similar to: rgl v0.64-10 released

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "rgl v0.64-10 released"

2004 Nov 22
Installing rgl in R2.0.1
I'm running R2.0.1 under Solaris 2.9 on a SunBlade 100. When I installed it, I set things up to use the Sun compilers cc, CC, f95 with the options recommended in the installation and administration guide. Until today, no worries. With all this discussion about R GUIs I thought I'd give R Commander a go. The web page said to install a bunch of packages first, so I did >
2007 Nov 01
unable to install package ff
Hi all, I've had one of my most miserable R weeks in memory. I'm trying to deal with huge datasets (>1GB each) but am running up against those pesky memory limits. The libraries filehash and are not very suitable for what I need. I haven't gotten into the sql thing yet. Most recently I've been trying to install the new package ff (not yet on the CRAN repository). I
2004 Aug 24
rgl installation problems
It is indeed the following problem. I used the RPM installation as of July 20, 2004 and had the same problem installing rgl. After fixing the following line in the Makeconf file ("-share" is missing), the installation of rgl went successfully. >This is a little strange. I'm now building RPMS for older Red Hat versions on FC2 using a tool called Mach. There is a possibility that
2007 Feb 21
Installing Package rgl - Compilation Fails - FreeBSD
Brian, I just tried your version rgl_0.70-2 with R-2.5.0 on FreeBSD 7.0-CURRENT (i386) and it works! Thank you very much for this competently and very fast help. Next I will try if it compiles on amd64, too ... Rainer Prof Brian Ripley schrieb: > This looks to me like a problem in your OpenGL, I am afraid. > > I've made available a (completely unofficial) revised tarball at
2004 Jun 25
rgl installation problems
Hi! I'm new to R, but have worked with Splus before. I installed several packages in R (R-1.9.1) without problems, but when I try to install rgl (rgl_0.64-13.tar.gz). I get the following, and the package does not install. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm running R in redhat 9. Thanks, Enrique ------- [my pc]# R CMD INSTALL rgl_0.64-13.tar.gz * Installing *source* package
2011 Oct 25
How to find seasonal effect and trend from raw data (newbie ...)
Hello, >From the data provided in the attached file, I would like to find the seasonal effect and the trend (if there are some) like in page 10 of the following document: f Small problem: I don't know how to
2003 May 02
stepfuns: R^2 -> R
Does anyone have any suggestions on perspective plotting of piecewise constant functions? Ideally, I would like something like plot.stepfun for functions that are piecewise constant on polygons. Even pointers to non-R strategies would be welcome at this stage. url: Roger Koenker Dept. of Economics UCL, email rkoenker at Department of Economics Drayton House, vox:
2003 Jul 21
help on barplot
Hello, I am trying to compare two histograms using barplot. the idea is to plot the histograms as pairs of columns side by side for each x value. I was able to do it using barplot before but I can't remember now for the life of me now how I did it in the past: > d [,1] [,2] -37.5 0.0000000000 2.789396e-05 -32.5 0.0001394700 5.578801e-05 -27.5 0.0019804742
2004 Apr 26
Hello. I'm writting a glx device and I've some performance problem with the eventloop registration system. The device is not refresh when there's no X event. That's problematic for animation and "smoothness" of display. Should I use threads or fork the R process to get and independant way to refresh my device ? Or do you know another way to refresh it ? Thanks
2008 Aug 04
major release ff 2.0 (large atomic objects)
Dear R community, ff Version 2.0 is available on CRAN. Based on paging concepts from version 1.0, 2.0 is a major redesign of this package for handling large datasets. We have implemented numerous enhancements and performance improvements to make this package suitable as a 'base' package for large data processing. The ff package provides atomic data structures that are stored on disk
2008 Aug 04
major release ff 2.0 (large atomic objects)
Dear R community, ff Version 2.0 is available on CRAN. Based on paging concepts from version 1.0, 2.0 is a major redesign of this package for handling large datasets. We have implemented numerous enhancements and performance improvements to make this package suitable as a 'base' package for large data processing. The ff package provides atomic data structures that are stored on disk
2012 Apr 22
contour algorithm
First time user, so sorry if I don't understand protocol.. Anyway, I have created a data frame consisting of pearson's R values at various x and y coordinates and then plotted this using filled.contour. My data is similar to fMRI data except that it is a surface map reconstructed from histological sections. I like the results but would like to know how contours were detected. Google search
2004 Aug 08
FW: R packages install problems linux - X not found (WhiteBoxEL 3)
-----Original Message----- From: Dr Mike Waters [mailto:michael.waters at] Sent: 08 August 2004 20:11 To: 'MSchwartz at' Subject: RE: [R] R packages install problems linux - X not found (WhiteBoxEL 3) -----Original Message----- > Correction on the above URL. I pasted the wrong one here. It should be: >
2012 Aug 20
rdyncall fears removal from CRAN
Dear R Core and CRAN Team, I received a warning that the rdyncall package [1] will be archived and removed from the main CRAN distribution at 7th of September if I can not get rid of .Internal calls. > From: ripley at (Prof Brian Ripley) > Subject: Use of .Internal in CRAN package rdyncall > Date: August 14, 2012 11:09:06 AM GMT+02:00 > To: dadler at
2004 Aug 08
R packages install problems linux - X not found (WhiteBoxEL 3)
On Sun, 2004-08-08 at 14:10, Dr Mike Waters wrote: snip > Thanks for the responses guys. > > I used to have RH9 installed on this machine and I found out about the > separate developer packages then. I thought that I had got the relevant > XFree devel package installed, but although it showed up in the rpm database > as being present, the required files were not present. I did
2003 Dec 25
Plot a sphere
Hi, I'm new to R (and math ;) Would somebody please be so kind as to direct me in plotting a 3D sphere? I tried something in the lines of: #### y <- x <- seq(-pi, pi, length=pi*10) f <- function(x,y) { z <- sqrt(pi - x^2 - y^2) #z[] <- 0 z } z <- outer(x, y, f) persp(x, y, z, theta = 120, phi = 30) #### I've also tried: .... make.surface.grid(...) ..
2003 Nov 16
Legend position in barplots
Hello! Is there a way to change the position of the legend created in a barplot from the right side of the plot to the left side or somewhere else? Thanks Dipl.-Kfm. Andreas Lackner Universität Göttingen Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Abtl. I Prof. Dr. Jörg Biethahn Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5 37073 Göttingen Zimmer: 1709, Spr.-Std: Di. 10-11 Tel:
2003 Jun 23
How can I do a spinning plot in R?
I have found XLispStat's spinning plots illuminating. I'd like to do the same thing in R. A dozen or so probes with help,, apropos haven't turned up anything, and I've even resorted to grepping through the entire R source distribution looking for 'spin.*plot', to no avail. Either the feature is called something else in R (what?), or it's in some other
2009 Sep 21
Three dimensional view of the profiles using 'rgl' package (example of 3 dimensional graphics using rgl package).
Hi there, Anyone has an idea how to put those two sets of code together so that I can get a 3-dimensional picture that includes points instead of 2 separate pictures which doesnt make that much sense at the end. #Let's say that these are the data we would like to plot: A<-c(62,84,53) B<-c(64,82,55) C<-c(56,74,41) D<-c(46,68,38) E<-c(71,98,72) data<-rbind(A,B,C,D,E)
2010 Jun 05
rgl installation failure
Hello, I am trying to install rgl package under R and getting some errors which is below. > install.packages("rgl") Warning in install.packages("rgl") : argument 'lib' is missing: using '/usr/lib/R/library' trying URL '' Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 1677498 bytes (1.6 Mb)