Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "form :onblur => ''this.form.submit()'' doesn''t do AJAX"
2007 Oct 08
onblur to work with select
I need a method to be called upon an ''onblur'' event when a select list
is no longer the focus - ideally, I would like it to work when the
''Enter'' key is hit. But, I am just trying to get the onblur to work,
here is what I got:
<%= select( "airlinemembership", "membership", Airline.find( :all,
:order =>
2006 Apr 06
problem with IE
hello there, im having a little problem with Internet Exploiter, im doing
//// CODE ////
var m = $(''XYZ'').cloneNode(false)
m.setAttribute(''id'', ''XYZ_2'');
m.value = '''';
var onblur = "alert(''hola'');";
m.setAttribute(''onblur'', onblur);
2006 May 22
how HTML_Option works?
Hi all,
all the form helpers can take a serie for options but I cant find any
documentation about them. Any one can point me toward one?
Or at least tell me how I can for example add a function that would be
call with the onblur event from a input box?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2008 Apr 09
submitting an ajax form via javascript not rendering
for some reason the controller is parsing everything fine, but the
return is a page instead of code execution. I have other ajax forms no
listed that are also running fine on this same page.
there are supposed to be 3 ajax events:
onblur event that calls a function to submit - doesn''t work.
There is a submit button at the end of the form - works
there is a delete image that removed the
2006 Apr 02
12 / 16 = 0
Just thought it was weird that Ruby doesn''t automatically cast ints to
floats. Seems so un-rubyish
irb(main):006:0> 12/16
=> 0
irb(main):007:0> 12.to_f / 16.to_f
=> 0.75
2006 Apr 20
The Autocompleter, with scrollable result-div
Hi everyone
If you''ve seen this ticket, http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/4782,
you''ve noticed I have tried to make scrollable autocompleter work. The
scrollIntoView works great, however the iframefix for IE didnt work in
the previous change. This is fixed now.
Also the "blur-on-scrollbar-click" should not work in both IE and
Safari (can someone confirm this?)
It all
2005 Oct 17
Using active record for SELECT MAX(column) FROM ...
Is there an easy way of querying an active record for a maximum column
value? I need to do queries like:
SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employees
2006 Mar 30
ActiveRecord 1.13.2 -> 1.14.0 breaks Postgres connectivity
To Whom It May Concern:
I have an ActiveRecord-based application (non-Rails). Life was grand
until I upgraded ActiveRecord yesterday, after which point I was getting
TONNES of these errors from my app and in PostgreSQL''s logs:
FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command
According to Google searching, this happens when an external process
sends PostgreSQL SIGINT or
2005 Nov 16
controller before_filter issues
Some controller filters:
before_filter :require_logged_in, :only => [:create, :new, :confirm]
before_filter :init_players, :only => [:create, :new, :confirm]
The first one, you guessed it, redirects a user if he''s not logged in.
Now when I hit this page and I''m not logged in, the 2nd filter gets
executed and throws an error, because it depends on the user
2006 Jan 05
InPlaceEditor and textarea
Hi to all.
First of all exchuse for my bad english
I try to use Ajax.InPlaceEditor with a textarea:
new Ajax.InPlaceEditor($(''ipblock''), ''tools/admin_save.php'',
{ ajaxOptions: {method: ''get''},
callback: function(form, value) { return ''op=ipblock&value='' + value},
2006 Mar 16
This is driving me crazy!!!
I have the following code but it keeps on giving me this error when it
--- Error: this.alertBox has no properties
What would be causing this? My Code checks out when I call
this.alertBox() from the setup function it works fine but when I try and
put in on an event observer it doesn''t work.
What do you guys think?
Code Here:
var Updater =
2006 Mar 17
OT: Subversion folder cleanup
How do you clean up your app folder to place onto the server? I want to
get rid of all the .svn stuff.
Seth Buntin
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2007 Jul 12
remote_form_for behavior on javascript submit();
Hey all,
Tried this on the IRC channel but after an hour i figured nobody that
was on knew, so i''ll try it here. I have a rhtml page with:
<% remote_form_for(:performance_goal, :url =>
user_performance_goal_path(@user.account, @user,
@performance_goal), :html => {:id => ''sidebar_form'', :method => :put})
do |f| %>
<%= f.text_area :impact, :size
2006 Jun 19
Autocompleter enhancement feature request
I have created a ticket for an enhancement of the autocompleter to show the
options immediately when the field gets focus. Right now at least one
character must be typed for autocomplete to kick in.
I have also made some code changes directly in the script
Event.observe(this.element, "blur", this.onBlur.bindAsEventListener(this));
2006 Jan 27
ror/lighttpd - HTML files via port 80 become application/octet-stream?
Hi everybody
I am trying to get RoR to work with lighttpd.
Nearly there, but I am stuck with a strange phenomenon.
If I configure lighttpd to serve pages on say port 2000, I can get at my
testapp fine and see the "Welcome aboard" page.
However, if I configure lighttpd to use port 80, I get a download prompt
from my browser.
If I access my URI like
2007 May 24
Help with Create and Update with options_for_select in a select_tag
I have a select_tag in my view that uses options_for_select with
multiple = true. I am having trouble figuring out the Rails way to
create and update that field. Please help.
Service has_many AccessControl
AccessControl belongs_to Service
$types = Array["Athens", "htpasswd", "IP", "None",
2006 Apr 21
how-to pass other values to InPlaceCollectionEditor?
I am trying to pass others paramenter to the function
InPlaceCollectionEditor, but I think that is not possible
I have modified some rows controls.js to line 782 from:
this.editField = this.cached_selectTag;
if(this.options.loadTextURL) this.loadExternalText();
this.options.callback = function(form, value) {
2009 Feb 24
How do I clear values from text_field_tag after browser refresh????
Hi all,
I''m having an issue with text_field_tag. I want to reset the value of
the text_field when I refresh my browser, seems like a very simple
thing, however I''m having hard time finding the answer.
After I input some values, how do i reset the value to nil or empty??
my code is below
<%= text_field_tag ''login'', @login, :class =>
2007 May 24
How do I show the selected values in options_for_select? Not as simple as it sounds.
How do I show the selected values in options_for_select? I have a
Service model and a AccessControl model. When a user edits a Service I
want the services access_controls to be pre-selected.
Service has_many AccessControls
AccessControl belongs_to Service
$types = Array["Athens", "htpasswd", "IP", "None", "Other",
2007 Sep 25
unable to invoke Backing Bean method
Hi all,
I am new to this group, I am using Prototype''s Ajax.Request o make
ajax call but i was not able to invoke my backing bean method. any one
help me please.
My jsf page:
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h"%>
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f"%>