similar to: Varying case sensitivity

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Varying case sensitivity"

2007 Jun 01
Is aaf multi_search broken?
Hi all, I want to use acts_as_ferret''s multi_search to search two model classes (Reviewable and Blog) at a time like @results = Reviewable.multi_search("jemen", [Blog]) and I''m always getting the error You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occurred while evaluating
2007 Mar 19
Many index files
I''m using acts_as_ferret and have indexed a model with acts_as_ferret :fields => [:name, :ascii_name, :alt_names], :single_index => true. Now in the index directory more than 95.000 files are generated! The number of tuples I''m indexing is approx. 86.000. I can''t remember this from earlier ferret/acts_as_ferret versions where I''ve indexed millions of
2007 Jul 11
Query with special characters crashes under Windows XP
Hi, Index queries with special characters (e.g. German Umlauts but also other European ones) make the Ruby process run for quite a long time and crash finally. I''m using Rails on Windows XP with Ferret 0.11.4_mswin_32. I could isolate the problem in the following simple controller action (so there''s no web browser form field involved): def test index = index
2007 Aug 11
IO Error: Error reading the segment infos.
Hi all, I''m using ferret and acts_as_ferret on Win XP. Trying to index a location table with over 2,5 Mio. rows in UTF-8 I''m getting the error: "IO Error: IO Error occured: Error reading the segment infos. Store listing was ..." The error occurs after some hours of running. The index file system looks like this after the abort: 11.08.2007 12:30 <DIR>
2006 Nov 30
usage and benefits of single-index with AAF
The documentation states: "single_index: set this to true to let this class use a Ferret index that is shared by all classes having :single_index set to true. :store_class_name is set to true implicitly, as well as index_dir, so don?t bother setting these when using this option. the shared index will be located in index/<RAILS_ENV>/shared ." [1] If I''m reading
2019 Feb 22
[PATCH 2/2] Cygwin: implement case-insensitive Unicode user and group name matching
On Wed, 20 Feb 2019 at 23:54, Corinna Vinschen <vinschen at> wrote: > The previous revert enabled case-insensitive user names again. This > patch implements the case-insensitive user and group name matching. > To allow Unicode chars, implement the matcher using wchar_t chars in > Cygwin-specific code. Keep the generic code changes as small as possible. > Cygwin:
2009 Dec 14
lapply , mapply questions
Dear all, i have a programming problem that should be simple, though i am stuck with it. Please note that this is not a specific geonames problem, though i use it as an example - it´s just a basic problem with lapply. I use the geonames webservices with the R geonames packages which works almost smoothly. I have a vector of Zipcodes and i want to do a geonames lookup for all of them, which
2007 Mar 18
"ö" causes find_by_contents not to return
I''ve installed ferret 0.10.9 together with the latest acts_as_ferret using Windows XP and indexed a location database ( with Location.rebuild_index. The data is in utf-8. Now calling Location.find_by_contents "?" does not return a result, causes a lot of CPU load, and finally exits with an error "index.rb:702: in ''parse'': failed to allocate
2013 Apr 20
Reshape or Plyr?
H all, I have relative abundance data from >100 sites. This is from acoustic monitoring and usually the data is for 2-3 nights but in some cases my be longer like months or years for each location.. The data output from my management data base is proved by species by night for each location so data frame would look like this below. What I need to do is sum the Survey_time by Spec_Code for
2007 Jan 17
[ActsAsFerret] Globalize integration
Hi, I''ve modified the latest acts_as_ferret code (version 0.3.0) to integrate with the Globalize ( plugin. Essentially, I''ve added the ability to use a separate index per locale (It basically adds the language code as a suffix to the index and switches between indexes when the active locale changes). Since this introduces an optional
2019 Feb 20
[PATCH 0/2] Cygwin: allow user and group case-insensitive Unicode strings
Windows usernames are case-insensitive and almost any Unicode character is allowed in a username. The user should be able to login with her username given in any case and not be refused. However, this opens up a security problem in terms of the sshd_config Match rules. The match rules for user and group names have to operate case-insensitive as well, otherwise the user can override her settings
2007 Feb 12
Invalid char problem
Has the problem with corrupted .rhtmls (invalid characters) been solved so far? I would like to use ferret and acts_as_ferret on Windows XP. I have installed 0.10.9 (mswin32) which still seems to have the problem. I am receiving error messages like: compile error C:/INSTAN~1.4P1/INSTAN~1/rails_apps/travelogue/config/../app/views/article_editor/_header_read.rhtml:2: parse error, unexpected
2009 Aug 02
package to convert coordiantes to timezone
Is there a R-package with a function that returns me the timezone, if I hand over longitude and latitude? I know online services like and and wodner if this exists for R too. Thanks for helping, thomas
2007 Apr 15
"tried to use a closed index"
Sorry in advance for the newbie question. Can''t get aaf going and can''t find similarly stuck folks on this forum. I''m running Rails on my local machine in development mode. I installed ferret 0.11.0 gem, and the most recent stable aaf plugin (as of today). I''m having trouble getting the most basic functionality working. In my model Recipe, I have:
2006 Sep 01
Include ActiveResource
Hello, I want to give ActiveResource a spin. I have all the code checked out from SVN in vendor/rails (yes, including ActiveResource). I''m trying to make sure it gets loaded. I did this in environment.rb: config.load_paths += %W( #{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/rails/activeresource/lib ) Unfortunately I still can''t use it. I have an ActiveResource derived model, Address: class
2006 Sep 01
Uninitialized constant w/ ActiveResource
Howdy, I had an application perfect for ActiveResource, which I do realize is not finished. Anyway, I froze my app to edge and then defined a class: class Address < ActiveResource::Base = "" End I tried to use it from the console but I get the trace below. It appears it can''t
2009 Jul 30
CRAN + geography = Cranography
In response to an earlier discussion about finding the fastest/best/nearest CRAN site, I geocoded (using my geonames package) the locations of the CRAN sites returned by getCRANmirrors. I've mapped them here: The geocoding may have got it wrong, so if CRAN site maintainers want to send me a real lat-long (in WGS 84 aka EPSG:4326) I'll
2011 Oct 03
[LLVMdev] [cfe-dev] Unicode path handling on Windows
Locale-specific is not what we want, but I don't believe Windows exposes an alternative API that does what we want. (Does CharLower give a different answer than tolower?) However, looking over the FileManager code a little more I'm not even sure using the path is the best solution, it seems it would be better to use inode like the unix code does. Windows doesn't support inode (the
2011 Sep 30
[LLVMdev] [cfe-dev] Unicode path handling on Windows
You can use _iswupper and _towlower instead of CharLowerBuffW. They don't require windows.h and work with /Za. On Sep 30, 2011, at 12:24 AM, Nikola Smiljanic wrote: > I tried to do the conversion to lowercase inside GetFullPath by adding an additional bool parameter to this function. It's not perfect but seems much better than repeating the whole UTF8 to UTF16 and UTF16 to UTF8
2007 Apr 06
Advantages of using :single_index ?
Hi all, Google returns two results for this: Both point to the ChangeLog, so I don''t really know if anybody used a shared index. From the RDoc, I know the option makes AAF "use a Ferret index that is shared by all classes..."