similar to: class_eval in ROR''s attribure_accessor.rb

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "class_eval in ROR''s attribure_accessor.rb"

2005 Dec 29
Why do plugins use class_eval?
I''m writing my own plugin and all the plugins I''ve seen use class_eval in the method that is called in the including module. For example: module Foo module Acts #:nodoc: module Fox #:nodoc: def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end # declare the class level
2008 Aug 23
Why ActionController::Base.class_eval for includes?
Just out of curiosity, why does action_controller.rb include classes with class_eval instead of directly? I.e., why ActionController::Base.class_eval do include ActionController::Flash include ActionController::Filters ... end instead of just class ActionController::Base include ActionController::Flash include ActionController::Filters ... end -- Posted via
2008 Nov 19
Mock today
In some of my unit tests, I find the need to set today to a different value than the actual today. For example, to test the model method "balance_of_today", which takes no argument, I want to have be a specific date for the purpose of testing. In other words, I want to do something like this: mock_today(, 2, 1)) do ... test code... end My implementation for
2011 Jul 06
Monkey patching a gem (rails_admin, with Rails 3)
Hi. I''m trying to monkey patch the rails_admin gem. First, I tried to add a file in config/initializers containing: RailsAdmin::MainController.class_eval do def get_sort_hash CODE HERE... end end It was only loaded once, and then the method from the gem was always executed instead of mine. I also tried to add the code in lib/ with the correct line in config/application.rb to load
2007 Sep 10
Removing an AR class definition, for testing plugins
I''m writing an acts_as_* plugin and am trying to BDD it. Ideally my specs would look like: describe ActsAsCloneable, " basic cloning" do load_example_classes School.class_eval do acts_as_cloneable end before(:each) do @old_school = School.create! :name => "Baylake Pines", :city => "Virginia Beach", :guid => "abc123"
2006 Feb 28
ActiveRecord: Legacy primary keys
Hi, I''m building a frontend for a legacy schema, with tables like this: CREATE TABLE `types` ( `a_type_cd` varchar(6) NOT NULL default '''', `a_type` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '''', PRIMARY KEY (`a_type_cd`) ); The primary key is specified by the user (not auto-generated), and needs to be updateable. I create the following a base class to
2006 Sep 04
"include" versus "extend" - what's the difference
Hi, Just wondering when one would use "include" over "extend"? Both seem to bring in methods to the class no? The context is I''m just trying to understand why both are used with the acts_as_audited plugin: Full extract from plugin (used within here): ================================================== # Copyright (c) 2006 Brandon Keepers # # Permission is hereby
2005 Dec 14
just installed rails on ubuntu, error creating rails dir -->unexpected token: ''#<RubyToken::TkLPAREN:
Hello there good rails people! Just did a fresh install of rails on my new (old) Ubuntu machine. I am running ruby 1.8.2 and have installed about five extra packages that do not come with Ubuntu. I managed to install ruby-gems and used gems to successfully install rails but I am getting an error message when I run rails, it seems to be choking on a Tkl paren. Google has not turned up much
2006 Jul 24
Injecting actions into controllers
Hi, I''m trying to write a plugin that should inject an action into the controller. Please note, not just an instance method, but also an _action_, one of those that are listable by running ControllerClassName.action_methods. I wrote the following code: def render_field_search(name, object, controller, options = {}) controller.class.class_eval do
2010 Aug 10
undefined method `has_many' for Object:Class +Savage Beast 2.3 plugin
Hi, i am using Savage Beast 2.3 plugin for the forum and i got and error undefined method `has_many'' for Object:Class C:/forum/vendor/plugins/savage-beast/lib/savage_beast/user_init.rb: 9:in `included'' C:/forum/vendor/plugins/savage-beast/lib/savage_beast/user_init.rb: 7:in `class_eval'' C:/forum/vendor/plugins/savage-beast/lib/savage_beast/user_init.rb: 7:in
2012 Sep 22
Class, Module, Object
>> reload! Reloading... => true >> puts Class < Module true => nil >> puts Module < Class false => nil >> puts Module < Object true => nil >> puts Object < Module false => nil >> Object.parent => Object The above indicates that the Class object instance inherits from the Module object instance and the Module object instance
2006 Jul 26
Execute code when an inheritance happens, or disabling STI
I am trying to inherit from a ActiveRecord class defined in a plugin. The problem is that ActiveRecord thinks I am doing an STI and is looking up a table that doesn''t exist. Currently, I have a method in the parent class that looks like this: def self.fix_table_name class_eval do set_table_name(Inflector.tableize(self.to_s)) end end The problem is that this method
2009 Feb 02
ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch (User(#54754560) expected, got User(#54510280))
i keep getting this AssociationTypeMismatch error. i think this could be a bug related to ruby/rails when using mixins. heres a short version of my code: # user.rb require ''friend_invitation'' require ''friendship'' class User < ActiveRecord::Base include FriendInvitationUser, FriendshipUser ... end # friendship.rb ... module FriendshipUser def
2006 Jun 26
How can I dynamiclly generate models?
I am trying to write a plugin, ''acts_as_commentable'', for my models - Image, Book, Music and so on, I do not want to use polymorphic association, so very model should have its own comment class. Here is my code acts_as_commentable.rb module Commentable def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def
2010 May 28
Suggestion for improving value_to_boolean column conversion
Hi fantastic rails core developers. Speaking of version 2.3.5: I find it rather error_prone that values such that "some text" is silently converted to false when stored in a boolean DB field. Among other things it means that assign "some text" to boolean fields on a model will not generate any validation messages (it will silently be converted to false). I think it is like
2009 Jun 13
removing Mocha; 'spec spec' fails but the specific model file passes
I happened to mix ryan bates'' authentication scaffold with rspec_scaffold on a demo project. and ran into the problem of mixing mock frameworks...ryan uses mocha. So, as a learning experience, I choose to redo ryan''s tests without mocha but ran into a strange problem with tests of the User model. With debugging you can see.... If you run just the user_spec.rb file, everything
2007 Jan 19
How to have 'o' == 'ö'
Greetings, (using acts_as_ferret) So I have a book title "M?ngrel ?Horsemen?" in my index. Searching for "M?ngrel" retrieves the document. But I would like searching for "Mongrel" to also retrieve the document. Which it does not currently. Anyone have any good solutions to this problem? I suppose I could filter the documents and queries first which something
2005 Dec 02
UserEngine: stack level too deep
Hi, I''m trying to get the UserEngine running. I have installed the LoginEngine, added the essential lines to environment.rb / application.rb and application_helper.rb. Worked fine. Then I did the same with the UserEngine and when trying to set up the db: rake engine_migrate ENGINE=user I get: Migrating engine ''user_engine'' rake aborted! stack level too deep But...
2011 Feb 28
(2.3.5) removing validations
Today I tried to remove (actually overwrite) a validation from a model, from within a plugin. This was the original validation: validates_length_of :login, :maximum => 30 This was the only code I could come up with to replace it: def self.included(base) base.class_eval do @validate_callbacks.delete_if { |callback| begin # Sorry, only way to remove
2008 Feb 21
polymorphic has_many from ActiveRecord::Base????
I have a polymorphic thingy called fields and I need to on each and every model, so I''d like to do the has_many from the base class, like this... ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval do has_many :fields, :as => :model, :dependent => true end It fails with this no method error (class_of_active_record_descendant) /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.15.6/lib/active_record/