similar to: Pagination problem with acts_as_ferret

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2006 May 01
pagination in acts_as_ferret
I''m just wondering where I would put the pagination for search results when using "acts_as_ferret". At the moment my search code is.. def search @query = params[:query] || '''' unless @query.blank? @results = Tutorial.find_by_contents @query end end Cheers SchmakO -- Posted via
2007 Aug 14
problem searching dynamic strings with acts_as_ferret
Hi Jens, I am using acts_as_ferret and multi_search method in it, when I search for Cass I get the result, but I want to get Cass even if I type Cas or Ca or just C. How can we use the LIKE operator for this serach in acts_as_ferret? I am listing the method here: def search_names @users = User.available_users @user = User.find(session[:user_id]) @query = params[:query] ||
2007 May 02
Wrong total_hits when using conditions in find_by_contents
In my model Topic: acts_as_ferret({ :fields => {:username => {:store => :yes, :boost => 30}, :subject => {:store => :yes, :boost => 20}, :body => {:store => :yes, :boost => 10}}, :remote => true }, { :analyzer =>, false) }) def self.full_text_search(q, options = {}, find_options = {}) return nil if q.nil? or
2006 Oct 09
multi_search problems, Never go away!
Hello, I am trying to use the multi_search method, but I keep getting type error on nil objects, I send it [Model1,Model2] and it seems as though the class names keep getting clobbered and turn to nil, somewhere along the multi_index area. I tried to trace what was going on, but I got nothing, also, this only happens when there are actually hits(thank god, most of the time). Perhaps some insight?
2007 Aug 01
How to perform search on multiple models and controllers
Hi I am using acts_as_ferret and it works great on inidvidual models. Like I can search seperately for fileds indexed in BasicProfile model and fields indexed in WorkProfile model. I would like to know if it is possible to search commonly for all the fileds in these two models? Cheers Cass -- Posted via
2007 Dec 13
please explain find_with_ferret, retrieve_records, :include and :conditions
Hello, I''m using find_with_ferret to search multiple models and it works great. The trouble is I need to filter the results using :include and :conditions. I get two errors depending on the syntax I use in the search. Reading the source, I see the retrieve_records method seems to filter the :include and :conditions so that they only apply to the relevant model when searching
2007 Jun 01
Is aaf multi_search broken?
Hi all, I want to use acts_as_ferret''s multi_search to search two model classes (Reviewable and Blog) at a time like @results = Reviewable.multi_search("jemen", [Blog]) and I''m always getting the error You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occurred while evaluating
2006 Apr 26
Search multiple models
Hello, Lets say you have a few models like Post, Article, Wiki, Comment, And you want to use ferret to search all of them at once. How would I set up the latest acts_as_ferret to accomplish this? And what would be fastest for searches? 1 index for all models, or have an index per model? Thank you -- Posted via
2007 Mar 21
store_class_name for Comatose:Page model
Hi, I have three models: Comatose::Page, Article and Product. In all of them, store_class_name is set to true. Now, when i do: results = Comatose::Page.multi_search("*", [Article,Product], options) I get: wrong constant name Comatose::Page #{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/plugins/acts_as_ferret/lib/class_methods.rb:438:in `const_get''
2007 Jul 18
Strange search result with conditions in find_by_contents
Hi, guys: Strange search result with conditions in find_by_contents! first of all, i''ve installed the acts_as_ferret to my project vender folder by ''ruby script/plugin install svn://'' in my SearchController def searchforum if !params[:doSearch].nil? if params[:searchTerms].nil? || params[:searchTerms] ==
2007 Sep 28
undefined method error
Hi, I''m running the trunk version with drb server. In my ferret_server.log I get a lot of messages like this: #method_missing(:add, ["User", {:first_name=>"blah", :comments=>nil, :company=>"blah", :phone_day=>""}]) Over and over again. But more importantly, since yesterday doing a search has caused an exception: A NoMethodError
2009 Oct 26
find_with_ferret issue
Hi All, I''m implementing the ferret search engine on my railspace project. In my User and Info model, I have line that reads: acts_as_ferret :fields => [''username'', ''email''] This initially generates a find_by_contents which is added to the community contoller: @users = User. find_by_contents(query, :limit => :all) THis returned a method
2007 Jul 04
problems after gem update
Hi, I had ferret working wonderfully but i am regretting doing a gem update today. I had alot of trouble first installing it and was really happy to have it working. The upgrade was from 0.3.1 to 0.4.0. The problem is; in the rails console, >> @results = Book.find_by_contents("peter pan") => #<ActsAsFerret::SearchResults:0x487040c @total_hits=0, @results=[]> Its indexing
2006 Oct 13
multi_search error undefined method
Hi, Im having problems using the multi_search command. I keep getting the following error. "undefined method `<<'' for Book:Class" here is the code associated with this. class Book < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret :store_class_name => true end class User < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret :store_class_name => true end and the call is the
2007 Apr 12
Multiple Model Search
[from out-of-band communication with steven, just for the record] Hi! On Wed, Apr 11, 2007 at 01:47:49PM +0200, Steven Garcia wrote: > Hey Jens, > [..] > > 1. Is the Search model just an Active Record object or do I need to > set up a database for it as well (if so then with what columns)? No, that search model is just a plain class that backs your search form. If you want to
2006 Aug 19
Need help with multi_search
I have been trying to use multi_search to search accross multiple associated models, but I have had no luck at all. I have scoured the net and this forum for all similar posts, but none of them contain enough code for me to get it to work. I am successfully able to search individual models, and then display the results without a problem. I have the following 2 models, Product and Component.
2006 Dec 07
Search Multiple Models
Hello folks, I have four models, each with their own separate index. Models = Articles, Blogs, MusicTracks, and MediaFiles I have individual searches within each section of the site working just fine, but I want to have a gloabl search that searches across all of them at the same time and returns the results ordered by score. Here''s how far I am now... def search query =
2010 Jan 21
will_paginate ?
Does anyone have experience with will_paginate? I''m trying to use it with acts_as_ferret. routes.rb ... ''/search'', :controller => ''notes'', :action => ''search'' notes.rb ... acts_as_ferret :fields => [ ''body'' ] notes_controller.rb ... def search if params[ :query ] @query = params[
2006 Sep 20
acts_as_ferret limit on multi_search not working?
I''m using acts_as_ferret to do a query like this: Model1.multi_search("my query",[Model2,Model3], :limit => 2) No matter what number i set limit to I get 10 items in the resultset. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks/David -- Posted via
2007 Feb 28
How to use find_options in multi_search
Hello everyone, I''m using multi-search to search in some attributes of two classes. One of the attributes is the id of the customer. For each multi_search I want to do a give the id of the current customer as a parameter. This should only return results for the given customer. My current code looks like this: Folder.multi_search(@search_query, [Myfile]) I noticed in the API you can