similar to: Some error about adding.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 90 matches similar to: "Some error about adding."

2019 Feb 14
Can we disable diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 by default?
Can we disable diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 too? On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 10:23 PM Mark D. Baushke <mdb at> wrote: > > Hi John, > > The short answer is YES. > > Jon DeVree <nuxi at> writes: > > > I ask because the removal of diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 happened > > accidently in 7.8 due to a mistake in a change to
2008 May 25
record will absolutely not save! so weird, please help.
I have a weird problem going on. All of sudden, records for a certain model will not save with #save Please take a look at this: >> p = => 1, :payment_method_id => 1, :date =>, :amount => ''5.00'', :payable => Student.find(608)) => #<Payment id: nil, school_id: nil, payment_reason_id: 1, payment_method_id: 1,
2006 Jul 25
save trouble with has_many belongs_to relationship
I have a bit of code in a controller that looks like this: @current_festival.monitor_preferences.each do |pref| if pref.user_id == pref.preference = params[:monitor_pref] end end @current_festival.save_with_validation(false) the Festival class has_many :monitor_preferences the MonitorPreference class belongs_to :festival In the configuration above, the
2008 Apr 25
Spec migrations?
Dear list, I am in the process of writing on an app with is already running. I need to create a couple of structural database changes for which I use migrations. However I want to be absolutely sure I do not destroy any existing data. So RSpec is the way to go! Or so I thought. 1. dropped the test database. 2. create the database. 3. migrate to the version just before the critical migration
2012 Apr 18
Statistics scripts
I wrote two scripts, which you can use with the stats plugin enabled to get a better "doveadm stats top" than it currently is:
2013 Feb 07
[PATCH v8] gcov: Coverage support
Updated set of patches for coverage. Changes: - change copyright lines - use gcov: instead of cover: in commit comment - use #ifdef in xen/common/sysctl.c instead of dummy inline function - added base documentation in docs/misc - added -h option to xencov
2002 May 20
Will/Can Exchange Server run with a samba pdc?
Its not for us. We migrated from our nt4 pdc to samba pdc last night with good outcomes as far as our clients but our exchange server no longer works. It failed initially as we did not have the" log on as a service user" (not strictly true, we had administrator but it didn't work for some reason) After we got a working service user then got "service specific error
2006 Jun 15
Re: rails question
Hi Shelby, No prob, You are having trouble b/c you don''t call @festival.valid? before this line: if !(@festival.errors.invalid? :name ) # => true if name is invalid I wasn''t clear about it in my post, but ActiveRecord::Errors#invalid? doesn''t actually do validations. It just looks at the associated errors object (which is empty if validation hasn''t
2019 Feb 15
Can we disable diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 by default?
Also, how are default moduli shipped with OpenSSH for use in diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1/sha256 chosen? Are they chosen randomly by developers or are they chosen for security properties? If they are random, why not use moduli from RFC 7919 instead, like Mozilla recommends? On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 3:48 AM Mark D. Baushke <mdb at> wrote: > > Yegor Ievlev <koops1997
2006 Jun 13
model validation across multiple views
I have a rather complex object with a number of attributes. For a variety of reasons, I would like one view to create the object with only a couple of fields completed, then a second and third view to finish all the fields. I would like the model to validate_presence_of all these fields, since eventually I need them all there, and I would like each page to validate its portion of the fields that
2006 May 11
Login Generator and Salter
okay, I''m using login generator. And when I log in alwase get failed. So I looked at my log, I gatherd infomation that says on creation the salted pass was: 2b8b06e5a650a4b97f146e6b5ae7ab82c43707e on login the salted pass is: 2b8b06e5a650a4b97f146e6b5ae7ab82c43707e and in my DB it is: 2054d52ca901ff70b5a334cb3e13d8c67940c3f3 So in my DB it change why? -- Posted via
2006 Jan 19
Easy way to handle form input without a model class?
I have a couple forms that I''d like to be able to validate and automatically populate, but it shouldn''t be based on AR. In fact I often have a bunch of small forms that I can''t really justify writing a whole new model class for anyway. I''d like to validate the form input, and then use rails helpers to automatically populate the form if validations fail.
2005 Dec 26
Override Validation?
Hi all, is there a way to override the validation methods so as to avoid the div.fieldWithErrors divs from being created on the redisplayed form? Many thanks in advance, Nicky
2011 Sep 09
Passing in Condtions into Object
Hello, I am trying to pass a conditional expression into an expression to be evaluated when ever an R statement is called. For example: get_unique_count <- function(df, select, field){ uniqs <- unique(subset(df, select)[field]) return (nrow(uniqs)) } In this case select is a conditional statement year == 1980, and the function would be called in the following manner:
2006 Jan 23
dial out and message playback
Hi, In a normal PBX environment a user usually calls in and IVR's are played according to a predefined dialplan. Iam trying to develop an application where asterisk dials out to a user and initiates an IVR instead (please note that the IVR is not static and may vary according to different condtions). Can someone guide me how this is possible using Asterisk. Do I need to write some sort of
2008 Jul 01
if one of 4 conditions is not satisfied
I'm trying to do realize the following: I have 4 condtions. If all conditions are satisfied I will paste("PASS") If any of these is not satisfied I will paste("FAIL"). But I have to paste the corresponding failure. ifelse is a good solution but for a 2 conditions. Maybe switch or something like this. Does anyone have an idea how to do? Thanks in advance. Adel -- View
2007 Jun 12
pretty report
Dear Listers: I have a couple of data frames to report and each corresponds to different condtions, e.g. conditions=c(10, 15, 20, 25). In this examples, four data frames need to be exported in a "pretty" report. I knew Perl has some module for exporting data to Excel and after googling, I found R does not. So I am wondering if there is a package in R for generating good reports. I
2008 Apr 28
F values from a Repeated Measures aov
Hi Folks, I have repeated measures for data on association time (under 2 acoustic condtions) in male and female frogs as they grow to adulthood (6 timepoints). Thus, two within-subject variables (Acoustic Condition: 2 levels, Timepoint: 6 levels) and one between-subject variable (Sex:male or female). I am pretty sure my distributions depart from normality but I would first like to simply run a
2006 Apr 11
multiple select_tag
Hello again, I have a table called line_items, with the following fields: id int item_name varchar() qty int conditions text I''ve made my LineItem model, and everything works as such (with simple text_fields).. Now I''d like for the conditions field to be a select_tag() with multiple choice possibility. I''m guessing I need some code to expand/restract the array for
2006 May 23
Overriding validation?
Is there a "normal" way to override the behavior of validator methods (like validates_presence_of) for updates vs. creation? For example, in the AWDR example store program, the User class validates the presence of the password and its length - which makes sense when the user entry is created. But what if you wanted to provide an update form that updates just certain items