similar to: render (:action => ''xyz'') in a private controller method

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "render (:action => ''xyz'') in a private controller method"

2006 Apr 17
Does render() have 2 be last statement in controller method?
I have a controller method that is attempting to do a render based on a potential error condition. So I have if (condition) render() else ..other code end ....other code in method Should I expect the render to take place immediately or does the render call not work because it isn''t the last statement in the method? Thanks, Wes -- Posted via
2006 Mar 20
Ajax.Request w/standard redirect doesn''t render
I am doing an Ajax call in my page to a controller method like so: new Ajax.Request(''<%= url_for(:action => "target_list_add" )%>'', { asynchronous:true });" In my controller method "target_list_add", I do something and then I say: redirect_to( :action => ''target_list_upload'', :layout => false ) I know for certain
2006 Mar 20
Best way to organize non-controller logic???
I don''t want to put certain code in my controller because I think it makes things more confusing. What is the best way to manage business logic such that it doesn''t end up in the controller? Basically, where should I put my regular utility classes and backing objects that may not be models? Thanks, Wes -- Posted via
2006 May 10
What is wrong with this initialize method (code example)?
Here is my class: class Document < ActiveRecord::Base public def initialize puts "Called initialize..." super.initialize end This generates the following error: You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of ActiveRecord::Base. The error occured while evaluating nil.initialize WTF? Wes -- Posted via
2006 Jul 06
ERb question: Embedding <%= %> in helper method calls
I had a situation where I wanted to use a <%= %> (scriptlet) in my text_field call to set the "disabled" attribute on the text field, like so: <%= text_field(:current_job, ''removeLinkPos'', :value => '''', :id => ''offset'', :maxlength => 2, :disabled => <%= sometest ? ''true'' :
2006 Jun 27
Can''t call public application.rb method from ERb template
All, I have a left navigation partial that I want to dynamically generate CSS classes for based on the current controller action. In my ERb template, I have <DIV class="<%= get_menu_display_style(''login_form'') %>"> In application.rb, I have the method get_menu_display_style defined as: public def get_menu_display_style(action_requested)
2006 Mar 27
Specify a controller action via attribute in INPUT tag?
I have a pre-existing form with one existing "SUBMIT" tag generated by <%= submit_tag %> I would like to add another <INPUT type="submit" ...> to my form. How do I successfully associate that <INPUT> tag with a different controller action than the default one specified by my <%= start_form_tag %>? Or does this approach even make sense? In RoR, is
2006 Jul 10
rake db:fixtures:load FIXTURES=xyz
I am attempting to do selective fixture loading against my test database. When I run rake db:fixtures:load FIXTURES=DataSetInfo I get no output. (A full trace is below). I''m trying to figure out why nothing happens. 1) Does the command above attempt to operate against my test database? 2) DataSetInfo is the name of my table and the name of my yml file I generated these YAML
2006 Jul 03
text_field doesn''t call overridden ActiveRecord getters
All, In a template, I have <%= text_field :target_list, :DateReceived, { :title => ''uploaded_at'', :class => ''target_list_info'', :disabled => ''true'' } %> Here is the DateReceived method on my
2006 Jul 03
Routing acting strangely - mixed case controller names fail?
All, I have a link that used to work but now generates a routing error. The link URL is a straightforward controller/action/id and of course, I have map.connect '':controller/:action/:id'' in my routes.rb file. When I click on this link, I get a routing error. What''s potentially interesting about this URL is that the controller name is mixed case. Class is
2006 Mar 20
Wrap error_messages_for() call when no instance var present
I am trying to put some smarts around a call to <%= error_messages_for %> so that when I first come into this page i.e. when my instance variable @target_list has not been defined yet, the page doesn''t break. I''m doing this: <% if @target_list? %> <%= error_messages_for ''target_list'' %> <% end %> I get a syntax error on line 1.
2006 Jul 17
Best Practices: Splitting the "view model" from AR model
All, I''m starting to see view state information creeping into my model class. For example, I have text fields in my view that need to be set a certain way depending on whether or not a checkbox is checked. And while the values of these text fields ultimately do represent database columns that are related to the backing AR object, the text_field values also represent attributes on a
2006 May 15
Simple: How to use TextHelper in a controller
I''m having trouble succesfully getting access to the ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper.strip_tags method from one of my controllers. If I try to call it directly using ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper.strip_tags I get undefined method `strip_tags'' for ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper:Module What is the preferred way to make ActionView helpers available to a descendant of
2006 Apr 24
How to require a regular module into my controller?
I created a modules directory under my app. root (RAILS_ROOT/app) I''m trying to "require in" a module in that directory into my controller. I tried require ''modules/module.rb'' I tried require "#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/modules/ESimplyUtil" The module file is in modules/ESimplyUtil.rb. Is that the right name? Neither of these works. How can I
2006 Mar 21
Verification: Module methods being called from controller
If I call module methods from a controller by "requiring my module into" my controller (note that I am not doing a mixin), then it appears that I have to define the module methods as class methods, e.g. def in order to access them via the module name. Why is this necessary if a module isn''t a class? It''s a little confusing because in the Pickaxe book, it
2006 May 25
rake migrate VERSION=0 doesn''t appear to execute
All, I''ve decided to jump into Migrations before I get too far along on the DB side of things. I already have some tables built, and I went ahead and built the migration that would have created them from scratch, and I made sure that there was a self.down section to drop them. I wanted to verify that I could roll back so I figured I would use rake to drop these pre-existing tables
2008 Nov 06
Verifying some understanding about manipulating DB data in before/after callbacks in RSpec
We had an after(:each) callback that looked like this: PurchaseOrder.find(:all).each {|po| DraftInvoice.find_all_by_po_number(po.po_number).each {|di| di.destroy}} which we were hoping would reset some purchase order data in a certain way. However, because we have "self.use_transactional_fixtures = true" set in test_helper.rb, this code was never getting committed. So, I just
2006 Mar 18
Using <%= text_field %> within partials is problematic
All, Thanks for any help in advance. I have what I think is a very straightforward partial template and I can''t figure out why a text_field call within it doesn''t work. Here is my calling template: lists.rhtml <div id="target_lists"> <%= render(:partial => "target_lists", :collection => @target_lists) %> </div> In the partial
2006 Jun 22
ADVICE: Generating unique identifiers for later DB insertion
All, I have an ActiveRecord object that I need to be able to uniquely identify _before_ I actually save the object (I may not end up saving the object based on conditions). This is because I want to use the ID in another context (a file name in the filesystem). Depending on conditions, I may or may not need to do a lot of stuff between the time that I generate the object ID and actually
2006 Mar 27
regular expression matching in routes.rb
All, I have a route specified as: map.connect '':folder/:filename'', :folder => /htmlfiles/, :controller => "eSimply", :action => "preview_HTML" I expect it to invoke the "preview_HTML" action in the "eSimply" controller. Given an argument of "htmlfiles/xyz.html", it keeps saying that it can''t find an