similar to: ! camping

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "! camping"

2006 Aug 13
+ migrations in camping
Camping apps are supposed to be little independent apps, often contained in a single file, which create the database tables and manage them without hassle. These days it''s common to see in a Camping app: module Tepee::Models def self.schema(&block) @@schema = block if block_given? @@schema end end Tepee::Models.schema do create_table :tepee_pages,
2006 May 18
+ Camping::FastCGI
Getting Camping to work with FastCGI is a little clunky, since FastCGI doesn''t really understand mounting apps and sometimes the environment vars are a little whack. To keep the postambles easy to read, I''ve moved the handy stuff into lib/camping/fastcgi.rb. == Mounting a Single App Assuming: Camping.goes :Blog ... this goes in your postamble ... require
2006 Jul 06
+ camping 1.4.120
Okay, let''s see. gem install camping --source A bunch of great stuff. * Camping::Apps stores constants for all loaded apps. * bin/camping can be given a directory. [1] Like: camping examples/ * Console mode -- thank zimbatm. Use: camping -C yourapp.rb * Call controllers with Camping.method_missing. Tepee.get(:Index) #=> (Response)
2006 Oct 03
! camping 1.5 + markaby 0.5
Not too different from their corresponding last releases, but documentation has been filled in for both. To upgrade: gem install camping --source And, here is a complete changelog: == Camping 1.5 * Camping::Apps stores an array of classes for all loaded apps. * bin/camping can be given a directory. Like: <tt>camping examples/</tt> * Console mode -- thank
2007 Feb 14
Linking between Camping apps?
I''ve been working with Camping for a little while, reading through the examples. The "Small Apps, Many Mounts" idea makes sense, and interacting with other apps'' models (using the full class name) works just as it should. But what is the best way to include links to other mounted applications? As a toy example, I''m trying to add links to the pages in the Tepee
2006 Nov 04
[ Rails ] Multiple rails apps on 1 host
Team, I''m trying to figure out how to run 2 rails apps on one host. I ran an experiment: cd /tmp/ rails app1 rails app2 cd app1 script/server rails put a copy of lighttpd.conf in /tmp/app1/config/ and then started lighttpd http://localhost:3000 gave me the splash page. I shutdown the server I added something to /tmp/app1/config/lighttpd.conf server.modules = (
2006 Dec 16
trying to add another app
hey all, I have an app working great with apache2 and mongrel_cluster. However, I''m trying to run another application and now when I go to app1.comit falls to and the opposite. That''s probably because I messed up somewhere with the cluster. this is the content of my conf.d/app1.proxy_cluster.conf: <Proxy balancer://mongrel_cluster> BalancerMember
2006 Jun 18
Problem using "rake db:migrate"
Hi all, I am facing a problem while using rails "migrate" feature for creating tables in a database. Following are the details. I have 2 applications say "app1" & "app2". I want both of them to use same database say "testdb". For "app1", I create 3 models which in turn create 3 migration files with prefix, 001_, 002_ & 003_. Now I
2010 Aug 19
Camping 2.1 - ERB, Haml, 1.9, bug fixes, new website!
{} || || ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <= _whycake ~ Camping 2.1 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I''m pleased to announce another release of Camping, the microframework. This time we''ve focused on improving the 1.9 support, adding (builtin) support for more template engines, refreshing the homepage and just general bug fixes. gem install camping Home:
2006 Jul 23
Mongrel, Apache 2.2, Rails question. HELP!
Sorry to bother you with a Rails "newbie"-like question, but I have been tearing my hair out for a couple of days with the deployment scenario I am trying to setup. I use a service provider that supports multiple domains via Virtual Hosts. I have all the software installed and "working". I want to deploy two apps under my domain and have the following in my .conf file:
2006 Dec 21
my apache 2.2 conf
I just finished updating our internal site, which hosts multiple Rails apps, to Apache 2.2.3. It also has a TWiki rewritten into the root, ViewVC mounted on /cvs, and /server-status and /server-info. <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ServerAlias int CustomLog /var/www/logs/ combined ErrorLog /var/www/logs/ [...]
2008 Mar 10
Camping is a winner at SXSW-i
Last night, a little Camping application I wrote called MetaNotes<>won the Experimental division in the SXSW Web Awards<> . MetaNotes is a site that lets you (and many other people) simultaneously place colorful post-it notes on a wide canvas. If you get lucky, you may see notes move in the background as
2010 Apr 14
sshd sending eof to peer instead of SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE.
I am using the ssh port forwarding feature. My configuration is as follows: On my server machine, running sshd, and app1. On my client machine, running ssh (client) and app2. The client connects to the server requesting remote port forwarding from port X on the server machine to port Y on the client machine. app2 is listening on port Y on the client machine. app1 connects to port X
2006 Jun 21
multiple apps one virtual host one domain
I''m trying to achieve the following: Having a development server that runs multiple rails apps running wihout creating a different virtual host for each apps. my documentRoot is therefore /var/rails for my whole config http://myserver/app1/controller/action -> (/var/rails/app1/...) http://myserver/app2/controller/action -> (/var/rails/app2/...) I''m under apache 1.3 mod
2006 Jul 28
URL root/serving more than one app per subdomain
Hey folks, I have the following situation: I have a secure server, and I''d like to run multiple Rails apps without dealing with setting up multiple secure servers, with their fixed IPs, etc. So, I want to do https:// and etc. In lighttpd this is possible using a combination of relative_url_root in each app (in
2006 Jul 12
+ camping 1.4.123
And now: gem install camping --source I hope this will be the last development release before 1.5. * ActiveRecord no longer required or installed. * If you refer to Models::Base, however, ActiveRecord will be loaded with autoload. (see lib/camping/db.rb) * new Camping::FastCGI.serve which will serve a whole directory of apps (see TheCampingServer[1]) *
2006 Aug 18
Lighttpd Conf Help - Multiple Domains Multiple Apps
Hi Guys, I hope someone can help me out. I am trying to configure two applications to run on lighttpd and each app will have its own domain. My machine is running on Fedora. When I run my lighttpd with the following conf file, I get no error but when I check out my app, it dishes out a 404 error- the 404 being served isn''t the 404 inside the railsapp/public folder. Do hope someone
2007 Oct 08
Camping-list Digest, Vol 18, Issue 1
UNSUBSCRIBE On Oct 5, 2007, at 1:27 PM, camping-list-request at wrote: > Send Camping-list mailing list submissions to > camping-list at > > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit > > or, via email, send a message with subject or body ''help'' to >
2009 Jan 31
Change between OSS and ALSA in command line
Hello, I've noticed that certains applications with ALSA better and others work better with OSS. Is there a way to change this via command line since I don't want to open winecfg everytime I want to open an application. For example, lets say I want to run App1.exe with OSS and App2.exe with ALSA is there any possible way to do something like : -wine App1.exe --sound-system=oss -wine
2013 Mar 08
hiera / create_resources / define
I''m trying to use create_resources to create a series of files with semi-custom content based on a template. This is what I have: foo.conf.erb: Name "<%= name %>" WorkingDir "<%= working_dir %>" ... a bunch of static entries YAML: configs: config1: Name: app1 WorkingDir: /var/app1 config2: Name: app2 WorkingDir: /var/app2