similar to: Zpool resize

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Zpool resize"

2007 May 14
Lots of overhead with ZFS - what am I doing wrong?
I was trying to simply test bandwidth that Solaris/ZFS (Nevada b63) can deliver from a drive, and doing this: dd if=(raw disk) of=/dev/null gives me around 80MB/s, while dd if=(file on ZFS) of=/dev/null gives me only 35MB/s!?. I am getting basically the same result whether it is single zfs drive, mirror or a stripe (I am testing with two Seagate 7200.10 320G drives hanging off the same interface
2008 Apr 01
OpenSolaris ZFS NAS Setup
If it''s of interest, I''ve written up some articles on my experiences of building a ZFS NAS box which you can read here: I used CIFS to share the filesystems, but it will be a simple matter to use NFS instead: issue the command ''zfs set sharenfs=on pool/filesystem'' instead of ''zfs set
2012 Jul 25
online increase of zfs after LUN increase ?
Hello, There is a feature of zfs (autoexpand, or zpool online -e ) that it can consume the increased LUN immediately and increase the zpool size. That would be a very useful ( vital ) feature in enterprise environment. Though when I tried to use it, it did not work. LUN expanded and visible in format, but zpool did not increase. I found a bug SUNBUG:6430818 (Solaris Does Not Automatically
2010 Mar 02
Expand zpool capacity
Hello, Experts. I''ve got a problem. I''m trying to expand my main zpool (rpool), but don''t know how to do that. (i''m 100% newbie in non-windows world) I use Osol under Vmware on Windows. I had a pretty small vhdd -> only 12gb. Yesterday i decided to expand my virtual drive to 20gb. (After several tries to upgrade the OS to a newest dev-releases and
2012 Dec 30
Expanding a raidz vdev in zpool
Hello All, I have a zpool that consists of 2 raidz vdevs (raidz1-0 and raidz1-1). The first vdev is 4 1.5TB drives. The second was 4 500GB drives. I replaced the 4 500GB drives with 4 3TB drives. I replaced one at time, and resilvered each. Now the process is complete, I expected to have an extra 10TB (4*2.5TB) of raw space, but it''s still the same amount of space. I did an export and
2008 Aug 22
zpool autoexpand property - HowTo question
I noted this PSARC thread with interest: Re: zpool autoexpand property [PSARC/2008/353 Self Review] because it so happens that during a recent disk upgrade, on a laptop. I''ve migrated a zpool off of one partition onto a slightly larger one, and I''d like to somehow tell zfs to grow the zpool to fill the new partition. So, what''s the best way to do this? (and is it
2010 Nov 18
RAID-Z/mirror hybrid allocator
Hi, I''m referring to; It should be in Solaris 11 Express, has anyone tried this? How this is supposed to work? Any documentation available? Yours Markus Kovero -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2015 Jan 13
Using Linux to access files on Mac OS X
Hi Everyone, I have tried over the past several days, unsuccessfully, to have my Linux client access folders and files shared under Mac OS X server. Mac OS X Info: Version 10.9.5 Username: AJames Hostname: bulbasaur Steps I took to share a directory: - System Preferences - Sharing - File Sharing - Add Shared Folders and let Everyone have Read Only access. - Under "Options"
2009 Oct 13
How to resize ZFS partion or add a new one?
Hi, I have the following partions on my laptop, Inspiron 6000, from fdisk: 1 Other OS 0 11 12 0 2 EXT LBA 12 2561 2550 26 3 Active Solaris2 2562 9728 7167 74 First one is for Dell utilities. Second one is NTFS and the third is ZFS. I am currently using OpenSolaris 2009.06
2013 Aug 21
Properties list for zfs in FreeBSD
Hi: Where can I find a list of properties (-o/-O property=value) for creating a zpool? I meant something like: #zpool create \ -o ashift=12 \ -0 dedup=off -O autoexpand=off -O atime=off \ -O canmount=off \ -O compression=lz4 \ -O normalization=formD \ -O mountpoint=/jail \ tank \ mirror \ /dev/gptid/diskname0 \ /dev/gptid/diskname1 \
2007 Aug 30
ZFS, XFS, and EXT4 compared
I have a lot of people whispering "zfs" in my virtual ear these days, and at the same time I have an irrational attachment to xfs based entirely on its lack of the 32000 subdirectory limit. I''m not afraid of ext4''s newness, since really a lot of that stuff has been in Lustre for years. So a-benchmarking I went. Results at the bottom:
2006 May 19
tracking error to file
In my testing, I''ve found the following error: zpool status -v pool: local state: ONLINE status: One or more devices has experienced an error resulting in data corruption. Applications may be affected. action: Restore the file in question if possible. Otherwise restore the entire pool from backup. see: scrub: none requested
2012 Jun 17
Recommendation for home NAS external JBOD
Hi, my oi151 based home NAS is approaching a frightening "drive space" level. Right now the data volume is a 4*1TB Raid-Z1, 3 1/2" local disks individually connected to an 8 port LSI 6Gbit controller. So I can either exchange the disks one by one with autoexpand, use 2-4 TB disks and be happy. This was my original approach. However I am totally unclear about the 512b vs 4Kb issue.
2006 Apr 06
A few Newbie questions about RAIDZ
1. I have a 4x18GB drive setup as RAIDZ. Now when thinking about it in terms of RAID5 I would expect to get (4-1)x18 worth of drive space, but DF -h shows 4x18. Is this a bug or do I not understand? 2. Once again thinking in RAID5 terms if I have 4X18GB and 12X9GB drives and I want to make a RAIDZ of all of them I would expect the 18GB to be treated at 9GB so the RAIDZ would be 16X9GB. Is
2008 Jan 31
Hardware RAID vs. ZFS RAID
Hello, I have a Dell 2950 with a Perc 5/i, two 300GB 15K SAS drives in a RAID0 array. I am considering going to ZFS and I would like to get some feedback about which situation would yield the highest performance: using the Perc 5/i to provide a hardware RAID0 that is presented as a single volume to OpenSolaris, or using the drives separately and creating the RAID0 with OpenSolaris and ZFS? Or
2011 Mar 01
btrfs wishlist
Hi all Having managed ZFS for about two years, I want to post a wishlist. INCLUDED IN ZFS - Mirror existing single-drive filesystem, as in ''zfs attach'' - RAIDz-stuff - single and hopefully multiple-parity RAID configuration with block-level checksumming - Background scrub/fsck - Pool-like management with multiple RAIDs/mirrors (VDEVs) - Autogrow as in ZFS autoexpand NOT
2012 Nov 30
Remove disk
Hi all, I would like to knwon if with ZFS it''s possible to do something like that : meaning : I have a zpool with 48 disks with 4 raidz2 (12 disk). Inside those 48 disk I''ve 36x 3T and 12 x 2T. Can I buy new 12x4 To disk put in the server, add in the zpool, ask zpool to migrate all data on those 12 old disk on the new and
2010 Dec 10
Large Drives
The time has come to expand my OpenSolaris NAS. Right now I have 6 1TB Samsung Spinpoints in a Raidz2 configuration. I also have a mirrored root pool. The Raidz2 configuration should be for my most critical data - but right now it is holding everything so I need to add some more pools and move some data around. To start I need a vdev I will call "temp" that acts as a networked bit
2020 Mar 11
[PATCH 0/1] *** SUBJECT HERE ***
Hi, sifting through my system's logs, I noticed many break-in attempts by rogue ssh clients trying long lists of common passwords. For some time now I pondered different approaches to counter these, but could not come up with a solution that really satisfied me. I finally reached the conclusion that any countermeasures required support in sshd itself, and created the attached patch. If
2011 Sep 06
Re: Wine 1.3.12 build failed on OpenIndiana b148
why did you change the prefix in the first place?