similar to: Escaping special characters before highlighting

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Escaping special characters before highlighting"

2007 Jun 19
another issue with highlighting
Hi, I''m encountering another highlighting issue. (about the first one "range search and highlighting", i received no response. I don''t even know if somebody tried to reproduce and/or if it''s normal behavior) about the new issue, an example will be easier for you to reproduce: I''m filling an index with random data, i try to match for "*1*"
2007 Sep 05
AAF and DRb with highlighting
How would I change this method in order to get highlighting working with DRb? I''ve given up on searching on Google, I''m getting no results that are actually helpful. def self.find_storage_by_contents(query, options = {}) # Get the index that acts_as_ferret created for us index = self.aaf_index.ferret_index results = [] default_options = {:limit => 10,
2007 Jun 17
highlighting and range queries
Hi there, Is highlighting for range queries supposed to work ? It doesn''t work here. here is an non-working example: (highlighting works when q="test:2007*") require ''ferret'' include Ferret index = #index.field_infos.add_field(:test, :store => :yes, :index => :untokenized) i=1 for a in [ "20070505", "20071230",
2007 Feb 16
Highlight raises Segmentation Fault Error in Ferret 0.10.9 i
Hi Everyone, I am currently in process of upgrading Ferret 0..9.1 to Ferret 0.10.9 with Ruby 1.8.4 in windows platform. I am trying to use search highlight feature on index_searcher subject = index_searcher.highlight("subject:(blah blah)", 0, :field => :content, :pre_tag = "<span
2007 Feb 06
Which method to use to get content from index with a_a_f?
Hi everybody, After staring at the a_a_f API for quite sometime now, I decided it''s time to ask... Which method should I use to get content from the index without using highlight? Consider the following controller action: def preview if params[:search].blank? # normal case @text = @myfile. # which method do I use here to get the :text from the index??? else # if we come from
2007 Jun 28
DRb server crashing
I''m having a problem where the DRb server seems to be disappearing (crashing?) and I don''t know how to track down the cause or work around the problem. Unfortunately I haven''t found a way to reproduce the problem, but it seems to happen fairly often (maybe once a day). Other then that ferret seems to be working well. I can''t seem to find any trace of the
2007 Jun 07
:store => :yes doesn''t work in some cases
I''m not really sure if this is a bug, but it makes my search results look a bit strange. I have an acts_as_ferret declaration that looks like: acts_as_ferret :store_class_name => true, :remote => true, :fields => { :ferret_name => { :store => :yes, :boost => 2 }, :ferret_content => { :store => :yes } } I store both fields so that I
2007 Feb 16
Highlight raises Segmentation Fault Error in Ferret 0.10.9 in Windows
Hi Everyone, I am currently in process of upgrading Ferret 0..9.1 to Ferret 0.10.9 with Ruby 1.8.4 in windows platform. I am trying to use search highlight feature on index_searcher subject = index_searcher.highlight("subject:(blah blah)", 0, :field => :content, :pre_tag = "<span
2006 Dec 01
Effective search when knowing ID
Hi list, I''m new to ferret and I wonder what is the best way to search if I know one fields id and want to search on its content. I have experimented with FilteredQuery but I don''t know if this is the best way. Eg. index = => ''/tmp/all'') @dbh = Database.instance.connect result = @dbh.exec("SELECT pk_fulltext_id, fulltext_text
2008 Jan 16
Escaping special characters :, (, ), [, ], {, }, !, +, ", ~, ^, -, |, <, >, =, *, ?, \
Hello, I am trying to escape words for searching i.e., "hello". The key here is that the two L''s on "hello" are actually vertical bars. Is there a special function in Ferret or anywhere for that matter that will do the escaping of the Ferret special characters? Thanks in advance, Benjamin
2008 Jan 03
properly escaping special characters in AAF?
For most cases, I''ve got search working in Rails as follows: ## controller: term = params[:search][:term] @results = MyModel.find_by_contents "#{term}*" The ''*'' character is appended to the search term so that searches match anything that begins with ''term''. For the most part, this is great, but let''s say term is equal to
2011 Mar 10
phrase search highlighting
Hi Some of my users are very "conservative" as it seems :) The complained about "not finding anything useful", because the highlighted sample was wrongly colored when doing phrase search, e.g. "some word". So they refused to use web search at all and keep telephoning around. Not the found phrase was highlighted in one color, but all locations of these words within
2006 Mar 04
Question about event listener highlighting with child elements
I have created a JavaScript object which is initialized for some input fields, fieldsets, and divs on the page. With each object i attach a mouseover and mouseout event that highlights and un-highlights. Also on mouseout i am trying to display the id of the object to a console. The highlighting works except for cases when an object is the child of another object. In this case both are highlighted
2007 Sep 12
Highlighting isue in description
I have read the highlighting section at It mentions that for highlight to work I must have {:store => :yes}. However it also mentions that only "small" fields should be stored. My question is how small is small enough. I have a site where events information is maintained. I have events title and events
2006 Mar 04
RE: Question about event listener highlighting withchild elements
1. Create a separate class that has your highlight/unhighlight behavior in it, and extend just the element you want to highlight with that class... like this (also allows you to easily apply this behavior elsewhere when you need it in the future): Object.extend(this.el, HighlightBehaviorClass.prototype) 2. When defining your event handlers, assign them to variables so you have a
2005 Mar 21
Highlighting points in a scatter plot matrix
Dear R I recently did a scatterplot matrix using the following command pairs(sleep[c("SlowSleep", "ParaSleep", "logbw", "logbrw", "loglife", "loggest")],col=1+as.integer(ParaSleep > 5.5 | SlowSleep > 15.7)) this highlighted outlying points for some of the x,y plots that I needed to identify. Unfortunately this highlights all the x,y
2006 Aug 30
Syntax Highlighting On Website
I have written my blog in RoR from scratch and everything is workig fine, but now I want to add highlighted code snippets to it. How do I perform syntax highlighting with RoR? Before anyone mentions it I am not using Typo or any other pre-made RoR software. This will be a from clean implementation. Thanks In Advance digital:pardoe -- Posted via
2017 Feb 21
that ever puzzling special chars escaping + rdiff-backup
hi everyone a good basher around here? I try in a script: _rdiffBack="rdiff-backup -v5 --tempdir /tmp/ --no-eas --exclude-other-filesystems --exclude-symbolic-links" _rdffiExclude="--exclude '**/~*' --exclude '**.tmp' --exclude-regexp '(.glusterfs|.trashcan|temp)'" _execCom=${!2} _sourceDir=${1} _backupTo=${3} __backMeUp() { for _sourceDir in
2003 Nov 13
Can't get Sweave syntax highlighting with Emacs
I can't get Emacs to automatically do syntax highlighting of Sweave files. I have followed Friedrich's suggestion for code to insert into my .emacs file. The complete section from my .emacs file is given below. When I load a *.Snw file, font is white until I press M-x, then the first code and document chunks get highlighted, but not the rest of the file. Latex and Noweb menus are
2007 Jan 25
multibyte character corrupt in highlight method
When I apply highlight() method to the search result, multibyte characters are corrupted. The post_tag is located in the middle of last character, so the last character corrupts. Here is my code. query = "SOME_MULTIBYTE_CHARS" searcher.search_each(query) do |doc_id, score| puts searcher.highlight(query, doc_id, :field => :content) end And this is the result. ... bla, bla, bla,