similar to: IO Error: Error reading the segment infos.

Displaying 14 results from an estimated 14 matches similar to: "IO Error: Error reading the segment infos."

2007 Jul 11
Query with special characters crashes under Windows XP
Hi, Index queries with special characters (e.g. German Umlauts but also other European ones) make the Ruby process run for quite a long time and crash finally. I''m using Rails on Windows XP with Ferret 0.11.4_mswin_32. I could isolate the problem in the following simple controller action (so there''s no web browser form field involved): def test index = index
2007 Aug 07
Varying case sensitivity
Hi all, I''m using ferret 11.4 together with acts_as_ferret and I''ve indexed the country files. These files contain worldwide locations in UTF-8 with all their different spellings each. Model definition is like this: class location acts_as_ferret :fields => {:location_names => {}}, :single_index => true ... end The instance method location_names
2007 Jun 01
Is aaf multi_search broken?
Hi all, I want to use acts_as_ferret''s multi_search to search two model classes (Reviewable and Blog) at a time like @results = Reviewable.multi_search("jemen", [Blog]) and I''m always getting the error You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occurred while evaluating
2007 Feb 12
Invalid char problem
Has the problem with corrupted .rhtmls (invalid characters) been solved so far? I would like to use ferret and acts_as_ferret on Windows XP. I have installed 0.10.9 (mswin32) which still seems to have the problem. I am receiving error messages like: compile error C:/INSTAN~1.4P1/INSTAN~1/rails_apps/travelogue/config/../app/views/article_editor/_header_read.rhtml:2: parse error, unexpected
2007 Mar 19
Many index files
I''m using acts_as_ferret and have indexed a model with acts_as_ferret :fields => [:name, :ascii_name, :alt_names], :single_index => true. Now in the index directory more than 95.000 files are generated! The number of tuples I''m indexing is approx. 86.000. I can''t remember this from earlier ferret/acts_as_ferret versions where I''ve indexed millions of
2004 Dec 01
some infos
Hello all, I am looking for a solution where people can use Asterisk as an answering machine where with a password they can post voice message to a server in mp3 format. It's for journalists that they are far from the office ''like correspondents'' can put their job for the final diffusion server. Do you think Asterisk can do this job (I think yes, but not sure)
2003 Mar 11
Winbind more infos
[root@firewall /sbin]# cd /etc/rc.d/init.d [root@firewall init.d]# ./smb stop Interrompendo os servi?os SMB: [ OK ] Interrompendo os servi?os NMB: [ OK ] [root@firewall init.d]# ./smb start Iniciando os servi?os SMB: [ OK ] Iniciando os servi?os NMB: [ OK ] [root@firewall
2007 May 23
Hi, I have a problem with .RData. A friend gave me file .RData (he works on Linux). I have installed but I got the message(I'm in Windows): erreur fatale:impossible de recuperer les données sauvées dans .RData. Can you help me please to solve my problem. It's very important for me. If there are a package to install, I don't know which. Thanks, DIENG Allé
1998 Sep 05
Hi guys I have samba up and running i can mount the hdd from the other machines but the other machines does see my linux box what could be the problem i can't seem to put my hand on it.. i have this machine running linux and the other machines are running windows for workgroup and win95 but when i go to network neightborhood on the win95 machine it see only the other windows machine not the
2006 Aug 18
Gathering information : drivers and UPS infos
Hello NUT ! In order to fill info structure I'm putting in the drivers, I need to gather a lot of information. The information I need, at best, is : - For each USB UPS, the pair VendorID ProductID - For each pair Driver/UPS supported, how was made the driver ? By the manufacturer, by reverse engineering, ... - Who contributed to which driver - Who is the "maintener" of each driver
2007 Dec 31
webgen 0.4.7 relased/infos on 0.5.0
# webgen 0.4.7 I released webgen 0.4.7 today which features some minor feature enhancements: * added support for Haml markup * added support for Sass markup * gallery file handler is now multilingual aware * hidden files can now be used by the file handler plugins if the parameter Core/FileHandler:useHiddenFiles is set to true This is a recommened update. # Information on webgen 0.5.0 Alas,
2003 Jun 23
Cannot get ogm infos
Help is needed ! I cannot extract infos from video stream in an .ogm file using the VorbisFile library. It seems that I can only open .ogg files (audio)! When I call "ov_open_callbacks" it generates a message error. Here is my procedure in pascal: code: _____ procedure GetOGMInfo; var F : TFileStream; vf: OggVorbis_File; res: integer; begin F :=
2009 Dec 17
Problem reading binaries created with fortran (More infos)
The structure of the file is clear (see below) the first line is made of integers and doubles with the fifth being a text string followed by arrays of double precision number.: int1 int2 double1 double2 text int3 int4 int5 (array of double) here is an example of file: 1 1 1.0 1.0 "HEAD" 160 224 3 23.4 34.5 ...... I tried to read the first line with readBin (results are copied below):
2007 Jul 28
Harry Potter 5 - The order of the Phoenix
*Harry Potter 5 <>* *The Order of the Phoenix* *Harry Potter and His friends * ** *Wallpapers, Story and Video download* *Harry Potter 5 - The Order of the Phoenix<> * --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby