similar to: How to set foreignkey in such a situation?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "How to set foreignkey in such a situation?"

2006 Mar 14
I''ve got an order model that stores order data. One piece of data is a credit card type, which is a digit 1,2 or 3. I have a cardType model that has an id, shortName and LongName for the credit card merchant (visa, mastercard, amex). I want to be able to say: order.cardType.shortName, but can''t seem to get has_one working. It works with has_many and a finder_sql statement on
2005 Dec 27
Trouble combining :has_many, :finder_sql and :conditions to create a sub-search
I''m sure there''s something right under my nose that I''m missing. I have two tables with two parallel one-to-many relationships. I wish to use the :finder_sql parameter to essentially ''or'' the two foreign keys. What isn''t working for me is performing a ''sub-search''. Let''s say the tables are "stores" and
2006 Feb 14
[newb] Find vs Find :all question
I''m playing out with writing an online store. So far it has accounts, addressbooks, and orders, and those 3 are tied together with an customer ID. I also have orderDetails, which are associated to the order via an order number. See models below... When I do the following I can access the orderDetails information just fine: @order = Order.find(params[:id]) # i pass it a customer
2005 Apr 27
has_many syntax
Hi all, I have the following inside of an AR class definition: relationships=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(my_relationships_sql) relationships.each do |relationship| has_many RelatedItems, :class_name => relationship[''RelatedClass''], :foreign_key => relationship[''ForeignKey''] end This kind of works, but how can I assign the name of the
2006 Jan 17
legacy database and finder_sql nightmare!
This is my first rails app with a legacy database and I''m having a terrible time getting the models set up correctly. I have an order table that has a primary field named order_number. I have a name table with a primary of item_number. These two tables are liked by the item_number and the order_number, but not as you might think. If the order_number is 2500, then each entry in
2005 Dec 30
HABTM with finder_sql problem (Rails bug?)
I''m building an app that needs i18n support across the entire database (i.e. localized attributes). In order to do this I''ve created a special HABTM join table that can be associated with _any_ other table: create table language_strings ( for_table varchar(255) not null, foreign_id int not null, language_id varchar(5) not null, attr_name varchar(255) not null, value text
2006 Jun 16
Does HABTM support non "id" FKs?
Quick question. Say I have a geographical database with counties and zip codes where counties have and belong to many zip codes. zip_codes (id, zip_code) counties (id, name) When I create the association table, the Rails way says to do the following: counties_zip_codes (county_id, zip_code_id). However, given that zip_codes.zip_code is itself a candidate key, I would much prefer to do the
2006 Mar 06
is "alias" reserved?
I''m playing with an online store.... I have an orders table which holds orders (pricing, statuses, etc). An orderDetails table which holds detailed line items (itemNumbers, unit prices, etc). Each order can have multiple shipping addresses, so I also have an addressbook table. Each orderDetail is tied to an addressbook entry via the ordernumber and addressbook alias, but this
2006 Feb 23
Unable to update database object
This is really strange - hopefully someone out there may have seen behavior like this before. I have a user successfully created in the Users table of my application. When I try to update a single column using: @user = User.find(:first, :conditions => ["login_name = ?", @login_user.login_name]) @user.new_cookie_key I get the error:
2006 Jan 18
legacy database on remote host
I''m getting this error in webrick then it crashes leaving nothing in the log. ruby: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mysql-2.7/lib/ undefined symbol: mysql_sqlstate Here is the standard query I would normally write to get the data. select * from child,parent where CONCAT(SUBSTRING(child.item_number,1,14,''00'') = parent.order_number and
2006 May 11
RoR completely ignoring a column when saving changes
I have an action that needs to update two models/two tables in one shot, and it works great, but ignores one column. Here is the action code: (verify_id is irrelevant in this case) [CODE] def edit @page_title = "Edit User" @page_active_3 = "active" if @user = User.find(params[:id]) @profile = @user.profile verify_id(,
2006 Aug 15
has_many + finder_sql & :include
Hello, In a model I have: has_many :things, :finder_sql => '' select * from other_things '' + '' where id = #{id} '' When I do MyClass.find(:all, :include => :things) I get a weird error: from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.14.4/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter.rb:120:in
2006 Nov 02
Still Having Problems With :through When Going To Same Table... Help... please :-(
I am having a problem with doing a :through that goes back to the same table. The following are my two classes: >>>>> class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :spanks has_many :spanked, :through => :spanks, :source => :spanked_user has_many :was_spanked_by, :through => :spanks, :source => :user end class Spank < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :spanker,
2007 Apr 25
form_remote_for, reloaded
Hi, being relativly new to RoR, I''m having a problem which I found described in this forum and somewhere else - but with no solution. I know, that it may be bad to mix table and form tags, but the first solution of an in place editing within a table looked nice: Version using form_for: <tr> <%form_for :time_record, :url => { :action => "add_time_record" } do
2014 Jun 23
-h, --help option
Hi, tmux author refuses to add -h, --help option, because OpenSSH does not have it [1]. I don't see why convenience features of tmux should depend on OpenSSH, but because I have no other choice (and got curious) I ask here - why OpenSSH doesn't provide -h or --help option? I use PuTTY as my client, which processes --help option, and for `ssh` binary I usually use Google + StackOverflow.
2009 Sep 28
Multi-databases support
Hi, While I was hacking ovirt-server, I have found that it's currently restricted to Postgres DB. Even if I like postgres for serious work on a server, I really prefer to hack/dev locally on a Sqlite or MySQL DB. I have googled on rails in order to find a good answer for the "foreign key problem" which forces OVirt to stay on pg. I have found a plugin on this particular
2006 Mar 31
Complex Through Statement
Quick Overview: I have an ''Employee'', some ''Merchants'' and some ''Products''. A ''Merchant'' has many ''Products''. An ''Employee'' has multiple ''Merchants'', depending on their relationship. For example, the Employee may be the enrollment contact for one merchant and the
2006 Mar 15
Through method problems with custom foreign_keys
A person has a many company_branches and A company_branch has many people. This join is represented using a "contacts" table. I am using a legacy schema so i am forced into using non-standard rails primary keys. I am using the new through relationship in rails 1.1. p=Person.find(1) b=p.company_branches # gives this error: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: OCIError: ORA-00904:
2006 Aug 02
Self-Referential has_many :through
Hello all. I am trying to create a self-referential has_many :through. I used the following site as a guide but it still doesn''t appear to be working. I have two models. Person and Relationship. A person has many contacts (Which is another person) through relationships class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
2010 Nov 09
Undefined method
I am very new to ROR. (Ruby 1.8.7, rails 2.1.1, rack 0.8.7, mysql 5.1.41) I has my_app/lib/migration_helpers.rb file: module MigrationHelpers def self.foreign_key(from_table, from_column, to_table) constraint_name = "fk_#{from_table}_#{to_table}" execute %{alter table #{from_table} add constraint #{constraint_name} foreign key (#{from_column})