similar to: Asked for a remote server ? nil, ENV["FERRET_USE_LOCAL_IN...

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Asked for a remote server ? nil, ENV["FERRET_USE_LOCAL_IN..."

2007 Jul 18
DRb Server can not run!
I''m doing the next. 1, rails hecc 2, cd hecc 3, script/plugin install svn:// 4, RAILS_ENV=production vendor/plugins/acts_as_ferret/script/ferret_start vendor/plugins/acts_as_ferret/script/ferret_start:21:in `require'': no such file to load -- vendor/plugins/acts_as_ferret/script/../config/boot (LoadError)
2007 Apr 23
Launching DRb server on reboot: solved
The problem with getting DRb to luanch on reboot is the same problem causing some people to ahve trouble getting mongrel clustersw to come back up on reboot. The problem is the PATH. ON many new RH distributions running SELinux, /usr/local/bin is not added to the PATH until reboot is complete. Therefore, those of having installed ruby in /usr/local/bin run in to issues. SO, hoping to save
2007 Oct 05
DRbConnError when using script/runner
I am running ferret (0.11.4) and acts_as_ferret (stable from svn) in a rails 1.2.3 app in production using the DRb server. I recently upgraded my configuration and the method with which I start and stop the server no longer works: Here is the command I would like to use (and have used in the past) to start the aaf server: $ /Library/WebServer/rails/ccdb/current/script/runner -e production
2007 May 02
Index update - problems
Hi, Rails 1.2.2 Ruby 1.8.5 Ferret 0.11.4 I have pretty big forum that has 2 columns that are indexed, in addition to this couple more tables with far less data are indexed. It seems that first index update works. Mysqld process takes the idle CPU time, but behaves nicely.. until at some point it takes 99% and doesn''t let other processes use it :) I''m forced to restart mysqld.
2007 Apr 20
Launching DRb server on reboot
I''m hoping for a little insight. We''re using ferret with DRb server and having a hard time getting it to come back up on reboot of the machine. In our RAILS_ROOT directory, we''ve got a script named start_ferret. Here''s the content: #!/bin/bash FERRET_USE_LOCAL_INDEX=1 script/runner -e production vendor/plugins/acts_as_ferret/script/ferret_start
2007 Apr 03
Inifinite loop problem with DRb server
Hi all, We''re attempting to use Ferret with the DRb server at the moment, and it doesn''t work, at all... = Executive Summary The DRb server process keeps on calling the remote index to the DRb server process... Which means DRb is calling itself, and itself, and itself, until Ruby kills the Thread with a SystemStackLevel error. = The excruciating details... # Mongrel is
2007 Jul 17
two acts_as_ferret questions!
hi, guys: two acts_as_ferret questions! 1, ruby script/plugin install svn:// sh: svn: command not found i can not install acts_as_ferret to my Rails project. what''s wrong? i''m useing rhel 4! 2, i downloaded the acts_as_ferret-0.4.0.tgz at and uploaded to
2007 Jul 25
DRb not starting
Hi, I have my Model as follows: class Mutation < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret ({:fields => {:description=>{}, :product_id=>{:index => :untokenized}, :product_description=>{}, :product_label_description=>{}, :product_label_free=>{}, :product_product_id_supplier=>{}, :product_description_supplier=>{}, :supplier_description=>{}, :pub_date_sort
2007 Dec 02
solaris SMF to start ferret drb server
Jesse Grosjean wrote: > I''m trying to write a solaris SMF file to launch the ferret drb server. Hmm, I think I''ve hit a similar problem. I''ve just upgraded to the latest ferret trunk from an old aaf stable where the script/ferret_start and script/ferret_stop scripts were still in use. now if I call the old script... RAILS_ENV=production script/ferret_start
2007 Jul 22
Strange Connection refused error acts_as_ferret server
I am having a strange problem starting the acts_as_ferret Drb server on a particular Linux machine (Debian Etch). The same setup works fine on my Mac (OSX). Without the Rails application running (yes, I''ve checked several times) I get the following error if I try to start the ferret server and one of my models contains :remote => true for acts_as_ferret: >> script/ferret_start
2007 Jun 13
Do delegates work properly in Drb mode?
Hi folks, I have several models that index well in Drb mode. However, I have one scenario where it works in normal mode, but not in Drb mode. model A field :one end model B belongs_to :a field :two delegate :one, :to => :a acts_as_ferret :fields => { :one => {}, :two => {} }, :remote => true end If I leave off the :remote parameter, it works. Or, if I don''t
2007 May 01
AAF and DRb server
I''ve installed the ferret gem. I installed AAF as a plugin into my vendor/plugins directory of my project. In development environment my searches work just fine, without any problems. For production I configured the ferret_server.yml file with correct information about the machine my DRb server is running on. I start the ferret server with the following command: ruby script/runner
2007 Jul 17
acts_as_ferret 0.4.1
Hi folks, I just released version 0.4.1 fixing several bugs and bringing the DRb server''s index versioning feature to the stable branch. Please see [1] for more changes. Cheers, Jens [1] -- Jens Kr?mer - Blog - The new free film database
2007 Apr 18
stack level too deep for method missing when using drb
I set up ferret and it''s running fine normally. Now I want to hook up the backgroundrb server. However whenever I try to do a search, I get this error: (druby://localhost:9010) /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:1075:in `method_missing'' (druby://localhost:9010) ./vendor/plugins/acts_as_ferret/lib/remote_index.rb:20:in `find_id_by_contents'' (druby://localhost:9010)
2007 Nov 13
acts_as_ferret : cannot use a customized Analyzer (as indicated in the AdvancedUsageNotes)
Hi all, I cannot make aaf (rev. 220) use my custom analyzer, despite following the indications @ To pinpoint the problem, I created a model + a simple analyzer with 2 stop words : "fax" and "gsm". test 1 : model.rebuild_index + model.find_by_contents("fax") # fax is a stop word. => I get a
2008 Jan 21
Rails app cannot connect to Ferret server
I have installet the Ferret gem v. 0.11.6 and the latest acts_as_ferret plugin from svn:// I''ve followed the instructions here to set up the server, and put acts_as_ferret :remote => true on one of my models (Ad) I can also start the ferret_server, but when
2007 Sep 20
Ferret DRB, UTF-8, Mongrel
I have spent days trying to figure out how to get UTF-8 working with my site. Here''s my environment: Linux version Ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24 [i386-linux] Rails 1.2.3 mongrel (1.0.1) mongrel_cluster (1.0.2, 0.2.1) ferret (0.11.4) acts_as_ferret stable plugin Ferret DRB server When I don''t use an analyzer with my acts_as_ferret declaration, everything works
2007 Nov 16
problem with searching plurals (with apostrophe)
hello guys, i am using acts_as_ferret plugin(0.4.1 Latest) with ferret gem(0.11.4 Latest) on rails 1.2.5 and ruby 1.8.6(UBUNTU Gutsy) i have this :Stores Model acts_as_ferret :fields => {:name => { :boost => 2 ,:store => :yes}, :short_desc => { :boost => 1.5,:store => :yes }, :tag_list => {:boost => 1
2007 Jun 04
Ferret install on WinXP fails - procedure entry point rb_w32
Hello. I''m trying to use the ''acts_as_ferret'' gem with Rails. Rails: 1.1.4 and 1.2.3 OS: WinXP I''ve installed both Ferret and the plugin using Ruby Gems: C:\>gem install ferret Successfully installed ferret-0.11.4-mswin32 Installing ri documentation for ferret-0.11.4-mswin32... Installing RDoc documentation for ferret-0.11.4-mswin32... C:\>gem install
2007 Aug 30
Method missing error after switching to DRB
I am getting these errors after switchign to dRb: It is trying to call ''add'' on MY SourceListing class, not extended with the ferret indexing methods. Any ideas on where to fix this? I''m combing through the code now. no luck, trying to call class method instead ferret server error undefined method `add'' for SourceListing:Class