Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Robust Covariance Estimation (NNVE) Package Released"
2002 Oct 22
FW: Mixture Transition Distribution (MTD) time series model in R or S ?
Forwarded from Adrian Raftery:
-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian Raftery [mailto:raftery at stat.washington.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 10:15 AM
To: Warnes, Gregory R
Subject: Re: FW: [R] Mixture Transition Distribution (MTD) time series
model in R or S ?
Thanks, Greg. Current MTD software is reviewed in
Andr? Berchtold and Adrian E. Raftery
"The Mixture Transition
2005 Nov 18
R-News 5/2, Bayesian Model Averaging, a detail
The article on BMA (Bayesian model averaging) presents most valuable tools for model selection, but I find one detail confusing in Example 1. In page 4 of RNews 5/2, second paragraph says that the probability of Time variable not being in the model is 0.445. It seems to me that the figure should be 1 - 0.445 = 0.555, because p!=0.445 is the prob. of Time variable being in the model. The plot in
2004 Jun 07
MCLUST Covariance Parameterization.
Hello all (especially MCLUS users).
I'm trying to make use of the MCLUST package by C. Fraley and A. Raftery. My problem is trying to figure out how the (model) identifier (e.g, EII, VII, VVI, etc.) relates to the covariance matrix. The parameterization of the covariance matrix makes use of the method of decomposition in Banfield and Rraftery (1993) and Fraley and Raftery (2002) where
1999 Aug 14
leaps and bounds
Dear friends. On the Bayesian averaging homepage http://www.research.att.com/~volinsky/bma.html I found
some S code some of which perhaps may run in R. There was a call to an algorithm possibly within S but not supported by R 64.1: "leaps and bounds". I guess it is a minimization step. Can anyone clarify the algorithm and perhaps even give a pointer to some code ?
I guess this may be
2013 Feb 18
nobs() with glm(family="poisson")
The nobs() method for glm objects always returns the number of cases
with non-null weights in the data, which does not correspond to the
number of observations for Poisson regression/log-linear models, i.e.
when family="poisson" or family="quasipoisson".
This sounds dangerous since nobs() is, as the documentation states,
primarily aimed at computing the Bayesian
2012 Feb 16
Is there a function for scatter3d with Categorical responses?
I'm working with a series (30+) of hydrologic metrics and 10 vegetation
communities and I need to determine which of the metrics provide the best
separability for each of the vegetation communities. The hydrologic
metrics are highly correlated, therefore the need to reduce the number of
them considered is critically important.
I've been looking at the scatter3d function in the
2006 Apr 23
Question about bicreg
Dear Adrian and Ian (and r-helpers),
I encountered a curious result in developing an example using the bicreg
function in the BMA package: I noticed that pairs of models with equal R^2
and equal numbers of predictors had nevertheless different BIC values.
Looking at the bicreg function, the definition of BIC appears to be the
usual one, or close to it [bic <- n * log(1 - r2/100) + (size - 1) *
1999 Feb 09
Installing on 64-bit Dec or SGI
Hi all,
The systems guys here in the stat dept don't seem to be able to
compile R on the Dec Alphas or on the SGIs. Can anyone give them a hand?
Gregory R. Warnes | It is high time that the ideal of success
warnes at biostat.washington.edu | be replaced by the ideal of service.
2004 Jul 26
covariate selection in cox model (counting process)
Hello everyone,
I am searching for a covariate selection procedure in a cox model formulated
as a counting process.
I use intervals, my formula looks like coxph(Surv(start,stop,status)~
x1+x2+...+cluster(id),robust=T) where id is a country code (I study
occurence of civil wars from 1962 to 1997).
I'd like something not based on p-values, since they have several flaws for
this purpose.
I turned
2012 Mar 16
Change in behavior of update.views()?
I haven't seen this cryptic warning before:
> update.views('Robust')
Warning message:
In update.views("Robust") :
The following packages are not available: covRobust, distr, FRB, MASS, mblm, multinomRob, mvoutlier, quantreg, RandVar, rgam, RobAStBase, robfilter, RobLox, RobRex, robust, RobustAFT, robustbase, ROptEst, ROptRegTS, rrcov, sandwich, wle
2011 Apr 17
Box plot with 5th and 95th percentiles instead of 1.5 * IQR: problems implementing an existing solution...
Hi all,
I'm just getting started with R and I would appreciate some help. I'm having
trouble creating a boxplot with whiskers at the 95th and 5th percentiles
instead of at 1.5 * IQR. I have read the relevant documentation, and checked
existing mails on this topic. I found a small modification that should work
: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2001-November/016817.html and tried
1998 Feb 23
R-beta: Help: cov.mve in R? dgamma in Splus?
Hi all
I have a couple of obscure questions for R/Splus experts (which
unfortunately isn't me!)
I am trying to compute Bayes Factors using some Splus code of Raftery
in Gilks et al (1996). Only problem is
1) R doesn't seem to have a robust covariance (cov.mve) which I
suspect I need rather than a non-robust classical estimate
2) Splus has cov.mve BUT dgamma in Splus doesn't have a
2004 Feb 17
Bug report for fracdiff
I was sniffing in the fracdiff library (this is for fractionally integrated
ARMA processes; Haslett and Raftery 1989).
The documentation suggests that one tries the following simple example:
ts.test <- fracdiff.sim( 5000, ar = .2, ma = -.4, d = .3)
fracdiff( ts.test$series, nar = length(ts.test$ar), nma = length(ts.test$ma))
When I run this, I get the following error:
2018 Oct 10
R lets one lock an environment with both an R function,
base::lockEnvironment, and a C function, R_LockEnvironment, but, as far as
I can tell, no corresponding function to unlock an environment. Is this
omission on principle or just something that has not been done yet?
I ask because several packages, including the well-used R6 and rlang
packages, fiddle with some bits in with SET_ENVFLAGS and
2006 Feb 08
Baysian model averaging method
HI, List
I want to know weather any body has used BMA Package for model averaging for prediction of future values.....What are the paprmeters we have to suplly to the model. Any script for the same.
thanks in advance
MOBILE +919422023277
2000 Mar 21
clustering methods in R
Dear R people,
I need to do some work with clustering, but know next to nothing about it
at present. R has (at least) three clustering packages, cluster, mclust,
I was wondering if someone can direct me to some good books where I could
find documentation and background on the functions in these packages. The
html help in these packages lists the following as references. Can people
2006 Jul 12
Prediction interval of Y using BMA
Hello everybody,
In order to predict income for different time points, I fitted a linear
model with polynomial effects using BMA (bicreg(...)). It works fine, the
results are consistent with what we are looking for.
Now, we would like to predict income for a future time point t_next and of
course draw the prediction interval around the estimated value for this
point t_next. I've found the
2007 Mar 26
Problem in loading all packages all at once
Hi All
Please see the Rprofile file which i have modified as follows and after
that when I start R then I see that R says to me "TRUE" for all the
packages implying that all loaded at once.
But when i try to use commands as simple as help("lm"), it doesnt work nor
any of the menu "Packages" is not working.
Although the regression using lm ( Y ~ X ) is working
2012 Jun 18
Slide Show (S9) v1.1 Update - More Template Packs (Deck.js, Impress.js, CSSS, Slidy2, etc.)
If you're interested in authoring your presentations/slide shows in
Markdown, you might check out the Slide Show (S9) gem in Ruby. A
simple slide show looks like:
What's Slide Show (S9)?
A Free Web Alternative to PowerPoint and KeyNote in Ruby
Getting Started in 1-2-3 Easy Steps
* Step
2008 Sep 25
levelplot/heatmap question
I have data containing a large number of probabilities (about 60) of nonzero
coefficients to predict 10 different independent variables (in 10 different
BMA models). i've arranged these probabilities in a matrix like so:
(IV1) (IV2) (IV3) ...
p(b0) p(b0) p(b0)
p(b1) p(b1) p(b1)
p(b2) p(b2) p(b2)
where p(b1) for independent variable 1 is p(b1 !=