similar to: aaf index rebuild problems on windows

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "aaf index rebuild problems on windows"

2007 Jul 06
ferret (0.11.4-mswin32) w/ acts as ferret
i''m indexing a table from some legacy db via a nightly executed script/runner command (LegacyInfobase.rebuild_index). but very often newer documents don''t show up in search results for quite some days. when running it manually from console for diagnosis it mostly stops with this error (but not always): [This was fast-saved 1 times. Some information is lost] IOError: IO Error
2007 Jun 08
Errror on update after Model.rebuild_index
Hi I use Ferret 0.11.4 and the latest stabel version of the acts_as_ferret plugin. To the issue. if I do Model.rebuild_index and after that try to update one of my objects of that Model I get: File Not Found Error occured at <except.c>:117 in xpop_context Error occured in fs_store.c:329 - fs_open_input tried to open
2007 Apr 21
Thinking of using aaf- looking for advice
Hi- I''m technical lead at Lingr (, a chatroom-based social networking site. We''ve currently got several million user utterances stored in MySQL, and we''re looking to build a local search functionality. I''ve played around with aaf and I really like it, but I have some questions. 1. Is anyone out there using aaf to index a corpus of this
2007 Jul 03
How index works!
Hi, i''ve a project in wich i have 2 different rails apps accessing the same DB. The backoffice, as usual, changes data. The frontoffice has a search capabilities with acts_as_ferret (paginated) for search. Maybe this is a newbie question but, when i delete index and restart front app all the articles are indexed, but the new one''s (via backoffice) are not searchable. Does
2007 Mar 06
aaf excluding certain db records from indexing
hi! short question about aaf: is there a builtin functionality in acts_as_ferret to exclude records from being indexed when for example a column "is_deleted" / "is_disabled" / "dont_index" has a certain value? regards neongrau -- Posted via
2007 Mar 14
aaf batch_size limits indexing on mssql to 1000 records
hi! after wondering why i can''t find alot of records i eventually found the problem in the sqlserver_adapters implementation of "add_limit_offset!". the problem is when using MSSQL with the sqlserver_adapter paging will only work when at least one column is defined in ":order". for example i was indexing a table with 2912 records, the generated sql for the batches
2007 Feb 04
[AAF] remote indexing via DRb with acts_as_ferret
Hi! Aaf trunk has undergone several major refactorings the last days, with the result that you can now transparently switch your app from local to remote indexing and back :-) If you plan to scale your app to more than one physical machine, or if you have problems with corrupted indexes and the like under high load, you really should give this a try. I wrote some documentation to get you
2007 Jun 07
Advise on slowness in bootstrapping?
I am looking at trying to use ferret/aaf to supplement my querying against a medium and large table with lots of columns. Some facts first: Ferret 0.11.4 AAF 0.4.0 Ruby 1.8.6 Rails 1.2.3 Medium table: 105,464 rows 168 columns (mostly varchar(20)) 11 actual columns indexed in aaf plus 40 virtual columns indexed in aaf (virtual is concat of two physical columns. e.g. cast_first_name_1 +
2006 Dec 01
Functional Testing AAF Plugin
Is there a way to reliably test the acts_as_ferret plugin using RoR functional tests? I load my fixtures and no matter what I do, the test won''t return a result for what *should* be a query that returns results. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. FIXTURE ******** article_001: id: 1 title: some valid article title
2007 Jan 21
[ActsAsFerret] OpenSolaris (TextDrive) indexing issues
Gents, I successfully installed AAF on my TextDrive OpenSolaris Container, but I''m having some issues with indexing. I have a model called Blogs which has AAF enabled. The first time I tried to find_by_contents for a ''word'' I know was on the Database I got now results. Apparently the index was not ready yet. Then I waited a few hours and checked that the /index
2007 May 15
AAF quirks in production mode
So my ferret behaves nicely in dev mode, but I just deployed and now he is not happy! First thing I noticed was that in general my app would not start with a folder called "development" in my index folder, so I changed it to "production" and now my app is functioning. However, when I try to search I get errors, which you can see here: Im
2007 May 31
complete index rebuild using AAF trunk
I am using AAF trunk, and I want a way to rebuild an index on a production site with little or no interruption to service. The Drb Server documentation* states that when an index is rebuilt, it is done in a separate location and then swapped into place when finished, and so to do a complete rebuild on a live site, one must take into consideration objects which have been created or
2007 Jul 29
RDig and AAF playing together
I have a site with two indexes. Index A is created offline by RDig and queried from the web via RDig (specifically, Index B is managed by AAF with :remote => true. Simple enough. However, I need to query both indexes from RDig. Usually this is ok, as I modified RDig to accept an array of search_paths with an element for index A and index B. However, when Index
2007 Nov 13
acts_as_ferret : cannot use a customized Analyzer (as indicated in the AdvancedUsageNotes)
Hi all, I cannot make aaf (rev. 220) use my custom analyzer, despite following the indications @ To pinpoint the problem, I created a model + a simple analyzer with 2 stop words : "fax" and "gsm". test 1 : model.rebuild_index + model.find_by_contents("fax") # fax is a stop word. => I get a
2007 Sep 11
aaf requires drb?
Hi, I''ve just read some an article ( This article (and the comment,) seem to imply that drb is required if running under a fastcgi kind of deployment. Is this true? Thanks, Chris. ps this is for a different server then my previous question. -- Posted via
2007 May 24
Strange Problem with AAF DRB connection
Hi all! We use the DRB-Server Backend and are getting strange DRb::DRbConnErrors lately. It started with: too large packet 687865856 (druby:/ /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:573:in `load'' and later only this one: premature marshal format(can''t read) (druby:/ /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:580:in `load'' Do you have any ideas what that
2007 Mar 13
Acts_as_ferret and auto-flush
Hi, I''m using acts_as_ferret in with a mongrel and I'' m getting locking errors that after a while result in a corrupt database. I know about the problem with different processes writing to the index but I haven''t been able to get the DRB server working properly yet. I read on this list that another solution is to set :auto_flush to true but I''m not
2007 Oct 04
Offline indexing issues
If I disable ferret in my environment file and then run a cron job every hour to index the records that have been added/changed, do I enable Ferret just in the script that does the hourly indexing? Or do I somehow need to tell the process that runs the Ferret DRB server that it should start writing to the index again? Thanks in advance. Erik
2007 Mar 31
DRb server & aaf gem
I''m having problems getting the DRb server running with the aaf gem. I tried it with the plugin installed in my application, and it worked. I suspect the problem has something to do with the startup scripts expecting certain files to be in certain relative file paths. Any insights are appreciated, and maybe if you have time you can update the wiki document :) Thanks for a great
2006 Sep 18
Dynamic fields and AAF
Hi, I have a model which has properties, these are your standard name/value pairs, but also have attributes that affect how I want to store them in ferret. I was using 0.9.5 with 0.2 of aaf, which seemed fine, I just copied and pasted (yes, I know, ick) the to_doc method and added code to iterate though the properties that that model had, and add relavent fields to the document. It seems