similar to: Testing worker classes

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Testing worker classes"

2006 Jul 19
A couple of problems
Hi Ezra, Thanks for the great work on BackgrounDRb. I have come across a couple of problems. 1. I wanted to define a simple class in the worker file to wrap up and pass back some data to my controller. It seems that if I create the class either inside or outside of my worker class (in the same file) it gets wrapper by a DRb::DRbUknown object and therefore cannot be accessed from my controller.
2006 Sep 05
question about passing array of AR objects to worker
got a wierd problem maybe someone can help with. whenever i try to pass an array or AR objects to my worker, i end up with a DRb object in the''s an example class SearchWorker < BackgrounDRb::Rails attr_reader :resources def do_work(resources) resources.inspect end end class SearchController < ApplicationController def start_search
2006 Jul 18
backgroundrb and autotest
Hi, First, thanks for the plugin. Sorry if this is not strictly a backgroundrb issue but I thought others on this list might have come across this problem. I''m trying to run the test that comes via the worker generator. The test works fine when running ''rake test_functional'', but when the tests are run by autotest I get "uninitialized constant BackgrounDRb"
2007 Mar 07
MiddleMan.worker blocks?
Hello - I am observing that calls to MiddleMan.worker return only after the worker has completed its work. This puzzles me, and I presume that I am doing something wrong. Can anyone make suggestions? Snippets from my code are: class ReportController < SecurityController ... def create_xml_report(report,start_time) constraints = get_constraints(report,start_time,false)
2008 Jan 17
periodic scheduling
I''ve been using backgroundrb since back in March 2007 or so. It''s been working mostly OK for me, but since the old version doesn''t seem to work out of the box with rails 2.0 for me, I decided to test out the latest version. So, I''m looking at the scheduling, and trying to figure out the best option for what I want to do. What I have is a set of workers that
2006 Jul 05
''m having trouble with BackgrounDrb
Hi. I thought that BackgrounDrb was the perfect solution for my long running report production tasks. But I can''t seem to get anything useful back out of it. I set up a simple test worker that just does class TestWorker < BackgrounDRb::Rails attr_reader :pupil def do_work(args) @progress=0 @pupil=Pupil.find(3) sleep rand*10 @progress=100 end when I try to
2006 May 15
BackgrounDRb background task runner and Application Wide Context Store
Friends- I''m happy to annouce the first alpa release of BackgrounDRb. This is a small framework for managing long running background tasks that allows for ajax progress bars and more. It also serves as an Application wide cache and context store for when you need something like sessions but shared between users and multiple backend processes like fcgi''s or mongrels.
2007 Feb 22
failed to find slave socket - (RuntimeError)
Hi everyone, I''ve a class that try to spawn two workers, every 5 seconds. The code is something like: while true do MiddleMan.new_worker(:class => :researches_worker,:job_key => :researches) MiddleMan.new_worker(:class => :products_worker,:job_key => :products) sleep(5) end I''m using ":job_key", so if a worker hasn''t already ended its work
2007 Jan 15
Instantiating middleman and worker from inside a model?
In short: how (if possible) would i go about arranging it so that i can instantiate a middleman and set a worker going from within a method in one of my models? or is this a weird thing to be wanting to do? ( My specific situation: I have an ''Image'' model in my application. An actual image file associated with the model is being stored on amazons s3 system.
2007 Dec 17
Get "some read error" on calls to worker
I''m running the latest from svn (rev 285). I''ve been having a problem launching a process repeatedly. What happens is that I get a debug message "some read error" and then the worker refuses to run again. I''ve stripped my worker down to just doing a puts and it still happens. Like the other threads I want to launch my workers as needed, however I get the
2006 Aug 07
Autostarting and job keys...
I''ve now got 5 processes auto started. But I when I query the MiddleMan for their keys (in script/console), it doesn''t find them. Looking at the start script, it looks like it might be creating a new MiddleMan object for each autostart => entry[''class''], Even changing it to
2006 Jul 03
Req: Workers as singletons
Hi, it would be nice to be able to specify workers as singletons. By this I mean that every call to the new_worker method returns the same instance of said worker. This can be done transparently either by adding a new argument to new_worker (something like :singleton => true) or adding a new method, like I did in my installation of BackgrounDrb: def get_worker_by_class(klass)
2007 May 22
Recommendations for eternally-running backgroundrb workers?
I''ve got some workers that I want to have running all the time. Right now I''m just launching them manually, by requesting a special page in my rails app that includes lines like: MiddleMan.new_worker(:class=> :receiver, :job_key=>:r, :args=>{:sleep_time=>10}) This strikes me as a really weak way to fire up my workers. I basically want to automate things so
2006 Aug 03
undefined method `'' for #<DRb::DRbUnknown:0x2501bd4>
I tried installing BackgrounDRb today. Followed the readme, made a little worker for myself and executed it within the code. But I keep getting this error. I must''ve gone over the README a zillion times. Any idea what it is? undefined method `[]'' for #<DRb::DRbUnknown:0x2501bd4>
2007 Sep 24
Trouble using backgroundrb
Hi all, I''m a newbie to backgroundrb and am having trouble integrating it into my rails-app. I''m using namespaces to differentiate between the parts of my app. When I want to create a new worker, it seems that it cannot find the worker object. Here''s my code: -------------------- controller app/passwd/index -------------------- class Passwd::IndexController <
2008 Apr 02
scheduling worker methods in rails
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi, i''m trying desperately to schedule some worker methods within rails 2.0.2. The problem is, both methods don''t even get called by BackgrounDRb. my background.yml: > --- > :backgroundrb: > :port: 11006 > :ip: > --- > :schedules: > :server_worker: > :update: > :trigger_args: 1 *
2007 Dec 15
1) Error 2) sending request to a specific worker
Hello ! 1) I have this error logged by bdrb: undefined method `send_request'' for nil:NilClass framework/packet_master.rb:58:in `ask_worker'' backgroundrb/server/master_worker.rb:59:in `process_work'' backgroundrb/server/master_worker.rb:16:in `receive_data'' backgroundrb/framework/bin_parser.rb:29:in `call'' backgroundrb/framework/bin_parser.rb:29:in
2006 Oct 17
accessing args in worker
If, in the controller, I start a worker and pass in an argument like this: session[:job_key] = MiddleMan.new_worker(:class => :foo_worker, :args => {:emrec_id =>}) How do I access the value in the worker? I can''t seem to figure it out ;-p Thanks! Bill -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was
2006 Jul 01
BackgrounDRb New release.
Howdy Folks- I''m happy to announce a new release of BackgrounDRb! I have added quite a few new features and included some nice patches from folks on the list. $ script/plugin install svn:// All of the code now stays within the plugin and the start and stop scripts are now just stubs. This makes it easier to tweak or figure out how it works.
2006 Jul 10
''uninitialized constant'' error
Hi All, I am fairly new to Ruby and backgroundRB. I am trying to run a simple example in Windows to get my feet wet with backgroundRB and am running into an ''uninitialized constant'' error when I invoke the controller on my rails app. In ''MyTest'' Controller ------------------- def longrun session[:job_key] = MiddleMan.new_worker(:class =>