Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Validations and has_many :through (Join Models)"
2006 Jul 27
CRUD, REST and associations
Let''s say I have the model class Reader and Magazine, connected by join
model Subscription. It looks something like this
class Reader < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :subscriptions, :dependent => :delete_all
has_many :magazines, :through => :subscriptions
validates_presence_of :name
class Magazine < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :subscriptions, :dependent =>
2006 Jan 21
n-way joins
I''m somewhat of a Rails newbie and am trying to understand how to
formulate n-way (3 or 4 way) joins in Rails (where the join tables
contain extra data as well.)
Let me give you my basic entities:
id - pk
name - unique
id - pk
name - unique
id - pk
name - unique
id - pk
name - unique
then i have two separate join tables:
foos_bars_bazs - 3 way join
2006 Sep 12
ActiveRecord Validations - validates_uniqueness_of
I''m wanting to use Mocha and Stubba for my tests in place of the
default Rails testing with fixtures.
I have the following class:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_uniqueness_of :email
and am wondering how I can test to ensure that the
validates_uniqueness_of validation is running.
Any ideas?
2007 Jan 01
Validations based on associations
My model is very simple, it''s mostly just a join table that represents
which tournaments a user has registered for.
class Registration < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :tournament
validates_presence_of :user_id, :tournament_id
validates_uniqueness_of :user_id, :scope => :tournament_id
the validates_uniqueness checks to make sure there''s no
2009 Sep 19
validations on a field
hi, i have a model with 2 validations on a field
validates_presence_of :email
validates_length_of :email, :within => 6..100 #r@a.wk
validates_uniqueness_of :email
validates_format_of :email, :with =>
if i do the submit of form for a new object of the model with a blank
i receive 4 errors.
In this case i want receive
2002 Oct 11
BSD Print Magazine
Daemon News is pleased to announce issue #7 of the print magazine.
The Daemon News print magazine is an excellent resource for BSD sysadmins
to read and use on the job, or just to have lying around the office for
others to pickup and take an interest in BSD. The print magazine includes
articles that have not appeared on the online ezine as well as really cool
artwork that you won't see
2005 Jul 29
News for Forward-Thinking Investors
Epic Media Inc. (OTC: EPMI)
Retains Auditor, Intends to Become Fully Reporting
Shares Outstanding as of July 8, 2005: 22,750,000
Public Float as of July 8, 2005: 4,065,000
(Source: News 7/11/05)
Current Price: 0.70
Is the Price of the St0ck Starting to Move Up? Go
Check for Yourself Now!
RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: (Source: Press Releases)
1)EPIC Media Issued Clean Audit Report from
2006 Nov 22
RESTful web service design question
I''m working on a Rails app that needs to expose a RESTful web service. I''m curious to know some of the best practices as it relates to RESTful API design.
Let''s say I have a set of related objects on the server side. I''ll use the venerable subscribers, subscriptions and magazines example to lay it out.
class Subscriber < AR
has_many :subscriptions
2006 Mar 02
Getting Acts_as_Paranoid to work with validates_uniqueness_of
I''ve been using Acts_as_Parnoid for a while and it has been working well
but I am now having a slight issue with it. I have a company table were
I would like to use validates_uniqueness_of :company_name. This
validation works if a company exists in the database and has not been
deleted. However, I also would like the validates_uniqueness_of to
work if a company has
2006 May 10
validates_uniqueness_of and create atomicity
Hi folks,
I have a question regarding validates_uniqueness_of, and similar
before-filter-like events attempting to guarantee some DB state prior
to modification.
>From my reading of ActiveRecord, validate_uniqueness_of appears to
cause a SELECT on the underlying table attempting to ensure that a
record with ID(s) specified in the validates_uniqueness_of statement
is not already present, prior
2006 Mar 26
validate_uniqueness_of {combination of fields} ???
I''ve looked at the validates documentation and it appears that validates_uniqueness_of works on only one field at a time. So I can, for example, validate that "sam" is unique to the record set, and that "smith" is unique to the record set.
My problem is that each record includes two fields, the _combination_ of which must be unique to the record set, but each of
2006 Jan 20
Is there a way to validate a model w/o saving it?
I have some code in my controller which looks like this:
if request.post? and @account.save and @user.save
and in my Account and User models I have many :validates, like so
validates_presence_of :subdomain, :on => :create
validates_uniqueness_of :subdomain, :on => :create, :message => "is
already being used"
2006 Apr 27
customize validates_uniqueness_of
I need to modify the validates_uniqueness_of function so that it will
check that the string is unique but only in its own category.
For example right now I have
validates_uniqueness_of :title
so let''s say I have the :title "Title 1" already in the database with
the :category of "1"
then if i wanted to enter the :title "Title 1" in the database again BUT
2006 May 31
validate unless, LoginGenerator difficulty
I apologize if this is a very simple question; I''ve searched the forums,
wiki, Google, and Agile Web Development with Rails to no avail.
Is there a way to put conditional validation in the model? For
instance, if I want to limit items a user can add unless the user is an
admin? My current code is:
validates_uniqueness_of :user_id, :scope => ''event_id'',
2006 Apr 28
validates* gives me problems
In Debian/testing (mysql-5.0.20, ruby1.8, rails 1.1.0)
Im trying to follow up the fourdaysonrails tutorial, and when putting:
validates_uniqueness_of :category, :message => "Already exists"
in /myapplication/app/model/category.rb
I get:
NoMethodError in Categories#create
undefined method `category'' for #<Article:0x407f6418>
2005 Oct 21
Validate uniqueness on two columns
I would like to validate the uniqueness of two columns together. I have last
and first names as separate columns. What is the Rails Way to do this?
Jared Nuzzolillo
Rails mailing list
2006 Feb 16
validations with associated object
Does anyone know if Rails is supposed to validate associated objects on
Say you have a User model, with has_many posts, and a Post model which
belongs_to user. Further, the Post model has a validates_uniqueness_of
u = User.find(1)
# this should pass
u.posts.create :title => ''my new post title''
# this should fail
u.posts.create :title => ''my
2006 Dec 06
validates_uniqueness_of where scope euqals created_by "magic" field
I have the following ActiveRecord objects:
class Recipe < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :ratings, :dependent => true
. . .
class Rating < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_uniqueness_of :created_by, :scope => :recipe_id
belongs_to :recipe, :counter_cache => true
. . .
The created_by field on Rating is implemented as a "magic" field
similar to this:
2007 Jul 30
validates_uniqueness_of doesn't work if value tested is numeric and column is string
Hello all,
I am working through the depot example in the rails book. If I add a
validates_uniqueness_of to a string column in the model, and then try
to create a record with a number in this string column I get an SQL
error. Looks like the SQL generated to test for uniqueness does not
quote the value if it''s numeric even though it''s comparing against a
varchar column. It does
2006 Jun 14
Prevent duplicate HABTM associations
I am trying to restrict duplicate has_and_belongs_to_many associations.
I tried to find support for a association validation for duplicates but
couldn''t find anything.
I understand I could use :uniq=>true on the model association but this
would only prevent it from displaying duplicates, I want to stop
duplicate associations being inserted in the first place.
I have a vague