similar to: Custom error messages

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Custom error messages"

2006 Apr 07
What are the limitations on using: errors.add_to_base to display errors in views? I have tried for days to add errors from my object.rb and they never get displayed. class Keyword < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of(:name, :message => "Name is required.") validates_uniqueness_of(:name, :message => "This name is already in use. Please try
2009 Apr 02
error_messages_for does not display the error
Hi all I''ve approached Rails since a couple of months to develop a quick application for my company. Fantastic framework. As every noob, I do have some gaps to cover. The one which is giving me a little frustration, generated by my lack of knowledge is as follows. I need to make sure the region object is not deleted if there are countries associated with it. I solved this by putting a
2006 Aug 09
How to change the error message easy way
validates_presence_of :fname results in the error message "Fname can''t be blank". What I want is "First Name can''t be blank". I could do this def validate errors.add_to_base("First Name can''t be blank") if fname.blank? end I find this clunky and I have to put everyrhing in the validate method. Is there an easy to get what I want. I
2009 Nov 26
ActionView::TemplateError (can't convert ActiveRecord::Error into String)
I cannot work out why this error is appearing. ActionView::TemplateError (can''t convert ActiveRecord::Error into String) on line #3 of app/views/button/_show_enquiry.html.erb: 1: <h1>Send us a message</h1> 2: <% remote_form_for :enquiry, :url => {:action => ''send_mail''} do | f| %> 3: <%= error_messages_for ''enquiry'',
2006 Jan 19
Model Validation & Floating Attributes
Hello all ! I have a model being validated that spits it''s error messages on the resulting page using: error_messages_for(:mymodel) .... Basic stuff. It''s working perfectly. Now, I have something else I want to check on the same page (that isn''t an attribute to the Model)... and am trying to add it using: @mymodel.errors.add_to_base("another error here")
2006 Jun 13
help with ''error_messages_for''
Greetings, I''m in the throws of deploying an app on site5, and I''m getting strange errors. I think I might need to understand how error_messages_for works. I get a pretty standard looking error: " You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of ActiveRecord::Base. The error occured while evaluating nil.errors Extracted
2006 Feb 28
adding to errors in controller?
def update @product = Product.find(params[:id]) @product.attributes = params[:product] if params[:main_image] image = params[:main_image] if @product.main_image.destroy if @product.main_image @product.main_image = image else @product.errors.add_to_base(image.errors.full_messages.join(", ")) end end
2009 Feb 05
get # of errors in error_messages_for
hi everyone here i go again, i have problem we error message validation here is the sample of my code: error_messages_for :user, :header_message => ''X errors, please find red mark'', :message => ''Following errors were found:'' the problem is that how where going to get the value "X errors" or the number of errors if they have when the is
2006 Jul 20
How do you use :message with validation?
If I do validates_uniqueness_of :name, :message => "It''s not uniqueeee!!!" then how do I have it display that message when the check fails? -Ben Lisbakken -- Posted via
2007 Jun 10
custom errors for validates_presence, etc..
I am trying to figure out how to customize the error messages when I use validates_presence_of. I am validating a user name and I use <%= error_messages_for ''user'' %> in my view to display the messages. I know you can customize in the model with :message =>''custom message'', but I am trying to get rid of the first part of the error message which is, 1
2009 Jun 11
before_create return value breaking rails bug?
I know that usually when people say ''i think i found a bug in rails/ruby'' they''ve done something dumb. I''m wondering if this is the case here, but this does seem like a genuine rails bug to me. In my user model i have a few different before_create callbacks. In one of them, if it happens to return false (just because the last statement in it evaluated to
2006 Jan 27
Multiple Model Validation
Hey All ! I have a form which contains two models. I would like both models to be validated, but have their validations aggregated on the page. If I do: <%= error_messages_for(:model1) %> <%= error_messages_for(:model2) %> It puts two big validation blocks on the page. I would like all the errors from both models, but only in one validation box. Is this possible ? All my attempts
2008 Jun 02
validate - message in the flash[:error]
Hi, I want to show the validate - message in the flash[:error] - field but I can''t find any options. An example: class UserPermission < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :name, :message => "Please insert a name" ... | end V flash[:error] = "Error - " Has anybody a solution for this
2006 Dec 12
Error message translation
I have a problem with translation of english phrase when an input error occurs. When I put: error_messages_for("registratie") above my view. I get the error: "xx errors prohibited this registratie from being saved". The problem now is, the site is for dutch customers and I would like to translate this to a dutch phrase. I know I can translate the individual fields with the
2010 Aug 18
error_messages_for doesn't work
I''m having a problem, ''cause I wrote the following line in my model "Hi": [code] validates_numericality_of :phone, :only_integer => true, :allow_blank => false, :message => "must be a number" [/code] And in my "new" view, I put: [code] <%= error_messages_for :oi, :header_message => "Erro ao cadastrar
2006 Jun 29
before_destroy & verification
Hey, probably an easy question but, I''m trying to get a method to run "before_destory" for a model, and I want the method to throw an error, and not delete the object from the database, if a certain condition is held Obviously, I can just raise an error and rescue it... but for some reason I can''t get <% error_messages_for ''model" %> to catch
2006 May 26
Using ''validates_inclusion_of'' to validate foreign key
I seem to be missing something trying to use ''validates_inclusion_of'' to validate a foreign key and was hoping some one could piont out my mistake? The problem seems to be that Order.find_all.collect is not returning an array that contains the order_id, if I replace it with a hardcoded array everything works as expected. The model: class OrderItem < ActiveRecord::Base
2007 Jun 24
mocking errors
What is the correct way to mock out the errors on a Rails model? I''m assuming i need to say @mock_thing = mock_model(Thing) @mock_thing_errors = mock("errors") @mock_thing_errors.should_receive(:full_messages).and_return("An error") @mock_thing.should_receive(:errors).and_return(@mock_thing_errors) Just wanted to check the best practice on this kind of thing and how
2006 Feb 21
validations and directing errors
I am starting to play with validations as I want to catch errors before SQL rejects inserts to the table which are ugly when nulls are sent to ''Not Null'' columns, etc. If I do something in my model like... validates_format_of :first_name, :with => /^\w+$/, :message => "you moron, enter a name" I still end up
2005 Dec 19
Error handling!
Hello all, I''m in the beginning states of learning ruby on rails development and have got to a part where I''m a little stuck! Basically writing a simple blog application, just to try something completely different! ;-) I have a page which displays the current blog entry, it''s comments and at the bottom of the page, a form to add a comment. So far, so good.