similar to: Camping-list Digest, Vol 15, Issue 2

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "Camping-list Digest, Vol 15, Issue 2"

2007 Jul 30
Camping Apache2 & FCGI - Internal Use
Hey Folks, I''m deploying a camping app on an internal Apache2 + FastCGI server at my office. Of course, on my Mac it works great, but I can''t get things to work with Apache and FCGI. I''ve followed the directions on why''s page documenting how to do this, but I''m getting the following error in my Apache error.log file: FastCGI: (dynamic) server
2007 Feb 27
Camping on Dreamhost - Please Help!
Hi Folks, I''ve been trying to get camping up and running on dreamhost for the past six hours, but have had no success. I''d really appreciate any suggestions! The camping gem is on the dreamhost server, but just to make sure it wasn''t a dependency issue causing all the problems, I installed camping + the full set of dependencies in my own gem directory (both are on the
2007 Mar 28
Camping on Dreamhost - Please Help!
Dan did you get camping running on dreamhost already?? i?m trying to run it also but i haven''t succeed yet. it runs on command line but when i add the rewrite rules on .htaccess i get a internal server error. I emailed support to ask about ScriptAlias and they say they cannot change or add that to apache conf. -- Andr? G. Cardozo
2006 Mar 16
File Auditing with rails - File I/O issue
Hey Folks, I''ve written a script to generate a list of all files on a machine, then zip the results. ?I''m going to stick a web front end on it, and use it to audit some file servers. The problem is that the ZIP compression/decompression isn''t working, but its not what you might think. ?The script completes, but seems to not actually write anything. Here is a short
2006 Mar 28
Efficiently convert this SQL statement to ActiveRecord loop
Hey Folks, My app compares the last known set of files located on a series of servers against a current snapshot for auditing purposes. Its working really well, and I''ll open source it when its complete! Here''s my current issue (and forgive me, I started life as a DBA and I constantly want to revert to connection.execute.) The tables to store my objects are
2006 Mar 17
OT: Subversion folder cleanup
How do you clean up your app folder to place onto the server? I want to get rid of all the .svn stuff. Seth Buntin -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Jun 15
Markaby Installation Issues
Ok, So I followed the directions.. I did a ''gem install markaby'' (which sounds like its enough to get me going for rails), but I wasn''t sure, so I tried to install the plugin as well. Plugin installation fails looking for a file: Script/plugin install Outputs this error: + ./trunk/svnindex.xsl
2006 Aug 03
Cannot find gem for Rails error from dispatch.cgi
Hi All, I''m developing a Rails app with Rails v1.1.4, but when I upload it to Dreamhost and try to serve it with dispatch.cgi, I get the error "Cannot find gem for Rails =1.1.4". However, I have installed the 1.1.4 gem in my home directory and set GEM_PATH to look there; additionally, rake throws no errors and "rails -v" displays "Rails 1.1.4". Any
2006 Mar 28
ADODB and SQLServer
Hey Guys, I''m absolutely stumped by this error. I haven''t seen it during any of my development, or working in production until just this week. Randomly, rails app becomes totally inaccessible until I restart the webserver. I tossed in some custom error messages stuff, so I could get the client to send me mail when it broke, and this is the error I''m getting:
2006 Apr 04
Parsing a SQL file directly into activerecord::execute method
Hello folks, I''m trying to do something like: 1. db = ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(:adapter => "mysql", :database => "app_development", :username => "root") 2. Cmd =''commands.sql'') <--- Command.sql contains multiple valid SQL statement. I''ve tested this directly by piping it into MySQL from the
2008 Apr 15
Version Control (and gems)
1. Full version control of a web app would include the constellation of gems actually used. I can do ''gem list'' and put that into a file in version control but that could include unused gems. That is, it could include gems use by other projects. And putting the whole gem in version control seem like overkill since the authors do that. But it might be safer. Do we have a
2007 Feb 08
mongrel cluster and local gems loading problem
Hello, I''m trying to augment the GEM_PATH to load gems from ~/.gem/ using this at the begging of the rails application config/environment.rb file: ENV[''GEM_PATH''] = File.expand_path(''~/.gem'') This works fine from within script/console: $ script/console >> require ''pdf/writer'' => true But when I try to run:
2006 Feb 24
I need more bling!
Hello everyone, I just showed a friend a prototype of a site offering a service I''m trying to sell (sorry, not on the Internet yet - he saw it at my house). His comment: "Looks like it does everything, but also looks pretty ugly. You''re not going to wow anybody with that". Sitting back and thinking about it, he''s dead right - it needs some bling to make it
2006 Mar 08
Displaying related tables in forms.. probably an easy question!
Hey All, I have two tables.. One belongs to another. Why can''t I reference table1.table2.attribute? Specifically, using scaffolding: property.rb - has_one :PropertyType property_type.rb - has_many :Properties property_controller - def list @property_pages, @properties = paginate :properties, :per_page => 10 end list.html: 1. <% for property in @properties %> 2.
2006 May 31
Camping and Builder and XML
Hi, I have built a simple Camping application which indexes an ODBC datasource using Ferret on startup, then accepts search strings and renders the resulting hit list in HTML, and it works quite nicely. The next step was to alternately render the list in XML for consumption by another application. In Rails, I would simply use Builder in the view to get the job done, and so I did the same in
2007 Jan 06
? camping apps in gems
So would you like this: $ wget $ camping junebug-0.0.18.gem Or should it be: $ gem install junebug $ touch junebug.gemcamp $ camping junebug.gemcamp _why
2006 Mar 14
Controller Naming Question
Is it possible to have controllers named the following? /admin /admin/user If not, is there some way to get it to work with routes? I want to have some actions at the url /admin/<action> and some at /admin/user/<action> (obviously in admin/user controller). Thanks!!!
2009 Nov 03
Camping on Wikipedia
Hi all I found the Camping page on Wikipedia in need of some serious TLC, so I updated it, added some newer links and removed the ''stub'' status: I also pointed people to the Github repo for version 1.9. Please take a look and either make suggestions for further material for me to add (not too much...
2012 Apr 06
lighttpd + fastcgi + camping
Hello all, I am running in some little stumbling blocks with passenger as a multi user environment (the most problematic feature is that, once you setup a sub-domain passenger wants you to declare on nginx every app running on that nginx server which is not ideal to add apps on the fly and / or if a user wants to run 2 apps from his space) so I was thinking about a more drag a drop / one line
2006 Jul 25
[UHH] any blogs sprung from camping?
Hal Fulton has been e-mailing me about putting together a simple blogging package for Camping. Perhaps start with the blog in the examples and add a few things. Does anyone here want to collaborate with him? Or do any of you have your own works to offer? He''s mentioned he wants something with its own template syntax, but I think he could hack that in. _why