similar to: calling render_to_string outside of controller

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "calling render_to_string outside of controller"

2006 May 26
access a ActionControllers protected method from plugin?
I can''t belive I fit that in as the subject! I''m writing a plugin that will allow me to grab some text from a database and call the render method from ActionController on part of the text. I can''t seem to figure out how to access the render method of ActionController::Base. I keep getting the "uninitialized constant Execute" error. How can I do this?
2010 Jul 27
3.0.0rc ActionController::RoutingError No route matches
Have been developing on 3.0.0beta4 and just updated to 3.0.0.rc. When I try to link_to() a User object that previously had worked, I get the following: ActionView::Template::Error (No route matches {:action=>"destroy", :controller=>"games", :id=>#<User ..... > Yet I have in my routes.rb file has resources :users and my "rake routes" shows:
2006 Apr 22
selenium plugin not working with rails 1.1
Hi, I really like selenium, and I just tried the plugin created Jonas Bengtsson. However I cannot get it to run on rails 1.1 and coundn''t find anyone complaining about it? Did anyone get it to run on rails 1.1.2? Greets, Abdur-Rahman
2008 Aug 19
RSpec raising routing errors where Rails doesn''t?
Hopefully someone here can help me figure out why the ERB: <% form_for(@fund, :url => {:host => PRIVATE_HOST}, :html => {:class => ''fund'', :multipart => true}) do |f| %> raises an error in my specs: No route matches {:action=>"index"} but works fine in my app and generates the following, desired HTML: <form
2008 May 24
link_to_remote, image_tag, mouseover is this possible?
Hi guys, I was wondering if you are able to have a link_to_remote, having an image_tag and the link_to_remote has a mouseover event that updates a div. Does the image_tag need the mouseover event? I currently have: <%= link_to_remote(image_tag(@p_image.public_filename(:thumb)), :update => "big_pic", :onmouseover => {:action => :color_change, :id =>})%>
2005 Oct 14
Capture template output as plain html?
Hi, I''m trying to find out if the following is possible. I have a rhtml template stored in the database as a string. I need to process the template (as a string), similar to using ActionView''s <%= render_template("rhtml", @template_string) %>, but I need to do this in the ActionController and capture the result as a string. There is a method
2007 Sep 10
RSpec view spec writing problem (unable to generate url_for in RESTful resource link_to)
Thanks, first, to everyone who''s asked and answered questions on this list, and to the creators of RSpec - it is all very helpful. I''ve searched the mailing list, and had a couple 2hr googling sessions that didn''t help me find an answer. I''ve run into a problem getting my first non-trivial view spec to run. I get an error when trying to generate a link_to()
2007 Apr 19
render_to_string in a model ?
I have a batch job that will call script/runner, I would like in this call to create html formated email and save it to the database. This is easy enough in a controller with = render_to_string :action => "email_newhost_ready", :layout => false But render_to_string is only available in controller action pack, is there a easy way to render_to_string in a Model? Or
2007 Nov 25
Fwd: Render_to_string from a worker
Hi, I am trying to generate a PDF from within a worker using PDF::Writer. In my controller I use render_to_string to create the pdf file however from what I understand render_to_string can only be used from a controller. Does anybody have any suggestions how I might be able to replicate this functionality in a worker? -- thanks, Felix -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment
2008 Feb 19
render_to_string in a controller test?
Hi all, I know that in general, view and controller tests should be isolated, such that controller specs don''t test views etc. However, I think I''ve run into a situation that might be an exception. My controller uses render_to_string to produce a chunk of HTML that it passes to a model to be processed. The controller then redirects the user to a different page. The
2007 Nov 30
render_to_string in an after filter
I''m using render_to_string in an after_filter, which renders a partial that is sent to a web service. Here''s the code: class MyController < ApplicationController after_filter :post_to_webservice def show # show logic end def post_to_webservice stuff = render_to_string :partial => ''stuff'' webservice_post(stuff) end I get a DoubleRenderError in the
2011 Mar 06
render_views and render_to_string
Hey guys. One of my controller actions uses #render_to_string to send back a JSON response. When I try to spec this, Ruby raises a NoMethodError, saying that #render_to_string doesn''t exist in my controller action. Here''s the controller action, spec, and output: Any idea what I''m doing wrong? Thanks, Nick -------------- next part
2012 May 28
rendering a partial inside another using render_to_string and (:formats) in controller
I want to clean my code by moving the duplicated lines : partial = render_to_string( :partial => "#{file}", :formats => [:html] ) to the pagination_partials function. ================================================= WORKING CODE: ================================================= def render_format_search_partial(file, options={}) # TODO remove this line to use the one
2007 Nov 20
How to test views with Nested Resources and Partials
Hi everyone, I am relatively new to rspec and I am running into a wall in testing my views. I have a RESTful resource Contracts with a nested resource of Line_items. I am trying to figure out how to test the "edit" form of the Line_items. What complicates this is the nested routing and how to account for it, and that there is a partial form (_form.haml) that both the edit.haml and
2010 Mar 17
rails+prawnto: setting :type to :prawn in a #render_to_string call not working
Hello, my question is rails related though it is also somewhat specific to the prawnto plugin (installed latest version as of 2010-03-15). I would ask on a prawnto forum/list if I knew where one was. Anyhow, I''m using rails 2.3.5 (with ruby 1.8.6 patchlevel 111) in an app that is successfully using the prawnto gem (with the prawn gem version 0.7.1). I''ve got a a
2011 May 17
rails render_to_string problem
Hi I`m trying to test my controller with rspec and always get an error. The error is in the render_to_string method call (without it test works fine). So could u please help me with that? users_controller.rb: def update @user.update_attributes!(params[:user]) redirect_to @user, :status => 202, :text => render_to_string(:partial => "users/show", :type =>
2007 Feb 21
Problem with url_for and https - overrides all options
I have a piece of code like this in one of my views: <%=link_to "link here", :action=>''my_action'', :id=>1 %> It works fine on my local development machine, running Webrick over http and it works fine on my testing server which is running single mongrel instance behind Apache 1.3 as a proxy. On both the outcome link is this: <a
2006 Jul 05
Calling render_to_string from a view
I''m playing around with a list of todos, which I want to render as <ul>''s that can nest to an arbitrary level, so I wrote this as a helper method: def print_todo(t) str = "<ul>\n\t<li>" str += render_to_string(:partial => ''todo'', :object => t) + "\n" t.children.each { |c| str +=
2007 Aug 30
alias_method_chain stack level too deep in Rake test only
I have an odd error. I have the following module: module ActionController module SslSupport def self.included(base) raise "#{base} does not define url_for" unless base.method_defined?(:url_for) unless base.respond_to?(:url_for_without_ssl_supprt) base.send :include, InstanceMethods base.send :alias_method_chain, :url_for, :ssl_support end
2006 Mar 12
Strange error: undefined method `rewrite''
Hi, when I generate a new rails project with a simple scaffolded controller, I get a strange error message, whenever it tries to call the url_for method, for example: ,---- | undefined method `rewrite'' for #<Url:0xb7675e64> | | Extracted source (around line #7): | | 4: </p> | 5: <% end %> | 6: | 7: <%= link_to ''Edit'', :action =>