similar to: New package : ade4

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "New package : ade4"

2006 Oct 01
New package 'ade4TkGUI', a Tcl/Tk GUI for ade4
Dear R-Users, ade4TkGUI is a new package available on CRAN. It implements a Tcl/Tk graphical user interface (GUI) for the ade4 package. Only the most basic functions of ade4 have a GUI in this first version : classical one-table data analysis methods (PCA, COA, MCA, PCO, etc.), one table with groups of rows (BGA, WGA, DA), and two-tables analysis methods (Coinertia analysis, CCA, PCAIV).
2006 Oct 01
New package 'ade4TkGUI', a Tcl/Tk GUI for ade4
Dear R-Users, ade4TkGUI is a new package available on CRAN. It implements a Tcl/Tk graphical user interface (GUI) for the ade4 package. Only the most basic functions of ade4 have a GUI in this first version : classical one-table data analysis methods (PCA, COA, MCA, PCO, etc.), one table with groups of rows (BGA, WGA, DA), and two-tables analysis methods (Coinertia analysis, CCA, PCAIV).
2004 Apr 22
ade4 package update
The ade4 package (v. 1.2-1) has been updated on CRAN. New features include: - functions based on Rao's axiomatization of diversity measures : Rao's diversity coefficient and dissimilarity coefficient (divc and disc) - functions based on Excoffier et al. analysis of molecular variance with tests of the difference among the factors (amova). - functions introducing double principal
2004 Apr 22
ade4 package update
The ade4 package (v. 1.2-1) has been updated on CRAN. New features include: - functions based on Rao's axiomatization of diversity measures : Rao's diversity coefficient and dissimilarity coefficient (divc and disc) - functions based on Excoffier et al. analysis of molecular variance with tests of the difference among the factors (amova). - functions introducing double principal
2007 Apr 26
New version of ade4TkGUI
Dear UseRs, Version 0.2-1 of the ade4TkGUI package (a GUI for the ade4 package) is now available on CRAN. This version corrects a few bugs and has the following new features : - history management : commands executed in the GUI are now stored in the R session history - echo of commands on cosole : all commands (including these ones issued in the dudi synthesis window) are now echoed to the
2007 Apr 26
New version of ade4TkGUI
Dear UseRs, Version 0.2-1 of the ade4TkGUI package (a GUI for the ade4 package) is now available on CRAN. This version corrects a few bugs and has the following new features : - history management : commands executed in the GUI are now stored in the R session history - echo of commands on cosole : all commands (including these ones issued in the dudi synthesis window) are now echoed to the
2008 Jan 18
residuals from pcaiv
Dear R users, How can I extract the residuals from a pcaiv/rda in ade4? In Vegan there is the residuals() function, giving the approximation of the original data from the unconstrained ordination Is there something similar in ade4? Nikos
2009 Aug 03
principal component analysis for class variables
Dear Forum, I have a class variable 1 (populations A-E), and two other class variables, variable 2 and variable 3. What I want is to see if the combination of var 2 and var 3, will give me a pattern that allows to distinguish populations. I found several packages like ade4, with pcaiv function and factoMineR. but there are not working. Using the ade4 package, when I try to build the pca: pca1
2001 Nov 10
Summary: Teaching with R a quick survey.
Hi I would like to start by thanking everyone that replied. Thank you for the information, and for the comments about how or why you use it and thankx for the encouragement re my talk.... Please note that I do not claim to have ellicited a reply from all users of R, this is a quick survey not a census. I have tried to break the responces down to the following categories: Where: (hopefully
2008 May 22
AMOVA results from ade4 different than in the reference publication
Hello, I am trying to run some AMOVA analyses with the amova function in the package ade4. When running the example dataset provided in ade4, I noticed a difference between the published results from the same data (Excoffier et al. 1992) and what ade4 calculates. Below are the data for "within sample/population" from ade4 and from the haplotypic distance matrix in the paper:
2010 Dec 06
Problemas instalando el paquete "ade4"
Un saludo R-inómanos: Les escribo porque tengo una duda que no he podido resolver por mis medios y actuales conocimientos. He querido instalar el paquete "ade4" en R (OP linux-ubuntu) pero no he podido por un error que según entiendo está relacionado con una librería. Me permito mostrarles el texto que me aparece luego de tratar de instalarlo desde los repositorios: >
2003 Dec 15
packages for ecologists - summary
Dear R user, I asked for packages which should be mentioned in a ecological related presentation of R and would like to summarize the replies. First of all E. Paradis pointed out, that he would prefer to see R presented in a different way, please read his whole reply https:// Packages which
2010 Jul 17
cca in ade4
Dear List, I used spec and envi for cca in ade4. (both are data.frame) However, there is a message telling that error in if (nf > rank) nf <- rank R missing value in TRUE/FALSE Please kindly help how to modify the code below. Thank you. Elaine code rm(list=ls()) spec <-read.csv("c:/migration/M_R_20100718_winterM_spec_vegan.csv",header=T, row.names=1) dim(spec) spec[1,]
2005 Mar 14
Significance of Principal Coordinates
Dear all, I was looking for methods in R that allow assessing the number of significant principal coordinates. Unfortunatly I was not very successful. I expanded my search to the web and Current Contents, however, the information I found is very limited. Therefore, I tried to write code for doing a randomization. I would highly appriciate if somebody could comment on the following approach.
2010 Jul 17
data.frame required for cca in ade4
Dear List, I tried to conduct cca using csv data but failed. The message said that data.frame is required. Please kindly share how to convert a csv-imported file to a data.frame. Thank you. Elaine code rm(list=ls()) spec <-read.csv("c:/migration/M_R_20100718_winterM_spec_vegan.csv",header=T, row.names=1) dim(spec) spec[1,] envi
2010 Dec 17
Change legend position in s.value {ade4}
How do I change the postion of the legend in s.value {ade4} from the defaul , bootom left? thanks Nevil Amos
2004 Jan 01
Dear All, I am using the scatter.dudi finction in the 'ade4' package to produce correspondence analysis (nice) plots. I do not seem to figure out how to plot the raw coordinates only -- or column coordinates only. I would appreciate any help in doing that. Here is the example I am following -- from the package. data(banque) > banque.acm <- dudi.acm(banque, scann = FALSE, nf =
2005 Jul 07
About ade4 and overlaying points
Dear R-users, Is there an easy way to avoid points one upon another when ploting rows and columns of 'dudi' objects ? Maybe there is a function in ade4 or in an other package, or maybe someone has his or her own function to do this (for example to automatically modify a little the coordinates of these points to get a readable plot ?). Thanks in advance. Best regards, Jacques VESLOT
2005 Oct 24
Pb with function taxo2phylog (package ade4)
Hello I'm using the package ade4 to obtain classification from a .txt file. I use the following commands: cronquist <- read.table("cronquist.txt", h = T, row.names = 8) cronquist <- as.taxo(cronquist[7:1]) cro.phy <- taxo2phylog(cronquist) in which cronquist.txt is a file with a classification of 218 genus of tree species from french Guiana. We I try to use the
2009 Dec 20
plot de un cca realizado con Ade4
Un saludo a todos. Estoy haciendo un ACC y utilizo el paquete Ade4. Cuando quiero realizar un plot del resultado utilizo plot(). el resultado son 6 gráficos: loadings, correlation, inertia axes, scores and predictions, eigenvalues y species. Lo que quería saber es cómo representar en una sola ventana (los 6 gráficos a parecen en la misma) el gráfico correspondiente a Species. Gracias por vuestra