similar to: 500 Server Error - stumping me at the moment

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "500 Server Error - stumping me at the moment"

2006 May 09
FCGI and the never ending saga of deploying on Dreamhost
I''m trying to setup an app on Dreamhost and running into no end of problems. The app is running with edge rails and I''m currently getting the dreaded ''Rails application failed to start'' white screen when trying to access it. I''ve gone through all the ''gotchas'' and troubleshooting docs at Dreamhost and the rails wiki to no avail.
2006 May 02
vendor/rails seems to be being ignored in preference to gem?
I have edge rails in /vendor/rails on DreamHost, but when running dispatch.fcgi I get the following error in my logs: [02/May/2006:08:52:32 :: 29365] terminated gracefully [02/May/2006:08:53:53 :: 19526] starting [02/May/2006:08:53:54 :: 19526] Dispatcher failed to catch: undefined method `clear_connection_cache!'' for ActiveRecord::Base:Class (NoMethodError)
2006 Apr 28
Ferret failing to rebuild_index - occasionally unable to del
I''m switching all my fulltext searching over to ferret using the acts_as_ferret plugin on windows (for development, will be deployed on linux). In my tests I have a setup method as follows to ensure the index is reset for each test: def setup Item.rebuild_index end This works fine for the initial few tests but then suddenly fails for the last few tests when it seems to be failing
2006 Apr 13
Creating 2nd rails app on Dreamhost?
My hosting provider is Dreamhost, and for some reason can''t figure out something that should not be that hard to do. Being a linux newbie isn''t helping me much either :-) On Dreamhost, each domain gets its own subdirectory. To setup my web app for each domain, I just go to the parent directory of that domain in a telnet session, and type "rails", and
2006 May 19
LoadError - no such file to load -- pathname (Dreamhost)
I''ve started getting the following error on Dreamhost when trying to run any scripts or dispatch.* [barry]$ ruby -d script/server Exception `LoadError'' at ./script/../config/boot.rb:6 - no such file to load -- pathname ./script/../config/boot.rb:6:in `require'': no such file to load -- pathname (LoadError) from ./script/../config/boot.rb:6 from
2006 Jan 27
RedCloth Hard Breaks
Has anybody gotten :hard_breaks to work with RedCloth? I''m doing: self.body_html = which works, except that it doesn''t transform hard breaks to <br /> tags, which is really important for me. However, if I do: self.body_html =, [ :hard_breaks ]).to_html(:textile) then it converts ALL breaks into <br
2006 Apr 28
Ferret failing to rebuild_index - occasionally unable to delete a file (_j.cfs)
I''m switching all my fulltext searching over to ferret using the acts_as_ferret plugin on windows (for development, will be deployed on linux). In my tests I have a setup method as follows to ensure the index is reset for each test: def setup Item.rebuild_index end This works fine for the initial few tests but then suddenly fails for the last few tests when it seems to be
2006 Jul 16
Rails, FCGI, DreamHost, and endless frustrations
Hi all! I''m trying to deploy an application out to a subdomain at dreamhost. I am getting the dreaded "Rails application failed to start properly" error. The logs for my app are empty. In the DreamHost FTP app, when I look in the error.log file (I''m guessing this the Apache error log file) I see the following for each of my attempts: [Sun Jul 16 12:36:32 2006]
2006 Aug 16
Experience with ferret on Dreamhost ?
Does anybody have experience with running ferret on dreamhost ? My app is running ok until I install the acts_as_ferret plugin, at which point I get "Rails application failed to start properly" errors. I''ve used script/console to confirm that I can require ''ferret'' and make a new Index object . Everything appears to be ok in that respect. Unfortunately
2006 Apr 20
Rails, FCGI, Dreamhost
Is anybody getting acceptable performance with a Rails application on Dreamhost? By this, I mean response times no greater than 3 seconds, and no large numbers of FCGI processes that you have to kill manually. If so, how? I''ve ended up running a constant ping script (once every ten minutes), and still have to kill some number of excess dispatch.fcgi processes every day. Along with
2006 Aug 02
monitor fcgi?
Im trying to get a new app up on dreamhost. What fun :/ Id like to try out the ''frao_handler'' which just keeps dreamhost from automatically killing my fcgi processes. But Im also worried about things getting out of hand. I seem to remember that captures in views can cause problems with fcgi (I might just be making that up????), and I do have few in my app. And well Im
2006 Feb 14
Deploying in Dreamhost
What pain. I am ready to switch hosts. I have this app in Dreamhost where I load the static pages just fine. The location of my rails app is /home/username/ Under that resides the app/, public/ and so on. Like I said I can see my static pages that I have under public since I have in the Managed host panel the following: Web Directory: /home/username/[
2006 Jan 12
Production deployment on Dreamhost?
Does anyone have any experience with production deployment of RoR on Dreamhost? Is it now stable enough? Any tips and tricks? Thanks a lot, Tom
2006 Jul 05
How do I reset rails in production mode on DreamHost?
Hello! I am testing rails on DreamHost. I believe it''s running on apache. In development mode, it ran very slowly. So I changed it into production mode and switched to fcgi. It''s very fast now. But the problem is that if I add actions to a controller, it''s not applied. I know that in production mode, I need to restart web server. But I don''t control the web
2006 Aug 05
"uninitialized constant" error when I go to app base URL???
Hi, I''m getting the below attached error when I navigate to the root of my web application on my hosting site (, however in development it works fine. Any ideas? That is I have one controller so the direct URL is "". This works on dreamhost and locally. BUT when I go to "" this works locally (on
2006 Jan 25
Rails app won''t run on Dreamhost - "incomplet headers" error
Can anyone provide some expert debugging help here? What''s the first step to take to see what the issue is here? I have no errors in the rails app''s log files. The only errors I have are those provided by apache and they are: ''FastCGI: Incomplete headers (0) bytes received from server'' I''ve tried editing the shebang line, removing line feeds, but
2006 Jul 20
setting site up on dreamhost
Hi, was wondering if anyone has had any experience setting a site up on Ive uploaded teh site, turned fastCGI on However having a few problems gettign the site to show, when i go to /public/ it shows the rails welcome page, should I be redirecting the sit url to this? thanks scott -- Posted via
2007 Jul 22
500 error while trying to run Camping on Dreamhost
I''ve tried setting up an Hello World app with Rails (no database), on a Dreamhost account. I used the configuration I found here at with the proper paths. But I keep getting Internal Server Errors (500). On the error.log I found this [Sun Jul 22 15:32:07 2007] [error] [client] FastCGI: comm with (dynamic)
2006 Jan 15
Dreaded Internal 500 Error on DreamHost.
Hey guys, I often get this problem the first time I try to deploy a rails app on dreamhost and I''m not sure what the cause is. Basically, I have an app that''s running fine on my local machine. I''ve uploaded the app, configured and migrated to the latest version of the db, and set all of the necessary directories to 755. But when I run dispatch.rb in ssh or
2006 Aug 16
Dreamhost FastCGI: incomplete headers (0 bytes) errors
Sorry to trouble the list with another Dreamhost problem, but looking through the archives I see nothing that can solve my problem. I have installed my app as per with a symbolic link from my_domain.tld in ~/ to ~/apps/residence/public/ I get the Rails welcome screen. I have uploaded my app directory etc, and