don''t have any defaults in the database or anything else populating these tables. I assumed rails would populate these automagically. Is there something that needs to be done to get this to populate with the correct current timestamp instead of
2006 Nov 22
has_and_belongs_to_many find with multiple predicates?
Hi, I have a habtm relationship between ''Posts'' and ''Tags'' and am trying to get a list of Posts that have multiple tags. Something like: @posts = Posts.find_posts_with_tag_ids[1, 3, 5] Is this catered for in ActiveRecord or should I write my own SQL statement? Thanks, GiantCranes -- Posted via
2006 Mar 22
Parent-Child Tables Help
can someone help me with this i have a table cars ( id int model_id int make_id int color_id int description text constraint fk_cars_carmake foreign key(make_id) references carmakes(id), constraint fk_cars_carmodel foreign key(model_id) references carmodels(id), constraint fk_cars_color foreign key(color_id) references colors(id) ) carmakes ( id int carmake varchar ) carmodels ( id
2006 Apr 27
collection_select to display 2 fields
I''m trying to get a collection_select generated Drop-down box to display two fields from a table (first name & last name); however, I am having trouble concatenating the symbols. It appears as though any code I put in the 5th argument for collection_select is processed prior to executing the collection_select method. The code executes successfully with 1 symbol in the 5th
2005 Dec 31
habtm recursion via destroy_without_callbacks
I am having a problem with two models that each have a HABTM relationship to the other. For example: CREATE TABLE people (id INT, name TEXT); CREATE TABLE teams (id INT, name TEXT); CREATE TABLE people_teams (person_id INT, team_id INT); The person model has: has_and_belongs_to_many :teams And the team model has: has_and_belongs_to_many :people The trouble comes when trying to destroy
2008 Dec 09
HABTM checkboxes insert but don't delete
I have a problem related with the HABTM relationships with checkboxes. I''ve got a profile and a service model, both related with has_and_belongs_to_many. The problem is that i can insert new data in the profiles_services table, however, i cant delete already existing data. What could be the problem? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message
2006 May 24
Problems validating form with collection_select
I have the following models: class Comandancia < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :elementos end class Elemento < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :comandancia validates_presence_of :nombre, :apellido_paterno, :apellido_materno, :comandancia end In the view for New Elemento I''m using <%= start_form_tag :action => ''create'' %> <%= render :partial =>
2006 Nov 26
concatenate fields in collection_select
Hi, I am filling a collection_select with a list of models references based on a column named "model_ref". <%= collection_select(:assets, :model_id, @models, :id, :model_ref,:prompt => ''- Select a model -'') %></p> I have two issues : 1) I would like to concatenate another column next to the model reference inside the option value with the description
2007 Apr 30
collection_select - prepending a "any" option
Say I have a normal <SELECT> tag being generated thusly: <%= collection_select :task, :id, Task.find(:all), :id, :name %> what is the easiest way to add a "ANY" option to the top of the option list? I know Task.find(:all) returns a collection object, so is there a unshift() for that? well OK I tried: Task.find(:all).unshift([:id=>0,