similar to: Updates to rms package

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2013 Apr 19
NAMESPACE and imports
I am cleaning up the rms package to not export functions not to be called directly by users. rms uses generic functions defined in other packages. For example there is a latex method in the Hmisc package, and rms has a latex method for objects of class "anova.rms" so there are anova.rms and latex.anova.rms functions in rms. I use:
2011 Mar 01
Major update to rms package
A new version of rms is now available on CRAN for Linux and Windows (Mac will probably be available very soon). Largest changes include latex methods for validate.* and adding the capability to force a subset of variables to be included in all backwards stepdown models (single model or validation by resampling). Recent updates: * In survplot.rms, fixed bug (curves were undefined if
2011 Mar 01
Major update to rms package
A new version of rms is now available on CRAN for Linux and Windows (Mac will probably be available very soon). Largest changes include latex methods for validate.* and adding the capability to force a subset of variables to be included in all backwards stepdown models (single model or validation by resampling). Recent updates: * In survplot.rms, fixed bug (curves were undefined if
2018 Feb 16
Competing risks - calibration curve
Hi, Sorry not to provide R-code in my previous mail. R code is below #install.packages("rms") require(rms) #install.packages("mstate") library(mstate) require(splines) library(ggplot2) library(survival) library(splines) #install.packages("survsim") require(survsim) set.seed(10) df<-crisk.sim(n=500, foltime=10, dist.ev=rep("lnorm",2),
2010 Sep 13
New version of rms package on CRAN
CRAN has a significant update to rms. Windows and unix/linux versions are available and I expect the Mac version to be available soon. The most significant improvement is addition of latex=TRUE arguments to model fitting print methods, made especially for use with Sweave. Here is a summary of changes since the previous version. Changes in version 3.1-0 (2010-09-12) * Fixed gIndex to not
2010 Sep 13
New version of rms package on CRAN
CRAN has a significant update to rms. Windows and unix/linux versions are available and I expect the Mac version to be available soon. The most significant improvement is addition of latex=TRUE arguments to model fitting print methods, made especially for use with Sweave. Here is a summary of changes since the previous version. Changes in version 3.1-0 (2010-09-12) * Fixed gIndex to not
2013 Jul 11
[R-pkgs] Major Update to rms package
The rms ("Regression Modeling Strategies") package has undergone a massive update. The entire list of updates is at the bottom of this note. CRAN has the update for linux and will soon have it for Windows and Mac - check for availability. This rms update relies on a major update of the Hmisc package. The most user-visible changes are:
2008 Nov 03
NaN causes "error in fitter" with cph.calibrate from pkg Design
I have been attempting to use cph models to get better calibration of my models for which I had originally used logistic regression. I tried running with 40 repetitions and got an error. I then tried 500 repetitions (thinking that the NaNs in the output below might be caused by that choice) and then let my computer crunch for several hours and got only the same error message and
2010 Feb 24
New version of rms package now on CRAN
Version 2.2-0 of the rms package is now available. This is a somewhat major update. One major change is not downward compatible: Instead of specifying predictor=. or predictor=NA to Predict, summary, nomogram, survplot, gendata, you just specify the name of the predictor. For example, to get predictions for the default range of x1 and for just 2 values of x2 you might specify Predict(fit,
2010 Feb 24
New version of rms package now on CRAN
Version 2.2-0 of the rms package is now available. This is a somewhat major update. One major change is not downward compatible: Instead of specifying predictor=. or predictor=NA to Predict, summary, nomogram, survplot, gendata, you just specify the name of the predictor. For example, to get predictions for the default range of x1 and for just 2 values of x2 you might specify Predict(fit,
2010 May 05
Error messages with psm and not cph in Hmisc
While sm4.6ll<-fit.mult.impute(Surv(agesi, si)~partner+ pubty+ FPA+ strat(gender),fitter = cph, xtrans = dated.sexrisk2.i, data = dated.sexrisk2, x=T,y=T,surv=T, runs perfectly using Hmisc, Design and mice under R11 run via Sciviews-K, with library(Design) library(mice) ds2d<-datadist(dated.sexrisk2) options(datadist="ds2d")
2012 Apr 09
how to add 3d-points to bplot {rms} figure?
Hello! I have created a bplot-figure using this code: *file <- "2dcali_red.ttt" ux<-as.matrix(read.table(file, dec = ",")) mode(ux)<-'numeric' vel<-ux[,1] ang<-ux[,2] x<-ux[,3] y<-ux[,4] dat<- data.frame(ang=ang, x=x,y=y) require(rms) ddist2 <- datadist(dat) options(datadist="ddist2") fitn <- lrm(ang ~ rcs(x,4) +
2009 Sep 08
New package: rms
This is to announce a new package rms on CRAN. rms goes along with my book Regression Modeling Strategies. The home page for rms is, or go directly to for information just about the software. rms is a re-write of the Design package that has improved graphics and that duplicates very little code in the survival
2009 Sep 08
New package: rms
This is to announce a new package rms on CRAN. rms goes along with my book Regression Modeling Strategies. The home page for rms is, or go directly to for information just about the software. rms is a re-write of the Design package that has improved graphics and that duplicates very little code in the survival
2010 May 19
Nomogram with multiple interactions (package rms)
Dear list, I'm facing the following problem : A cox model with my sex variable interacting with several continuous variables : cph(S~sex*(x1+x2+x3)) And I'd like to make a nomogram. I know it's a bit tricky and one mights argue that nomogram is not a good a choice... I could use the parameter interact=list(sex=("male","female"),x1=c(a,b,c))... but with rcs or pol
2010 Aug 14
How to add lines to lattice plot produced by rms::bplot
I have a plot produced by function bplot (package = rms) that is really a lattice plot (class="trellis"). It is similar to this plot produced by a very minor modification of the first example on the bplot help page: requiere(rms) n <- 1000 # define sample size set.seed(17) # so can reproduce the results age <- rnorm(n, 50, 10) blood.pressure <- rnorm(n, 120,
2005 Jul 11
validation, calibration and Design
Hi R experts, I am trying to do a prognostic model validation study, using cancer survival data. There are 2 data sets - 1500 cases used to develop a nomogram, and another of 800 cases used as an independent validation cohort. I have validated the nomogram in the original data (easy with the Design tools), and then want to show that it also has good results with the independent data using 60
2011 Aug 20
 Dear R-users,   I  have two questions regarding validation and calibration of Survival regression models.   1.  I am trying to calibrate and validate a cox model using val.surv. here is my code:  f.1<-cph(Surv(time,event)~age, x=T, y=T, data=train)  test1<-test[,"age"]  val.surv(f.1, newdata=data.frame(test1), u=10)    but I get an error message:    Error in val.surv(f.1, newdata
2011 Jun 03
New version of rms package on CRAN
rms version 3.3-1 has been installed on CRAN. New features/bug fixes are below. * Added new example for anova.rms for making dot plots of partial R^2 of predictors * Defined logLik.ols (calls logLik.lm) * Fixed and cleaned up logLik.rms, AIC.rms * Fixed residuals.psm to allow other type= values used by residuals.survreg * Fixed Predict and survplot.rms to allow for case
2011 Sep 01
How to retrieve bias-corrected probability from calibrate.rms
Dear R users: In Prof. Harrell's library rms, calibrate.rms plot the Bias-corrected Probability and Apparent Probability. The latter one can be retrieved from class calibrate.default. But how to retrieve the former one. BW *Yao Zhu* *Department of Urology Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center Shanghai, China* [[alternative HTML version deleted]]