similar to: problem running Blog using CSS

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "problem running Blog using CSS"

2006 Jul 27
more on file upload
well, so File upload seems to be only working under mongrel. I have not tried it, but Camping crash extracting the request parameters on both CGI and FastCGI. I''m looking at rails code for inspiration, but it''s a bit outside of my knowledge..... not sure what to do with a FCGI::Stream object ..... this is what rails do for CGI, I''m not sure if it works the same for
2006 Jul 25
about PATH_INFO and FastCGI
in one of my recent email, I add .to_s to PATH_INFO in camping code. actually, this is probably very wrong. the problem is probably something like PATH_INFO does not exist when using FastCGI. I have not done all my homework, but so far what I found is lighttpd has a special option "broken-scriptfilename": breaks SCRIPT_FILENAME in a wat that PHP can extract PATH_INFO from it (default:
2006 Jul 24
difference between running unabridged
22 sudo mv camping.rb camping-abridged.rb 23 sudo mv camping-unabridged.rb camping.rb when running into problems, the abridged version of camping is rather difficult to debug. so I''m moving to unabridged, but I''m getting this error. [Mon Jul 24 15:50:18 2006] [error] [client]
2006 Jul 26
file upload
I''m looking for file upload documentation on the wiki, cant find anything. I only found the changeset that supports file upload. should the file be part of ''input'' ? please help. thanks -- gcc -O0 -DRUBY_EXPORT -rdynamic -Wl,-export-dynamic -L. main.o -lruby-static -ldl -lcrypt -lm -o ruby Everyone is trying their hardest to do their job but management has
2006 Aug 01
starting fresh
trying to get the example blog running under Apache/FastCGI with Camping 1.4.143 anyone using Apache/FastCGI in here? does not seems to be possible to use with Camping. anyone got better luck? this is my postamble if __FILE__ == $0 Blog::Models::Base.establish_connection :adapter => ''sqlite3'', :database => ''examples.db'' Blog::Models::Base.logger =
2006 Jul 26
Seek Error ?
anyone ever got this error ? [Wed Jul 26 17:36:25 2006] [error] [client] (eval):21:in `seek'', referer: [Wed Jul 26 17:36:25 2006] [error] [client] : , referer: [Wed Jul 26 17:36:25 2006] [error] [client] Illegal seek, referer:
2006 Jul 18
Hi !!! I''ve just seen this message on I''d really like to see distributions offer a package which would allow simple setup of TheCampingServer, just as you see with PHP. If you''re interested in seeing this happen for the upcoming Camping 1.5 release, introduce yourself on the
2006 Jul 26
get/post bug
I''m not sure if its a bug in the blog example or in the framework but each time I hit edit, both get and post get called, no matter of the actual http method. anyone encounter that bug? -- gcc -O0 -DRUBY_EXPORT -rdynamic -Wl,-export-dynamic -L. main.o -lruby-static -ldl -lcrypt -lm -o ruby Everyone is trying their hardest to do their job but management has set it up so that
2006 Jul 28
multipart/form-data support for Camping Apache/FastCGI
sorry I broke it for mongrel, but the programmer who did the work for mongrel should not have much problem integrating the two I think. Apache/CGI is different and still will not work. I fuck around for a full day at the end of the day, I found Iowa another web framework and I try using their code but using was more confusing than anything, although it helped me
2006 Aug 01
warning and errors
i got my app to run fine on one server, but I moved it to another and huge problem started.... I''ve been trying various things for 3 hours now, I can''t get it to work.... I am getting this error. Exception `TypeError'' at (eval):542 - superclass mismatch for class NotFound I am using the same camping.rb, apps starts in CGI but not in Apache/FastCGI. while it works fine
2006 Jul 25
ran into a weird bug....
I''m modifying the Blog example, as it is, its nearly unmodified. If I access /blog.rb/add I am asked to login (of course), once logged in, If I access /blog.rb/add again, I get a 404 Not Found error from Apache, not from Camping saying...... Not Found The requested URL / was not found on this server. the URL accessed is
2006 Jul 18
+ camping 1.4.138
Just up: gem install camping --source The changes: * Both bin/camping and Camping::FastCGI.serve now act according to the Camping Server specification.[1] * Docs are complete. _why [1]
2006 Aug 02
mongrel experience....
well, I like it ;) until camping supports Apache/FastCGI properly I''m running the app with a mongrel postamble (default on the blog example) and I''m rerouting Apache using a ProxyPass, works like a charm. two comments though I first try to run it using ''camping app.rb'' but it would always mount under / it would be awesome If I could do ''camping
2007 Jan 06
? camping apps in gems
So would you like this: $ wget $ camping junebug-0.0.18.gem Or should it be: $ gem install junebug $ touch junebug.gemcamp $ camping junebug.gemcamp _why
2006 Jul 25
+ camping 1.4.140 -- apache+fastcgi, lighttpd+fastcgi
Okay, I have tested mounting several of my apps under Lighttpd and Apache, both running FastCGI. I''m going to explain the configuration, but first: update. gem install camping --source == Mounting Root for Lighttpd+FastCGI == server.port = 3045 server.bind = "" server.modules = (
2006 Aug 24
Mousehole stuff
Hey everyone, I''m using mousehole for the first time today (love the artwork, btw) and I seem to be having problems with Camping and Markaby. When I go to the Apps page I get: Camping Problem! MouseHole::Controllers::RApps.GET TypeError /Users/tzaharia/Sites/mouseHole/lib/mouseHole/views.rb:78:in `+'': can''t convert String into Array:bla bla bla... The line in question
2010 Apr 21
can't seem to install bleak house
hi, guys I looked at and figured I give bleak house a try. I ran into a problem during installation of the gem. Here''s an extract: --------------------------------- Extract start ----------------------------------------------------------- Makefile:671: warning: overriding commands for target `dist'' Makefile:671:
2008 May 10
Camping-Omnibus Doesn''t Work With Ruby v1.8.6
I''ve noticed that the copy of Mongrel installed by the camping-omnibus gem doesn''t work with Ruby 1.8.6. Or to be more specific, cgi_multipart_eof_fix (which Mongrel is dependent upon) doesn''t work: > $ sudo gem install mongrel --source > > ERROR: Error installing mongrel: > cgi_multipart_eof_fix requires Ruby version
2005 Dec 29
Full Time Rails project
I''ve been working on this rails app for 3 months now, and it there is still quite of bit of work to do. My problem is I''m leaving for japan in two months, and I''m afraid I''m not gonna be able to be full time on this. I''d like to find someone, idealy in Vancouver BC, that would take on the project as a full time job. My client really need someone
2007 Nov 22
How many CRLFs between header and body?
Just ran into a problem[1]. It seems to have been introduced by changeset 224 [2], a fix for ticket 126 [3]. The root is the number of CRLFs Camping puts between the headers and the body of the response. This has changed at least 3 times; right now we''re back to 1. (ie. every header ends in a CRLF, and then there''s the body) The HTTP RFC[4], the CGI spec[5] and the FastCGI