similar to: ! camping paid gigs

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "! camping paid gigs"

2006 Feb 21
+ camping/session
Camping now comes with a sessioning class, checked in tonight. To get sessions working for your application: 1. require ''camping/session'' 2. include Camping::Session in your application''s toplevel module. 3. In your application''s create method, add a call to Camping::Models::Schema.create_schema 4. Throughout your application, use the @state
2006 Mar 26
select information from sqlite_master error
Hi, I''m having fun playing around with Camping...I am slowly working on extending tepee to a personal e-notebook sort of tool (never lose my papers/revisions....hehe). I''ve given tepee an oswd css design, and am currently adding a admin page that I want to show the ruby version, sqlite version and db size and db stats information. I tried running: @db_stats =
2005 Jun 28
Offtopic Posts [was Re: [OT] Memory Models and Multi/Virtual-Cores -- WAS: 4.0 -> 4.1 update failing]
From: Greg Knaddison <greg.knaddison at> > Look - brevity is the soul of wit. It also keeps other folks on lists > from calling you a troll. The problem is that then the same people then start complaining about my "oversimplification." In fact, that's part of the problem here. I really _tried_ to make a recommendation without breaking down into the
2006 May 31
Camping and Builder and XML
Hi, I have built a simple Camping application which indexes an ODBC datasource using Ferret on startup, then accepts search strings and renders the resulting hit list in HTML, and it works quite nicely. The next step was to alternately render the list in XML for consumption by another application. In Rails, I would simply use Builder in the view to get the job done, and so I did the same in
2007 Mar 28
Camping on Dreamhost - Please Help!
Dan did you get camping running on dreamhost already?? i?m trying to run it also but i haven''t succeed yet. it runs on command line but when i add the rewrite rules on .htaccess i get a internal server error. I emailed support to ask about ScriptAlias and they say they cannot change or add that to apache conf. -- Andr? G. Cardozo
2007 Jan 06
? camping apps in gems
So would you like this: $ wget $ camping junebug-0.0.18.gem Or should it be: $ gem install junebug $ touch junebug.gemcamp $ camping junebug.gemcamp _why
2009 Nov 03
Camping on Wikipedia
Hi all I found the Camping page on Wikipedia in need of some serious TLC, so I updated it, added some newer links and removed the ''stub'' status: I also pointed people to the Github repo for version 1.9. Please take a look and either make suggestions for further material for me to add (not too much...
2012 Apr 06
lighttpd + fastcgi + camping
Hello all, I am running in some little stumbling blocks with passenger as a multi user environment (the most problematic feature is that, once you setup a sub-domain passenger wants you to declare on nginx every app running on that nginx server which is not ideal to add apps on the fly and / or if a user wants to run 2 apps from his space) so I was thinking about a more drag a drop / one line
2006 Jul 25
[UHH] any blogs sprung from camping?
Hal Fulton has been e-mailing me about putting together a simple blogging package for Camping. Perhaps start with the blog in the examples and add a few things. Does anyone here want to collaborate with him? Or do any of you have your own works to offer? He''s mentioned he wants something with its own template syntax, but I think he could hack that in. _why
2008 May 10
Camping-Omnibus Doesn''t Work With Ruby v1.8.6
I''ve noticed that the copy of Mongrel installed by the camping-omnibus gem doesn''t work with Ruby 1.8.6. Or to be more specific, cgi_multipart_eof_fix (which Mongrel is dependent upon) doesn''t work: > $ sudo gem install mongrel --source > > ERROR: Error installing mongrel: > cgi_multipart_eof_fix requires Ruby version
2007 Jan 20
Camping on Media Temple?
I''m getting into camping in a big way--I love that you can put together full-fledged apps with so little code and overhead. Does anyone know of any documentation about getting Camping apps running on Media Temple''s GridServer? Of course I''ve found the Camping server page[1], but I can''t work out how to associate running camping apps with a (sub)domain
2006 Dec 11
Using Rails Plugins with Camping
I just picked up Camping and I''m currently reviewing every little tidbit of information I can find out about it. I really liked the simplicity of RubyOnRails, but sometimes you want something fast and everything is relative. After looking at Camping, RubyOnRails seems like a lot of work if you just want to test out a prototype of a small web app. One thing I do miss are all the
2007 May 10
Camping and Threads!
Hey Everybody! I was wondering if/how Camping can process more than one request at once (i.e. not what Rails does). I''m fairly new to threads, and I bought a book, and read some of it, and dived into the Camping source... I found some thread stuff but I''m not... entirely sure. So I thought I would ask! RYan.
2007 Feb 27
Camping on Dreamhost - Please Help!
Hi Folks, I''ve been trying to get camping up and running on dreamhost for the past six hours, but have had no success. I''d really appreciate any suggestions! The camping gem is on the dreamhost server, but just to make sure it wasn''t a dependency issue causing all the problems, I installed camping + the full set of dependencies in my own gem directory (both are on the
2007 Jul 30
Camping Apache2 & FCGI - Internal Use
Hey Folks, I''m deploying a camping app on an internal Apache2 + FastCGI server at my office. Of course, on my Mac it works great, but I can''t get things to work with Apache and FCGI. I''ve followed the directions on why''s page documenting how to do this, but I''m getting the following error in my Apache error.log file: FastCGI: (dynamic) server
2007 Feb 11
"no camping required" deployment?
Hi, So Lennon got me going with my database-less Camping app, but I''ve just realized that, I have no deployment strategy. This app is to provide a GUI front end to our FUN3D fluid flow simulation monster, which is used by ourselves, companies, universities, hobbyists, and the military. The end result of which, is a file of (key, value) pairs read by FUN3D. Requiring our users to have
2010 Jun 08
camping-oauth is now available
I finally put together the final touches on the first version of the camping-oauth gem. It allows you to make a Camping web app into an OAuth provider. It leverages ruby-oauth and the oauth-plugin. An example of a use case is a web service built with Camping (using json/xml with/without REST). You can find it on GitHub: I also wrote a blog post on how to use it (and
2008 May 22
Camping-list Digest, Vol 23, Issue 8
Removed 25% of the framework? Gosh, I wish _why wasn''t so darn verbose... -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2009 Mar 29
Rack::Lint::LintError with latest camping and rack
I''m trying to use Camping from Magnus'' repo (1.9.300) but running the blog.rb example (or anything for that matter) gives me Rack::Lint::LintError at / Content-Length header was 0, but should be 548 Ruby C:/ruby-1.8.7/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rack-0.9.1/lib/rack/lint.rb: in assert, line 16 Web GET localhost/ There are no errors on the camping output so I suspect something has
2006 Nov 14
[UHH] any blogs sprung from camping?
Hello, I just joined the camping list. I was trolling the archives when I saw this: -- The biggest problem in Camping is authentication. This is a problem I propose to solve by providing an extension. That little bit of code uses the path to allow/disallow urls. That way it is unobstrusive. In the future I would also like to make an OpenID client and server for Camping. -- I was wondering if