similar to: New package -- mvpart

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "New package -- mvpart"

2012 Apr 24
mvpart versus SPSS
I have a question relating to mvpart, which I hope you can answer. We recently conducted a study using TBR. In our first study, we used "regular" TBR in SPSS to model 1 dependent variable. Note we have a relatively small data-set of 100 cases. In SPSS, we used a minimum change of improvement smaller than 0.000001 as a stopping rule. Also, we chose the 1SE "rule", set the
2006 Mar 08
function gdist, dist and vegdist in mvpart
Dear R community, I am analyzing plant communities with the function mvpart, using a dissimilarit matrix as input. The matrix is calculated with the funtion gdist. fit <- mvpart(gdist (ba12[,18:29], meth="maximum", full=TRUE, sq=F) ~ beers + slope_dem + elev_dem+ plc_dem + pr_curv+ +curv+max_depth+doc_rocks+ abandon+land_use+ca_old, data=ba12, xv="p") This
2006 Jun 20
FW: multivariate splits
-----Original Message----- From: Vayssi?res, Marc Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 9:35 AM To: 'r-help-bounces at' Subject: RE: [R] multivariate splits Glen De'ath's package for R is on cran! It is called mvpart, see: Cheers, Marc Vayssi?res -----Original Message----- From: r-help-bounces at
2011 Sep 13
mvpart analyses with covariables
Hi all, I am fairly new to R and I am trying to run mvpart and create a MRT using explanatory variables and covariables. I've been following the procedures in Numerical Ecoogy with R. The command (no covariables) which works fine - ABUNDTMRT <- mvpart(abundance ~ .,factors,margin=0.08,cp=0,xv="1se",xval=nrow(abundance),xvmult=100,which=4) where abundance is 4th root
2008 Sep 16
1-SE rule in mvpart
Hello, I'm using mvpart option xv="1se" to compute a regression tree of good size with the 1-SE rule. To better understand 1-SE rule, I took a look on its coding in mvpart, which is : Let z be a rpart object , xerror <- z$cptable[, 4] xstd <- z$cptable[, 5] splt <- min(seq(along = xerror)[xerror <= min(xerror) + xvse * xstd]) I interprete this as following: the
2009 Mar 15
mvpart error - is.leaf
Hello, When trying to run mvpart either specifying my own parameters or using the defaults, I get the following error: Error in all(is.leaf) : unused argument(s) (c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)) As far as I can tell, is.leaf is part of the dendrogam package, so I'm assuming there's some problem with the graphical parameters. However running same formula and data
2012 Apr 23
change color scheme in mvpart
Hello everyone, I am currently using the mvpart package and would like to change the color scheme it uses, and was hoping someone could help me out. All of the papers I have found have used a grayscale but I can't seem to figure out how they did that! Currently, mvpart plots barplots in a repeating sequence of 3 shades of blue. So if you have 6 response variables the same shade of blue is used
2008 Feb 29
controlling for number of elements in each node of the tree in mvpart
Still about the mvpart. Is there any way I can control for the number of elements in each node in the function mvpart? Specifically, how can I ask partition to ignore node with elements less than 10? Thanks! -Shu
2010 Feb 26
Error in mvpart example
Dear all, I'm getting an error in one of the stock examples in the 'mvpart' package. I tried: require(mvpart) data(spider) fit3 <- rpart(gdist(spider[,1:12],meth="bray",full=TRUE,sq=TRUE)~water+twigs+reft+herbs+moss+sand,spider,method="dist") #directly from ?rpart summary(fit3) ...which returned the following: Error in apply(formatg(yval, digits - 3), 1,
2008 Oct 01
xpred.rpart() in library(mvpart)
R-users E-mail: Hi! R-users. says: data(car.test.frame) fit <- rpart(Mileage ~ Weight, car.test.frame) xmat <- xpred.rpart(fit) xerr <- (xmat - car.test.frame$Mileage)^2 apply(xerr, 2, sum) # cross-validated error estimate # approx same result as rel. error from printcp(fit) apply(xerr, 2,
2008 Feb 29
barplot and pca plot in mvpart
Hello, I'm using the R package called mvpart, which is about the multivariate regression trees. The function I wrote is: mrt1<- mvpart(coefmat~sChip+sScreen+sMem,data=mixdata, xv="pick", plot.add=TRUE,uniform=TRUE,which=4,all=TRUE,xadj=2,yadj=2,rsq=TRUE,big.pts=TRUE,wgt.ave.pca=TRUE,legend=TRUE,bars=F, pca=TRUE) where "coefmat" is a matrix(of dimension N*K) to store
2008 Feb 29
barplot and pca plot in mvpart/rpart
Hello, I'm using the R package called mvpart, which is about the multivariate regression trees. The function I wrote is: mrt1<- mvpart(coefmat~sChip+sScreen+sMem,data=mixdata, xv="pick", plot.add=TRUE,uniform=TRUE,which=4,all=TRUE,xadj=2,yadj=2,rsq=TRUE,big.pts=TRUE,wgt.ave.pca=TRUE,legend=TRUE,bars=F, pca=TRUE) where "coefmat" is a matrix(of dimension N*K) to store
2009 Mar 23
mvpart error
Hello all, When attempting a classification tree using mvpart, I get the following error: > thesis2.mvp=mvpart(bat_sp~., data=alltrees.df) Error in all(keep) : unused argument(s) (c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
2005 Apr 20
I: results from sammon()
Thanks for the attention paid to my rpoblem. Please find enclosed the matrix with my dissimilarities. This is the only case in which sammon(), from the MASS package, gives me this kind of problems. Domenico > > > -----Messaggio originale----- > > Da: Jari Oksanen [mailto:jarioksa at] > > Inviato: mercoled?? 20 aprile 2005 11.53 > > A: Domenico Cozzetto >
2010 Aug 13
Delete rpart/mvpart cross-validation output
Dear all, I was wondering if there is a simple way to avoid printing the multiple cross-validation automatic output to the console of recursive partitionning functions like rpart or mvpart. For example... > data(spider) > mvpart(data.matrix(spider[,1:12])~herbs+reft+moss+sand+twigs+water,spider,xv="1se",xvmult=100) *X-Val rep : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
2005 Aug 08
INDVAL and mvpart
Hi, I'd like to perform Dufrene-Legendre Indicator Species Analysis for a multivariate regression tree. However I have problems with arguments of duleg(veg,class,numitr=1000)function. How to obtain a vector of numeric class memberships for samples, or a classification object returned from mvpart? thanks in advance -- Best regards, Agnieszka Strzelczak
2010 Apr 26
mvpart : Printing response values at terminal nodes
I have created a multivariate regression tree using mvpart, with 3-4 responses. Though the plot shows bargraphs for each response, I would like to have the VALUES of the responses printed or indicated (via a scale or something) alongside the bargraph. Is this possible ?? Thanks, Manjunath [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Dec 28
CV by rpart/mvpart
Dear R-list, I am using the rpart/mvpart-package for selecting a right-sized regression tree by 10-fold cross-validation. My question: Is there a possibility to find out for every observation in which of the ten folds it is lying? I want to use the same folds for validating another regression method (moving averages) in order to choose the better one. Thanks a lot, Pedro
2005 May 04
MacOS X: update.packages(type="mac.binary") fails (PR#7834)
Dear Mr Moderator, please let me through. I want to reply to my own thread. I once subscribed to this list, but then my subscription was not accepted. Now to the business: The final failure came from missing .install.macbinary() function. I grepped R-patched sourcesand the only instance of .install.macbinary() was the call to the function in R- patched/src/library/utils/R/packages2.R (stupid
2010 Mar 12
using xval in mvpart to specify cross validation groups
Dear R's I'm trying to use specific rather than random cross-validation groups in mvpart. The man page says: xval Number of cross-validations or vector defining cross-validation groups. And I found this reply to the list by Terry Therneau from 2006 The rpart function allows one to give the cross-validation groups explicitly. So if the number of observations was 10, you could use