similar to: announce: survival5 bug fix

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "announce: survival5 bug fix"

1999 Apr 21
A nearly complete port of the new survival5 package has been sent to CRAN and will soon be appearing on a mirror near you in the contrib/devel area. This new package, the successor to survival4, has a more stable likelihood maximiser for parametric survival models and incorporates penalised likelihoods for adding smoothing splines, ridge regression, and (approximately) frailties to survival
2000 Apr 05
problem with survexp in survival5
survexp in survival5 doesn't seem to work for me. see below: > library(survival5) Attaching Package "package:survival5": The following object(s) are masked from package:base : sort.list > library(chron) > data(ratetables) > survexp(~ratetable(year=julian(6,1,1991), + sex=1,age=35*365.24),times=(0:30)/6*365.24) Error in as.character([, 3]),
1999 May 25
> data(package=survival5) Warning: no data listing found Warning: package `survival5' contains datasets but no index The data loads OK. Mai Zhou -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the
2003 Apr 23
documentation for survival5?
Dear R-Helpers: What other references are there on the capabilities of the survival5 package other than the help files and the chapter on survival analysis in every edition of Modern Applied Statistics with S? I'm thinking of something like "An Introduction to Survival Analysis in R" with worked examples that might complement or extend the chapter in MASS. Thanks, Spencer
1999 May 24
survival5 for windows
I downloaded binary of survival5 for windows95 (also the splines, date). The function survsum shows up in content, has a help page, but the function itself is missing. Can we cut and paste the survsum from survival4 ? Mai Zhou P.S. I am not picking on R, not even complaining. I think R is great and I am try to contribute my (small) part to make it even better in way of bug report (or
2004 Sep 20
compilation failed for package
Hello, I am new to R on Linux (and to LINUX), running a 1.9.1 on a Linux MDK10.0. When updating or installing different packages, I get messages like this (under), the package doesn't install. Can anyone help me? I know this is all to little information, but I don't know were to start. I think there is something wrong in how or were the C++ or fortran compilator is installed?? Thanks, Geir
2001 Jan 23
Re: Sys.time dumps core at start-up (PR#822)
Peter Kleiweg skriver... > R dumps core if the first command I use is Sys.time(): > > > Sys.time() > Segmentation fault (core dumped) (peter) ~ R -d gdb [snip] GDB 4.16 (i386-redhat-linux), Copyright 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc... (gdb) run Starting program: /usr/local/R/lib/R/bin/R.bin R : Copyright 2001, The R Development Core Team Version 1.2.1 (2001-01-15)
2000 Dec 22
(HP-UX) scan: last line gets duplicated (PR#790)
The last line gets duplicated when a file is read like this: a <- scan(file=filename, what="", sep="\n", strip.white=c(TRUE), quiet=TRUE) (This error does not occur on Linux, the only other platform I tested.) Version: platform = hppa2.0-hp-hpux10.20 arch = hppa2.0 os = hpux10.20 system = hppa2.0, hpux10.20 Actually, all binaries are
2000 Apr 18
R Packages in Windows
I have installed R version 1 for windows and have installed the survival5 package in the library folder, but the base package only seems to partially acknowledge survival5's presence. How have I screwed up? The diagnostics are as follows... >library(survival5) ** no warning given.. seems OK ** >help(package=survival5) **this gives the contents of the package correctly,
1999 Nov 09
Problem with installing survival5
Prof Brian D Ripley wrote: > On 5 Nov 1999, Peter Dalgaard BSA wrote: > > > "Richard A. Bilonick" <rab at> writes: > > > > > Hi. I'm using 0.65.1 under Linux (Red Hat 6.0). I installed splines and then > > > survival5. I used library(survival) and was able to create obs using Surv. But I > > ... > > > -lg2c -lm
2001 Jan 15
WMF on Unix
A few of you have helpfully sent me references to WMF formats. There is also some code to _read_ it at However, the issue is to _write_ WMF on R under Unix. I am told (by someone who has tried) that the problem is the if you write a WMF file according to the published specs (which were once issued by Microsoft) you find that e.g. Word does not read
2013 Jul 23
Help with using unpenalised te smooth in negative binomial mgcv gam
Hi, I have been trying to fit an un-penalised gam in mgcv (in order to get more reliable p-values for hypothesis testing), but I am struggling to get the model to fit sucessfully when I add in a te() interaction. The model I am trying to fit is: gam(count~ s(x1, bs = "ts", k = 4, fx = TRUE) + s(x2, bs = "ts", k = 4, fx = TRUE) + te(x2, x3, bs =
2001 Sep 27
kidney survival data
Dear all, in survival5, kidney data set, appears in help page: "survival5 does not reproduce the original analysis." What does it means? thanks in advance TCM -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2001 Jan 11
Some Packages Won't Run under RH 7
Patrick Connolly wrote: > According to Richard A. Bilonick: > |> > |> I recently installed Red Hat Linux 7.0. I installed Version 1.2.0 (2000-12-15) of > |> R. I installed a number of packages including chron, date, ellipse, sgeostat, > |> survival5, and xtable. the "library()" command shows that they are installed. > |> > |> chron works but I get
2013 Apr 23
GAM Penalised Splines - Intercept
Hey all, I'm using the gam() function inside the mgcv package to fit a penalised spline to some data. However, I don't quite understand what exactly the intercept it includes by default is / how to interpret it. Ideally I'd like to understand what the intercept is in terms of the B-Spline and/or truncated power series basis representation. Thanks!
2006 Mar 28
Your RoR 1.1 Adoption Prediction?
What is the likelyhood that major inexpensive webhosts like godaddy, bluehost, etc. will upgrade to RoR 1.1? Is this going to be like PHP 5 where it has to percolate for a year or more before it becomes widly available? Your thoughts? Along the same lines... is it possible to adopt some of the new improved Ajax / javascript capabilities without actually upgrading the ruby installation?
2000 Sep 19
methods for interval-censored data
Dear all, Are there functions or packages in R that can handle interval-censored data? I have looked in various packages (such as survival5 or event), but it seems that only right-censored data can be analysed. More generally, are there methods to analyse both interval-censored observations and right-censored observations in the same data set? Thanks in advance. Emmanuel Paradis
2001 Jan 19
Can't find linked HTML helpfile unless package is specified (PR#819)
I noticed this bug before in R 1.2.0. Can't remember whether it was there in earlier versions. > help.start() Making links in ~/.R ... If /home/peter/sbin/netscape is already running, it is *not* restarted, and you must switch to its window. Otherwise, be patient.. > help("help", package = "base") help() for help is shown in
2012 Sep 25
REML - quasipoisson
hi I'm puzzled as to the relation between the REML score computed by gam and the formula (4) on p.4 here: I'm ok with this for poisson, or for quasipoisson when phi=1. However, when phi differs from 1, I'm stuck. #simulate some data library(mgcv) set.seed(1) x1<-runif(500) x2<-rnorm(500)
2012 Jan 03
[LLVMdev] [RFC] Extending MachineInstr.Flags
Hello All. This is purely from a particular VLIW target back-end perspective. There it is possible to schedule an MI on to one of multiple execution pipes. This leads to a different instruction encoding per the pipe it is bound to, and need to percolate this information down. Would it be advisable to extend and use the "MachineInstr.Flags" field for this purpose? Right now this flag