similar to: text_field behaviour with validations

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "text_field behaviour with validations"

2006 Apr 08
text_field and arrays
Hi, I''m trying to do a bulk update on an array with the helper text_field. I''m trying to create an inputfield for every object in the array, but I''m not getting it right... example: class ClassA @arrayB[] end HTML (code with error): <% 0.upto(9) do |index| %> <%= text_field ''ClassA'', ''arrayB[index]'' %> non
2006 Mar 03
DB data type enforcement in Active Record
I have a question about how ActiveRecord handles data types. When I enter text in a text_field (meaning, a field in the GUI) which belongs to a numeric field in the database, Active Record automaticly converts it to 0, because that''s what the to_f/to_i method of a string does. Is it also possible to have Active Record enforce the types, so that when you enter text for a numeric
2019 May 31
[Bug 3017] New: ExitOnForwardFailure=yes doesn't work for local forwards (-L) Bug ID: 3017 Summary: ExitOnForwardFailure=yes doesn't work for local forwards (-L) Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 7.6p1 Hardware: Other OS: Linux Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P5 Component: ssh
2006 Apr 06
Inserting parent_id
I have two tables: - projects - lines lines has a foreign key constraint to When I''m creating a new line object, the database fails on insert with the following error: "PGError: ERROR: null value in column "project_id" violates not-null constraint" My code looks like this: def create_lines @project = params[:id] @line =
2006 Mar 06
Executing SQL in rails, and the types of the data returned
Hi, Every once in while I have to run SQL by hand, in my models mostly. But I''m wondering if there is a better way of doing it than I do. And, I have a question concerning types of the fields in the result the query produces. First, about the types. In a certain model, to get and return the value of a boolean function, I have to do: result =
2006 Apr 08
Calling validates_inclusion_of out of default namespace
Hi, I''m trying to run the "validates_inclusion_of" method in a before_save hook, because the range is dependant on the related data. But I can''t figure out how to call it. When calling it normally, it says it can''t find it. I''ve tried several combinations like "ActiveRecord::Validations.validates_inclusion_of", but I can''t seem to
2006 Mar 25
Unit test fails on different line the second time it''s run
I''ve got a very peculiar problem with unit tests. First, I clone my development database with "rake clone_structure_to_test", then I run my test with "ruby investment_product_score_override_test.rb". It fails on line 68. Then, every test run after this, fails consistently on line 34. How is this possible? I don''t use fixtures and I don''t use
2005 Dec 15
define_method with parameters
Hi, I''m trying to write a macro which defines methods. One of these should have a parameter, but I can''t get that to work. Something like: define_method("printstuff") do puts "blabla" end works fine. But, how do I use define_method to create something like: def printstuff(the_stuff) puts the_stuff end Thanks in advance.
2015 Nov 04
Find me macro - calling multiple people to get a hold of one
Hi list, We're trying to set up a phone number that customers can call to get a hold of anyone of a group of sysadmins (and not their voice mails!). We found the findme example ([1]) that makes the callees press 1 to accept the call. It almost works, but it doesn't work correctly when one of the callees, the sysadmins, hangs up after accepting the call. We're using this
2006 May 18
populating array of text_fields from an array of model objects
I have in my view the following: <% 0.upto(@num_performances) do |idx| -%> <%= text_field ''performance'', ''city'', :index => idx, %> <%= text_field ''performance'', ''venue'', :index => idx, %> <% end -%> and in my controller I have: @performance = ["city" =>
2006 May 19
pass text_field to controller when using periodically_call_r
Hi. Can anyone help with this? In a view, I have a text_field_tag( :mytextfield ). I would like to pass the current value of that text_field_tag to a periodically_call_remote - something like periodically_call_remote( :url => { :action => :do_it, :thetextval => :mytextfield.value } ) - Any idea how can I pass and/or access the value of the text_field_tag in my do_it controller?
2006 Mar 25
Re: Rails Digest, Vol 18, Issue 656
Here''s an alternative in-depth treatment on setting upo rails on Debian (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, ... ), may be interesting to follow through in more detail for some: The Perfect Rails/debian/lighttpd Stack... ( ) Victor Kane On 3/25/06, <> wrote: >
2009 Jun 08
why can't I add a :class to text_field?
<%= text_field_tag ''login'' ,nil, {:class => ''line''} %> the old way work. <%= f.text_field :login, :class => ''line'' %> but why this doesn''t. -- Posted via
2007 Sep 18
Setting default value in text_field/password_field
I am trying to set a default value in a text_field form. I know how to do this in html, but is there a way to do this with form_for Here is my code <% form_for :user do |f| -%> <p><label for="firstname"%>First Name</label><br/> <%= f.text_field :firstname%></p> ... <p><label for ="email"%>Email</label><br/>
2006 Feb 24
Formatting values of numbers using text_field
Anyone have a quick solution on how to format a number in a text_field tag? <% text_field "price", "amount" %> returns 100.0 and it would be nice if it showed 100.00 Of course, number_with_precision works nicely, but how do you make that work with text_field? I thought maybe overriding the getter in the model. However, this means I would have to bring the helper
2006 Aug 18
setting a value of text_field from a controller
Hi, I need to set up an initial value from controller. In my views I''ve something like <%= text_field "object", "name" %> and would like to do something like this from controller def index @object[:name] = ''default value'' end but still got an error. Object doesn''t have database model (and will not have) Thank you PS: now using
2006 Apr 19
undefined method `create_table'' for #<LoginController:0x5e60
I am geeting the foolowing error. undefined method `create_table'' for #<LoginController:0x5e60110> I wrote the crete action in application controller. I am coping ther total worng please help me! class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base model :cart model :line_item before_filter :authorize def create # create_table() yields a TableDefinition instance
2006 May 08
<%= text_field %> - how to set the value to session name?
I''m trying to automatically fill a "posted_by" text by with whoever is logged into the session. How do you set the value attribute using "<%= text_field ... %>"??? I''ve tried: <%= text_field ''post'', ''posted_by'', ''value'' => User.find(session[:user_id]).name.capitalize) %> But I get
2006 Jul 03
text_field doesn''t call overridden ActiveRecord getters
All, In a template, I have <%= text_field :target_list, :DateReceived, { :title => ''uploaded_at'', :class => ''target_list_info'', :disabled => ''true'' } %> Here is the DateReceived method on my
2006 Feb 23
text_field not populating, but object exists!
Hi I''m having a problem with a little code here, hopefully it''s easy to see what''s happening: <% @lectures.each do |lecture| %> <%= lecture.location%><br /> <%= text_field ''lecture'', ''location'' %> <% end %> The output I get is the text of the ''location'' rendering