similar to: FormBuilder-friendly labels?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "FormBuilder-friendly labels?"

2005 Dec 27
Rewriting FormBuilder
Hi, I want to extend formbuilder to make it output a lable (I know about labeled_form_helper made by technoweenie), my own formating, and a couple of extra tags inside the form attribute. I was easily able to extend form_remote_to. But when I continue to adjust the way elements are handled I don''t know how to continue. I can''t find the method text_field thats should is
2007 Aug 20
FormBuilder in rjs
I have a page, which renders a partial that contains a ''State'' drop down list. Upon change, it re-renders the ''City'' drop down, re- populating it based on selected state_id: Page: /customer/new.rhtml <% form_for :customer, :url => customers_path do |f| %> State: <%= f.collection_select :state_id, State.find(:all), ''id'',
2006 Jun 05
ActiveRecord validations and FormBuilder
Hi, I''m writing my own FormBuilder and I wanted to put an asterisk or something next to any required fields. The Builder has access to the AR object, is there any method I can call on the AR object that will tell me whether or not a particular field is required? Failing that, can I access the complete list of validations so I can look through it for instances of
2006 Dec 05
Using render inside a FormBuilder (EdgeRails)
I''m using the latest trunk of 1.2-ish, and I''m wondering how to do what I want to do. I am using a form_for :builder I wrote, simply called TableFormBuilder after the rails cookbook, and want to be able to present help icons automatically. I want these icons to appear next to form fields I am rendering. For example, I have this method in helpers/table_form_builder.rb: # This
2009 Sep 06
How many attributes are there of a variable?
Hi, According to the example below this email, attr(x,"names") is the same as names(x). I am wondering how many attributes there are of a given variable. How to find out what they are? Can I always use some_attribute(x) instead of attr(x, "some_attribute")? Regards, Peng > x=c(1,2,3) > attr(x,"names")=c("a","b","c") > x a b c
2006 Apr 23
custom form builder
In the API docs I found this: "You can also build forms using a customized FormBuilder class. Subclass FormBuilder and override or define some more helpers, then use your custom builder " I couldn''t find any further documentation on this. Where can I read more about this formbuilder class? For starters, where would I define a subclass of this class? TIA, Jeroen --
2012 Oct 13
How to include html tag inside rails label tag
Hello pls help me, below is my code <label style="width:175px;text_align:left;float:left;font-weight:bold;font-size:13px;">Group <font size="1" color="red">*</font></label> How to write this html code inside label_tag of rails ???? am clear till <font size="1" color="red">*</font>...
2008 Dec 02
form_for with partial using do |@f|
Is it possible to pass this FormBuilder object to a controller and then back to a partial? I have a form rendering a partial that i would like to update with a call to my controller based on user selectable parameters, but when the AJAX comes back, i get this error message because i cannot pass a form builder object between the controller and the view: "undefined method
2008 Dec 07
boolean button helper
I don''t have a blog, but wanted to share this little bit of code with other semi-beginners like myself who are still learning to take advantage of rails features. Selecting an attribute with a boolean switch is a common pattern in forms. You can do it with a check box, but radio buttons are more expressive in some situations and better convey to the user that they are making a mandatory
2009 Apr 12
Multi-button form
It cannot be this difficult, especially in rails. Here is my form code in a partial for the index action of a controller: <% form_tag({:controller => controller_name, :action => ''index''}, {:method => :get, :class => ''form''}) do %> <div class="columns"> <div class="column left"> <p>
2006 Jul 11
Arbitrary elements in form_for?
I would like to use form_for in my project so that I can easily change the style of many forms at once. However, it seems to me like FormBuilders only support certain kinds of form elements(!). Surely there must be a way to add arbitrary labels/form elements to a form. Let''s say I had a form that looks like: ID: (plain-text label) Name: (text field) Birthdate: (date chooser) Picture:
2007 Apr 09
How do i switch off error wrapping for a specific field?
Hi, i have some issues with the default rails error wrapping. It wraps errors in a div with class ''fieldsWithError'', which is not good practice in my eyes. Adding a class ''error'' to the field would be much nicer. My solution to the problem: build your own FormBuilder. Funny enough, i found no (nice) possibility to switch error wrapping off while using the
2008 Dec 18
A question about text_field_tag value
This is my rails code: <%= label_tag ''user_name_label'', ''User Name:'' %> <%= text_field_tag ''user_name'', ''''%> <%= label_tag ''view_name_label'', ''View Name:''%> <%= text_field_tag ''view_name'', '''' %> I defined a user name text field
2010 Jan 26
accepts_nested_attributes_for :has_many :through => 'bug?'
Hey guys & ladies! I''ve got the following relationship which i''m trying to get accepts_nested_attributes to work with. But when i submit my form, it looks as if its expecting a Company object, rather than an array of companies. which really doesn''t make sense considering its a has_many :relationship. So what i''m after, is a way to
2007 Sep 30
Outputing to the browser, how?
Hello, I''m writting some helper methods to write forms, so I have this working code: class TableFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder ["file_field", "password_field", "text_field"].each do |name| define_method(name) do |label, *args| @template.content_tag(:tr, @template.content_tag(:td, @template.content_tag(:label,
2010 Oct 11
Converting observe_field to UJS in Rails 3
I am trying to rewrite my website in Rails 3 and Ruby 1.9.2. Can some one help me convert my observe_field which is working under Rails 2.3.5 to Rails 3. I would like to avoid using JQuery as over the last year everything I have tried in JQuery has failed, including this one. Perhaps due to my lack of knowledge. I would not like to install the legacy upgrade. What I have in my website is several
2006 May 26
What syntax is this? belongs_to :Person
so when I''m reading the pick axe book second edition I don''t see anything like the syntax you see people using in rails code. Specifically when you see. belongs_to :Person has_many :Phones etc these are methods on ActiveRecord right? Why is this invocation syntax never described in the Pick Axe book? I do see things like attr_reader :some_attribute etc but you
2007 Oct 20
Problems with form_for and partials
i''m having problem with a form_for situation where i''m trying to DRY out the repeated parts of my forms and put them in common/form and render the form elements via another partial in controller_name/_form. Here''s the first form # app/views/common/form <% form_for ... do |f| -%> <%= render :partial => "params[:controller]/form", :object => f
2011 Mar 08
form_tag for search bar with Rails 3.0.5
I have a controller and view that should be providing a search bar that brings up that brings up a selected record on submission. I have tried several variations, including just specifying the assets_path, but usually end up with either an error or a submission to the index action, rather than the show action. Currently, I have the following in my index.html.haml: = form_tag({:controller =>
2009 Feb 05
[rspec] [rails] Specing a form builder
I''m trying to set up and run a new form builder under rails, which lives under the helpers directory, but isn''t really a helper. (Not a module, so doesn''t mix in well) Short of dropping down into a view spec, how do I set up to actually spec the form builder? describe RandomFormBuilder do attr_reader :builder before do @object = mock_model(Foo) @builder =