Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "ggplot: a new system for drawing graphics in R"
2016 Sep 03
Ayuda con gráfico típico de histograma más linea
Sí, la primera reunión de la temporada será el 8 de este mes.
Un saludo,
Carlos J. Gil Bellosta
El 3 de septiembre de 2016, 23:52, Ruben Tobalina Ramirez <
lagrimaescrita en gmail.com> escribió:
> Muchas gracias a todos!
> Pues si, Eric, R a veces me vuelve loco, tiene una lógica muy particular.
> Miraré el libro, que lattice no lo he usado
2016 Sep 06
Ayuda con gráfico típico de histograma más linea
Dell es los pocos que yo sepa que ofrecen equipos con Linux instalado como
SO de base:
Carlos Ortega
El 6 de septiembre de 2016, 21:33, Ruben Tobalina Ramirez <
lagrimaescrita en gmail.com> escribió:
> Buenas,
> gracias a los que me ayudaron, he conseguido hacer
2016 Sep 03
Ayuda con gráfico típico de histograma más linea
Prueba algo así:
datos <- read.table("Downloads/pec.csv", header = T, sep = ";", dec = ",")
datos$Miles <- as.numeric(gsub("\\.", "", as.character(datos$Miles)))
datos$hora <- strptime(datos$hora, format = "%H:%M")
ggplot(datos, aes(x = hora, y = Miles)) + geom_line() +
scale_x_datetime(date_breaks =
2016 Sep 02
Ayuda con gráfico típico de histograma más linea
Y bueno, algo más bonito sí que queda con ggplot...
datIn <- read.csv("pec.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ";", dec = ",")
lab_x_idx <- c(1, round(nrow(datIn)/2, 0), nrow(datIn))
lab_x <- as.vector(datIn$hora[ lab_x_idx])
fre_gg <- ggplot( datIn, aes( x = 1:nrow(datIn), y = frec)) +
geom_bar(stat =
2007 Jun 04
Updated reshape and ggplot
Hi everyone,
This is a short announcement for the users of ggplot and reshape. I
have just released new versions of each that fix bugs when used with R
* reshape was having problems with missing combinations of variables
* errorbars in ggplot weren't working.
I've you've been having problems with either of these, please upgrade.
About ggplot
2007 Jun 04
Updated reshape and ggplot
Hi everyone,
This is a short announcement for the users of ggplot and reshape. I
have just released new versions of each that fix bugs when used with R
* reshape was having problems with missing combinations of variables
* errorbars in ggplot weren't working.
I've you've been having problems with either of these, please upgrade.
About ggplot
2006 Aug 02
ggplot facet label font size
How do I change the font size in the facet labels along the edges of the
For example (from the ggplot help file):
p<-ggplot(tips, sex ~ smoker, aesthetics=list(x=tip/total_bill))
In this plot, the facet labels are "smoker: No", "smoker: Yes", "sex:
Female", "sex: Male". What command can I use to reduce the font size of
2008 Sep 29
ggplot 2 - editing in the "panel_1_1" viewport
Hi All,
I am trying to find out how to access the components of a ggplot plot, and I
found this reply from Paul Murrel
I tried it, and it works.
However, I am trying to develop some functions that will do the drawing
"automatically", and usually I will not know the full name of the grob that
has the layout vp,
2010 May 10
ggplot: Trouble with xlim() and discrete scales
I'm learning ggplot and am a little confused. Sometimes discrete scales work
like I'd expect, and sometimes they don't. For example...
This works exactly like one would expect:
But this yields an error:
2006 Oct 24
[ggplot] trouble with ggabline and log-log-plots
I'm trying to generate a log-log plot with ggplot. Within this plot, I
would like to draw a straight line with the help of ggabline which does
not work. The code is
pl1 <- qplot(correlFunc, correlFunc.ref, data=all, log=c("xy"))
pl1 <- ggabline(pl1, slope=1, intercept=0)
print(pl1) ## no line in plot :(
I can produce plots as I want, if I transform all values before
2009 Sep 11
bar chart with means - using ggplot
Like this?
# example using qplot
meanprice <- tapply(diamonds$price, diamonds$cut, mean);meanprice
cut <- factor(levels(diamonds$cut), levels = levels(diamonds$cut))
qplot(cut, meanprice, geom="bar", stat="identity", fill = I("grey50"))
dev.new() # create a new graph to compare with qplot
# Example using ggplot
ggdata <-
2009 Feb 02
Broke ggplot...
It appears I broke ggplot in my script, but that maybe it is because the caffeine has worn off or maybe it is late in the day. I thought I was beginning to understand ggplot, but I have encountered a silly little issue.
For some reason the following does not produce a histogram with fill due to the Person's characteristics:
(Note that VADeaths_flat_df$Data works fine...)
2013 Jan 08
ggplot not showing all the years on the x-axis
Dear R helpers,
I am currently having hard time fixing the values on the x-axis of a plot
with ggplot: even though I have 12 years, ggplot plots only 3 of them.
Here is my example:
ii <- 2000:2011
ss <- rnorm(12,0,1)
pm <- data.frame(ii,ss)
tmpplot <- ggplot(pm, aes(x = ii, y = ss))
plot <- tmpplot + geom_line()
In my case, ggplot reports on the year 2000,
2023 Nov 24
ggplot adjust two y-axis
I don't know the axis mecanism well enough in ggplot but using the original
barplot function you can add an axis on the right using the axis function.
Here is an example:
test <- as.table(matrix(c(2,10,3,11), 2,2))
barplot(test, beside = TRUE, col = scales::brewer_pal(palette = 1)(2))
axis(4, at = c(0, 5, 10), labels = c(0,50,100))
-----Message d'origine-----
2014 Jan 30
objecto ggplot
Para este ejemplo especifico:
Deseo saber si tmp genera un objecto ggplot
> tmp <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = hp, y=mpg)) + geom_point()
El objecto o variable tmp, devuelve una lista y un gráfico, la clase dice
ser ggplot,
[1] "gg" "ggplot"
> typeof(tmp)
[1] "list"
El 30 de enero de 2014, 13:00, daniel
2011 Aug 15
ggplot in a function confusion!
Whats going on here?
ggplot()+geom_point(data=df,aes(x=x,y=y)) ## this is the normal usage
ggplot()+geom_point(data=df,aes(x=df[,1],y=df[,2])) ## but I can also feed
it column indices
ggplot()+geom_point(aes(x=df[,'x'],y=df[,'y'])) ## or column names.
## but if i wrap it in a function...
2023 Nov 24
ggplot adjust two y-axis
Dear Charles-Edouard
Thanks a lot. Yes indeed barplot sounds excellent.
Unfortunately, the scale of the smaller axis is fixed, even If I am able to
draw to axes. The idea is to expand the scale to the scale to the second
axis for comparison.
F1 <- as.table(matrix(c(50,11,6,17,16,3,1,2237,611,403,240,280,0,0), 2,7))
barplot(F1, beside = TRUE, col = c("blue", "grey"))
2007 Nov 13
ggplot2: changing axis labels in ggplot()
Hi all,
For various reasons, I need to use ggplot instead of qplot for a complex
figure. Everything is working fine, except I cannot figure out how to rename
the axis labels in ggplot. I have pasted a simple example below. Any ideas
on what I am doing wrong?
Thanks for your help.
##create data
2014 Jan 30
objecto ggplot
mi intencion es entender el codigo:
Para luego hacer mi trabajo, algo similar a esto, pero adaptado a mi región.
Si te fijas en las lineas 141-161, esta esto:
## Convert the base map into a ggplot object
## All added Cartesian coordinates to enable more geom options later on
map.ggmap <-
2012 Mar 15
Ggplot barchart drops factor levels: how to show them with zero counts?
When plotting a barchart with ggplot it drops the levels of the factor for
which no counts are available.
For example:
ggplot(mtcars[!mtcars$cyl==4,], aes(cyl))+geom_bar()
This shows my problem. Because no counts are available for factorlevel '4',
the label 4 dissapears from the plot. However, I