Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Sorting with SQL for has_one, belongs_to relationship"
2010 Feb 01
validating both sides of a has_one relationship breaks pickle/machinist tests
A lot has been posted about validation issues with associations,
however, I don''t see this issue addressed specifically.
class Foo
has_one :schedule, :dependent => :destroy
validates_presence_of :schedule
class Schedule
belongs_to :foo
validates_presence_of :foo_id
this creates a circular dependency that breaks test frameworks like
pickle and machinist.
At first I was
2011 Jul 07
has_one through belongs_to
My model data is the following:
- Place
- User
- Checkin
Instead of having a Checkin that belongs to both User and Place, I chose to
add another model, Program, that allows to list all the places a user can
checkin into, and also hide the checkins he''s no longer involved in (= the
user sign out of a specific program).
That give me crazy relationships:
Program has_many Checkin
2006 Jul 16
Why does belongs_to handle "conflicts" this way?
When you define belongs_to in a model, you can either access
association or association_id. I was wondering how Rails would handle
things if you set each one to be different.
I made two simple models:
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base; end
class Bar < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :foo
Now here''s a script/console session.
>> f = Foo.create
=> #<Foo:0x270ec10
2006 Nov 04
one to many relationship; has_one
I''m new to ruby and rails and as a result am a bit lost on implementing
a one to many relationship. In my DB I have 2 tables contents and
locations, contents contains the foreign key location_id. I generated a
content and a location model using rails scripts and then edited the
models as follows
class Content < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :location
class Location <
2006 Jan 03
Set the foreign key constraint column name?
I am applying Rails to an existing schema and not sure how much the
existing developers will let me go in and rename things. So I need to
discover the limits of what I can change with Rails.
I''ve found set_table_name and set_primary_key, which have been very
If I have a "foo has_one :bar" relationship, but then in the bar table
my column is named "fooid"
2010 May 11
has_one/belongs_to -- accessing the subordinate
With a has_one/belongs_to relationship, what''s the best way to guarantee
that the belongs_to object gets created and is accessible alongside the
has_one object? I *think* the after_create callback is a good choice,
but I discovered an oddity while trying it.
F''rinstance, if every horse has a carriage:
ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
create_table(:horses) {|t|
2005 Nov 28
has_one / HABTM relationship overlap - please advise
1. I have a few tables: ''users'', ''shops'', ''addresses'', and ''pictures''.
2. Users and Shops will both use the addresses and pictures tables. I have
created several mapping tables:
3. Users CAN have many addresses and pictures (simple HABTM), but...
2014 Apr 19
How to has_one/belongs_to association only return the objects unassociated in combobox?
I have two models (Car and Driver) and a combobox to select which driver
belongs to which car. I want the combobox just show the objects that have
not yet been associated.
# vehicle belongs_to: driver
# driver has_one: vehicle
# simple_form # vehicle/_form.html.haml
= f.association: driver, label_method: :name, value_method: :id
How to ensure validation before saving, to avoid problems of
2006 Dec 01
How to save has_one belongs_to models?
How can I save two models that have has_one and belongs_to
relationship to each other? I want to save both the models by using
script/console. TIA.
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2011 Oct 20
Access other model attributes directly with has_one, belongs_to ?
So, I have 2 models A and B that share 5 common attributes and all other
attributes are different. So I wanted to extract these 5 out into one
common table and use has_one, belongs_to to knit it back together. So
now there are 3 tables with 1 having the shared properties, we''ll call
this table C.
Table A
Table B
Table C
My question is,
2006 Feb 20
belongs_to, has_one, has_many question (again?)
Hi All,
Probably this has been asked numerous times, I apologize already!
Can somebody point me to a good tutorial on how Rails works with
I know about database design and normalization, I also know about
programming in general (and OOP for that matter).
Only thing I can say is that I''m following the "Four days on Rails"
tutorial by John McCreesh.
He writes
2006 Jul 06
has_one, belongs_to - I am just not getting it
Let me preface by saying i''m a total noob at ruby/rails. :-)
For some reason, I am just not grasping the concept of has_one &
I''m working on a project that includes user authentication, and 3
different types of user profiles.
User profiles are either "fan", "band", or "venue" objects, and user
logins are "user"
2009 May 26
[PATCH server] fix for Bug 466731 - There is no title for the third column in User Access page and can't be sorted
Added column title and made it sortable.
Signed-off-by: Scott Seago <sseago at redhat.com>
src/app/models/pool.rb | 4 +++-
src/app/views/user/_grid.rhtml | 2 +-
2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/app/models/pool.rb b/src/app/models/pool.rb
index 0a63723..3c95684 100644
--- a/src/app/models/pool.rb
+++ b/src/app/models/pool.rb
@@ -57,7
2006 Jan 31
has_one without inverse belongs_to
I have two models called entity and user.
The entities table has a column called users_id that contains the user
id of the user that created the entity.
In entity I have...
has_one :user
... as I want to be able to show the user who created the entity from
the entity object.
But this produces the following error...
Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column ''users.entity_id'' in
2005 Sep 19
help with has_one relationship??
I''m new to Rails and I''m struggling with a ''has-one'' relationship. I''m
trying to save product and image data in seperate tables with one to one
relationship. I''m assuming the problem lies in the controller method
below but can''t work it out. The models contain the has_one and belongs
to statements, and I tried swapping these
2006 Oct 25
has_one & foreign_key - generating bad SQL
class Document < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :user,
:class_name => "User",
:foreign_key => "fkey",
:conditions => "user = ''NAME''"
- GENERATED SQL (per the .log) -
SELECT FIRST 1 * FROM table_name WHERE (table_name.fkey IS NULL AND
(user_id = ''NAME''))
What I can''t figure out is
2008 Apr 29
Default values for belongs_to and has_one
There really doesn''t seem to be a *declarative* way to define a default
value for belongs_to and has_one associations
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :address
p = Person.new
p.address.city = ''Atlantis'' # Bummer!
Of course, there''s an easy way to avoid this
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :address
2006 Jan 12
has_one relationship problem
I was wondering if anyone could see the error in this littte application
I have two models, User and Selection
Selection is an extension of the User model
so in the User model I have a has_one :selection
and in Selection I have a belongs_to :user
in my views, i cannot get @user.selection to work but @user works fine.
2006 Oct 13
Validation errors in has_one/belongs_to relationships.
I have two objects, QuoteInput and Insured.
QuoteInput has one Insured and Insured belongs to QuoteInput.
I don''t understand what I''m seeing.
I assign an Insured to a QuoteInput. The Insured object has invalid
I call save! on the quote input. QuoteInput has no validations.
I expect two things to happen - 1) an exception should be thrown,
indicating that there was a
2007 Jan 19
Do transactions fail with polymorphic has_one relationships?
I have an AR::Base descendant with a complex object graph beneath it,
like so:
ArtisanQuoteInput has_one QuoteInput and then QuoteInput has several
objects attached to it. Note that the relationship between
ArtisanQuoteInput and QuoteInput is polymorphic, so the relationship in
A is written
has_one :quote_input, :as => :program_quote_input
If @artisan_quote_input is an instance of