Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "SOLVED: Re: How to debug the rendering in Rails?"
2006 May 18
How to debug the rendering in Rails?
I have some controller code like this:
def mailing_lists
@ml = MailingList.find_by_identifier(@params[:id])
@messages = @ml.messages
@headers["Content-Type"] = "application/atom+xml"
@response.headers[''Last-Modified''] =
@messages.last.created_on.httpdateunless @
minTime =
2006 Jan 12
Best Forum? Was: Migration doesn''t seem to preserve create_table options in schema
is this the best forum to answer this question? Is there any better source
for information or another mailinglist to address this question to?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mariano Kamp <mariano.kamp@gmail.com>
Date: Jan 8, 2006 6:24 PM
Subject: Migration doesn''t seem to preserve create_table options in schema
To: rails@lists.rubyonrails.org
2006 May 25
Does TMail support Nested Multipart Messages? (Repost)
does anybody know if TMail supports nested multipart messages? I read
a changelog that indicates so
(http://dev.rubyonrails.org/svn/rails/trunk/actionmailer/CHANGELOG), but
I haven''t been able to get it working so far.
Maybe I am doing something wrong here?
I attached the sample mail. Here is the code to parse it:
require File.dirname(__FILE__) +
2005 Dec 26
Interesting differences between Windows and Linux
I have some controller code that uses the ''httpdate'' method of a
''created_on'' field from my database. I''m running Rails on the Edge. My
development environment is Windows XP, my ''production'' environment is
Debian Linux.
When I upgraded my ''production'' machine for the first time in a month, I
start getting an
2006 Mar 25
Rails Plugins: Why to register your own functionality with send()?
Hi there,
I have seen in the file column plugin (
http://www.kanthak.net/opensource/file_column/) from Sebastian Kanthak or
David''s acts_as_taggable plugin that to register my functionality I need to
do something like this:
ApplicationHelper.send(:include, InPlaceEditAssociations)
I am wondering why not:
module ApplicationHelper
include InPlaceEditAssociatons
2006 Mar 25
Rails Plugins: How to copy artefacts to the public directory during install? When is install.rb executed anyway?
I want to write a plugin that uses JavaScript and I am wondering how to put
the static content, i.e. the JavaScript, in place?
I read the documentation I found (
http://wiki.rubyonrails.org/rails/pages/Plugins and links) and looked at the
listed plugins.
One thing I found was that subversion seems to be a prerequisite for
providing or even installing plugins. Is that right?
The other thing
2006 May 19
Problem with joins and overlapping field names
I have the following code:
@conversations = paginate(:conversations,
:per_page => 20,
:joins => ''LEFT JOIN messages on
messages.conversation_id = conversations.id ''+
''LEFT JOIN email_addresses on
2005 Dec 15
Rails vs. J2EE: Sharing state in memory?
I am from a Java background and pretty new to Ruby and Rails.
What I am wondering is how I would shared state accross requests and users
without involving IO, i.e. use memory.
My current understanding is that for each request a new process ist spawn
and therefore it gets its own memory. So no sharing can take place between
Do I understand this right? For those who know
2006 Feb 11
Why does''nt rails pick up more metadata from a mysql schema?
when I define a db column to be non-nullable or of length 20 or as
numeric, I would expect rails to validate that, but that doesn''t seem
to be the case.
Any idea why that is? The metadata is accessible, at least in the mysql case.
I am using rails 1.0 with mysql 5.
2006 Mar 18
Need help .. Rails Recipes, in_place_editor, selecting associations
I am currently reading the Rails Recipes book and like the chapter on
providing your own in_place_editor for enumerations / selects.
I understood so far, or I believe that I understood ;-), how to do that
for a field that uses values only, like choosing from "red", "black",
"green". What I fail to understand is how to chose from associated objects?!
2013 Mar 28
undefined method 'sanitize_limit' for #<ActiveRecord::Relation:0x2aaaad35d720>
I am trying to upgrate rails from 3.0 to 3.1, while updating rails version
I am getting following error
rake aborted!
undefined method `sanitize_limit'' for
2014 Jun 04
error de incompatible methods
Hola Daniel, si perdona di a responder directamente y no me di cuenta.
Ya se donde esta el error, pero queria preguntar si a puede ser que mi R
funcione mal o algo porque esta manhana ejecute mi script y funciono
perfectamente y ahora volvi a ejecutarlo y me volvio a dar el mismo
problema de ayer , despues de reiniciar y demas el tinnR y el R, no se si
me vacila o es que tengo algo mal en
2012 Apr 28
"Modified Diebold-Mariano Test" with forecast package
I tried to calculate modified Diebold-Mariano Test in R . I have already
find a "forecast" package to calculate the
Diebold-Mariano Test.
Please let me know how to obtain " Modified Diebold-Mariano Test" ?
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Modified-Diebold-Mariano-Test-with-forecast-package-tp4594648p4594648.html
Sent from
2005 Sep 04
Displaying RProf output
I've been experimenting with a new way of displaying the output from
RProf, to make it easier to optimise your functions. I've included an
example below. I'd love to get your feedback on how easy you think
this graphic is to read, and on ways that it could be improved.
# profile the glm example
profile_glm <-
2014 Jul 09
error com un archivo
Hola a todos,
Me gustaria pedir vuestra ayuda a encontrar el error que no consigo
encontrar en este archivo. He revisado todo mil veces y probado y no doy
con ello.Adjunto el archivo con Google drive porque es muy grande.
Este es el script, y lo que no entiendo que pasa es que tengo 592044
2006 Jan 08
Migration doesn''t seem to preserve create_table options in schema
I have the following migration (abbreviated):
class Initial < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :messages, :options => ''ENGINE=MyISAM'', :force => true do
t.column :id, :integer, :null => false
t.column :external_id, :string, :null => false
t.column :recipients_count, :integer, :default => 0
2014 Jun 26
Opus DTX issue report
The email might have been blocked due to the attachment size, here?s a
link to it.
On 26/06/14 19:02, "Pascal Huart (phuart)" <phuart at cisco.com> wrote:
>Hi Jean-Marc,
>Thanks for the fix, the reconstructed signal is now much better.
>Unfortunately there are still discontinuities which show
2004 Jul 28
where is "average shifted histogram"?
In the book Modern Applied Statistics with S (4th ed),
section 5.6 the concept of the "average shifted
histogram" or ASH is mentionend. Also it is mentioned
in the same section "The code used is in the scripts
for this chapter" (from figure caption 5.8, analysis
of the geyser duration data).
*However*, I have trouble finding the code for that
function! Admittedly, I am a
2014 Jun 03
error de incompatible methods
Estoy intentando ejecutar un script com horas, al principio ejecute estos
DBx$Date<-strptime(DBx$Date, "%d-%m-%Y") ###Monicap use ; other
use Y
if(filename!="monicap_50.csv") {DBx$Time<-paste(DBx$Time, ":00", sep="")}
Pero me daba el error de que mi base de datos tenia las
2016 Oct 27
Subscription not immediately reflected
I can't reproduce this. Can you send your doveconf -n output and also an example IMAP session showing what goes wrong? I tested with Maildir and mdbox, and with and without mailbox_list_index=yes:
x lsub "" *
* LSUB () "/" INBOX
x OK Lsub completed (0.000 + 0.000 secs).
x subscribe Trash
x OK Subscribe completed (0.000 + 0.000 secs).
x lsub "" *
* LSUB ()