Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Submit_tag question"
2006 May 22
Best Rails API source
Is api.rubyonrails.com the best source for RoR API info? Do any other formats exist, that are easier to navigate/search?
Marcus Blankenship
Technology Services - Software Group
JELD-WEN, inc.
Information Systems
541-882-3451 x 2558
RELIABILITY for real life*
This correspondence is for the named person''s use only. It may contain
2006 May 18
NOOB: Second post, please help...
I am linking from page A to page B, and back again. When I go from A -> B, the B_controller.rb runs fine, and the page renders properly. But, when I go from B -> A, the A_controller.rb doesn''t run again, so the array (@A) is nil (which causes a problem).
Should the controller run each time the page is accessed? Any ideas?
Marcus Blankenship
Technology Services -
2006 May 17
NOOB: Passing parameters between pages
I have a rhtml page (page A) that links to another page (page B), and I
want to pass some parameters from page A to page B.
Here is the link code (on page A):
<%= link_to ''Edit'', { :action => ''edit'', :id => permit }, :post => true
If I want to pass a parameter "name" and a value "marcus", and pick it
up on page
2006 Jul 08
Hidden fields in forms
Please can someone show me the correct syntax for a hidden field in
forms, this is my code
<%= start_form_tag :action => ''create'' %>
<div class="form1">
<table width="auto" boader="8" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5">
<% hidden_field ''line_item'', ''client_id'', :value
2006 Mar 05
Help with Self-Referential HABTM
With the help of the Rails Recipes have got a self-referential HABTM
relationship working, but I''m really struggling with getting a new entry
from a form accepted. i should say here that the form is also submitting
info for the join table too.
So in my model I have:
class Type < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :subtypes,
:class_name => ''Type'',
2006 Apr 05
How to avoid bunch of <% %> ??
Hello, I would like to know is there is a way to avoid poluting the
views with tons of <% %> ?
Like this
<%= start_form_tag() %>
<%= text_field_tag(''category[title]'', category.title, {:size => 20,
:maxlength => 128}) %>
<% if not category.parent_id.nil? %>
<%= select("category", "parent_id",
2005 Aug 15
Newbie rendering problem
On every list request i render an item partial through a collection of
items. the item table has 3 columns namely name,anotherName and id. the
item partial looks like
<%= error_messages_for(:item) %>
<tr id="<%=item.id%>">
<% for column in Item.content_columns %>
<td><%=h item.send(column.name) %></td>
2006 Feb 15
error_messages_for trouble
I am trying so learn how to do custom validations.
The validation works as expected, but I can''t get "error_messages_for"
to display.
How is the name of the object supposed to be formated?
Where is this object created, the model or controller?
What am I doing wrong here?
#### Model ########################
class MyFolder < ActiveRecord::Base
def validate
# validation
2006 Mar 07
rjs and partials
I''m trying to update a list, and having a hard time applying visual effects
to the latest element created. Here is what I''m doing.
1) Creating an "item" via an action, then rendering the RJS template
2) RJS template looks like this:
page.insert_html :top, ''items'', :partial =>
2006 Jul 14
Rails newbie: How does the submit_tag work?
I would appreciate any and all input. The Agile book is not useful in
this context. :o(
As near as I can tell, it doesn''t work at all.
I would expect that clicking on the [Next Question] button in the
browser would fire the next_question method in the current controller.
Instead, it (apparently) does nothing.
The tag in question
<%= submit_tag ''Next
2007 Sep 23
Code reviews: my dumb use of acts_as_commentable (newbie)
With the help of several heroes here yesterday I beat my way into a
working solution to adding comments to one or more models in my
application using acts_as_comentable. Great plugin, but my
implementation is lame. I need enlightenment.
I have users who log in. For several views I want to let them add
comments. Enter act_as_commentable which does just this -- it''s
polymorphic, so you
2006 Mar 17
How to update values in database in this form?
This is my rHtml page & Corresponding actions & model pages:-
<h1>Products List</h1>
<%= start_form_tag(:action => "add_to_cart")%>
Product No.
Unit Price
Available Qty.
Demand Qty.
2007 Sep 04
How can i add a confirmation dialog to a submit_tag?
When i use button_to or link_to, i can easily request a confirmation
dialog with (for example)
<%= button_to "Delete this story",
{ :controller => "story", :action => "delete", :id => @story.id },
:confirm => "Delete story: are you sure?" %>
I also want to do this for the submit buttons on my forms, which are
2008 Aug 27
I''m trying to validate a record before save. I''m using one controller
in this case furnii where I have all my calls. The problem is that, the
form containing the field I''m trying to validate resides in the furnii
views. I tried to add validates_presence_of :content (the field name) in
both the furnii model and the ratecomment model but it does not work. I
know there
2006 Feb 27
How can i use the submit_tag method (from: actionView::FormTagHelper)
to create various submit buttons and chose the right action in accord to
the button that i pushed?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2010 Jan 20
disable submit_tag after click
This code disables the ''Save'' button once clicked, but doesn''t seem to
send the form data.
<%= submit_tag ''Save'', :class => ''submit'', :onclick =>
"document.getElementById(''save_button'').disabled=true;", :id =>
"save_button" %>
This code sends the form data and a record is created,
2007 Jun 26
what is the :or parameter in a submit_tag ?
I read the following tag in teh Beast example
<%= submit_tag''Login'', :or => link_to_function(''forgotten password'',
"$(''reset-password'').toggle();") %>
I understand the link_to_function, but what is this :or parameter used
for ?
the link doesn''t appear, so it cannot be used...
thanks for your lights
2009 Oct 19
submit_tag or f.submit
Hello all,
I am pretty much new here, trying to move to RoR from .net world.
I will appreciate if anyone clarifies this for me.
Most of books use "submit_tag" in new or edit views, but I see Rails API
web documents use "f.submit" instead. I also see Agile Web Development
using RoR 3rd Edition use the same "f.submit" instead of "submit_tag."
Which way is
2009 May 24
is f.submit in a form_for newer than submit_tag?
some books or even the rails api uses
form_for ...
submit_tag ...
and i found that the Rails 2.3.2 Scaffold uses
f.submit "Go"
instead... and this is not in the rails api doc. Is this a new
addition and is it suppose to replace submit_tag?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2006 Apr 05
RJS and remote forms
I''ve run into what I think is a browser bug related to using
remote_forms pushed in an RJS update.
In my controller, I have an action that creates a new model and returns
a form for one of its children:
def create_party
party = Party.create
render :update do |page|
page.insert_html :top, ''party-list'', :partial => ''party_header'',