Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "How to add hint to link_to_remote?"
2006 Mar 15
link_to_remote issue after upgrading to rails 1.0
I''ve only recently noticed my notebook was using an old version of rails
(0.13), and so upgraded it to 1.0 (this is on gentoo linux).
The upgrade has broken some previously working code, and I''ve not been
able to find a work-around.
Previously the following call:
<%= link_to_remote("some string",
:update =>
2005 Mar 24
Using html_options with link_to_remote??
Why doesn''t this output class="delete" into my html?
<%= link_to_remote image_tag("delete"), :update => "relationship_" +
@relationship.id.to_s, :url => { :controller => "relationships", :action
=> "destroy", :id => @relationship.id }, :html_options => {:class =>
"delete"} %>
2008 Jun 15
[PATCH] helper to create fb css stylized table
I attached a rails helper implementation of the fb_table described here:
I included testing and comments. I hope you find it useful.
Curiously, it''s really a small extension of FBML.
-------------- next part --------------
Index: test/rails_integration_test.rb
2006 Apr 25
limiting options in file_upload
Does anyone know if it''s possible to set constraints to the size & type of file that file_column will accept?
I''d like to limit to image files of less than 2MB.
If this isn''t possible with file_column, is there a graceful way of getting the controller to handle it?
I do things for love or money
2006 Apr 30
link_to_remote possible with :class AND progress indicators?
I have the following code:
<span id="loader" style="display:none;">
<%= image_tag "spinner.gif" %></span>
<strong><%= link_to_remote(''Add Entry'', {:update => ''add-entry'',
:url => { :action => "show_add_entry" }},
:loading =>
2006 May 20
RJS returned javascript written straight to page
hi there,
I have in my controller, the following to catch a link_to_remote:
def form_part_add_personnel
@credit_types = CreditType.find(:all)
p = Credit.new()
p.id = rand.to_s[2..-1]
render :update do |page|
page.insert_html :bottom,
:partial => ''films/form/personnel'',
2006 Mar 09
link_to_remote id or class
Can anyone out there tell me how to add a class or id property to a
link using link_to_remote? I''ve been banging my head on this for far
too long.
2006 Jan 23
mysql dates
does anyone know of a way to make the date_helper deal with mysql dates with 00 values in them?
I have lots of dates that are like the following:
and I need to set null values in a date_select for elements that are 00. These are valid dates in mysql.
In the absence of an immediate solution to the above, I''ve been trying to find out how InstanceTag.new works so I can
2006 Jan 25
deep inspecting attributes
Hi there,
in one of my templates I have the following code:
<% for film in @artist.films %>
<p><%= link_to film.title, :controller => ''films'', :action => ''showfilm'', :animate_title => film.animate_title, :page => ''synopsis'' %></p>
<% end %>
however if I do:
2009 Jul 11
conditional link_to_remote not re-rendering
I have an int, ''floorfrozen,'' in my table, ''channels'' that can take a
value of 0 or 1.
When I render a page, an image in a link_to_remote is called
differently depending what the value of channel.floorfrozen is, in a
partial, as follows:
<% if @channel.floorfrozen %>
<%= link_to_remote image_tag("/images/icecube.gif"), {:url =>
2006 Apr 28
tests and login_engine
Hi there,
I just started writing tests today after some months of using rails (slap wrists).
I seem to be getting the hang of things, but I''m hitting a wall when it comes to functional_testing pages protected by login_engine/user_engine.
all my assertions come back with:
Expected response to be a <:success>, but was <302>
Is there a way I can login from within a test?
2006 Mar 20
I''m having trouble getting login_engine to work properly. I get the standard login/registration views, but whenever I try to register I get:
NoMethodError in User#signup
undefined method `password_confirmation='' for #<User:0x408b2f9c>
I have login_engine, and engines installed from cvs:
anyone else had anything
2006 Mar 18
Additional link tag attributes with link_to_function...
I''m having a bit of a struggle with link_to_remote. Everything works
exactly as I want it, but the problem is that I want to add another
attribute to the <a>-tag, namely class="". Long story short, I want
specific links to look differently from others, but all of them being
link_to_function. Normally, I''d do this with adding a class="foo" to
2007 Mar 23
Is there such a thing as button_to_remote?
I''ve changed my destructive link_to statements in favor of button_to.
But what if I want to make an .rjs call with that button?
Seems like we need something equivalent to link_to_remote, so that the
button can make an ajax request instead submitting the form.
Or am I missing the point entirely?
You received this message
2006 Jun 28
Assign CSS class to Link to Remote
I''m trying to get link_to_remote to assign a CSS class to the link it
generates. My code is as follows:
link_to_remote "Show Full Info",
:update => "fullcontact" + reparray.last.to_s,
:url => "/cm/full_contact/" + reparray.last.to_s,
:classname => "contactlink"
Which produces this HTML:
<a href="#"
2006 Jun 02
overriding constants
Hi there,
I''m trying to override the defaults for form_helper.
I can see in action_view/helpers/form_helper.rb:
class InstanceTag #:nodoc:
include Helpers::TagHelper
attr_reader :method_name, :object_name
DEFAULT_FIELD_OPTIONS = { "size" => 30 }.freeze unless const_defined?(:DEFAULT_FIELD_OPTIONS)
2006 May 24
named routes confusion
I''m trying generate a URL from a named route like: namedroute_url(params...)
but the generated route is always coming out as the first match from the routes table.
The named route is defined inside a map.with_options block, but that shouldn''t matter should it?
I do things for love or money
2006 Jan 18
using unique varchar instead of id
I just signed up so ''hello everybody''.
As the title suggests, I was wondering if there was an easy way to specify that I want all actions/controls to be based upon a particular parameter rather than :id (in this case :unique_name). I don''t :id to appear in URLs or elsewhere, I want it all to work from :unique_name.
It seems like something that I should be able to
2006 Jan 17
link_to_remote() - can I post data with it???
can I post data with link_to_remote(),
link_to() has special option :post => true and viola
Thanks in advance
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2007 May 28
helper with block compile error
i''m trying to write a helper that replaces link_to_remote that
accepts a block but it gets a compile error in the template:
I don''t know what I''m doing wrong... TIA
# application_helper.rb
def link_block_to_remote( options = {}, html_options = {}, &block)
concat(link_to_remote(capture(&block), options, html_options),
# in