similar to: Multiparameter error

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Multiparameter error"

2005 Feb 19
[Error] Using validates_presence_of for datetime field causes parse error?
Hi Everyone - I''ve got an odd sort of error when I try to use validates_presence_of for a MySQL ''datetime'' field. Here''s the relevant portion of the table definition: mysql> describe student_surveys; +---------------------+---------------------+------+----- +---------------------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null |
2005 Mar 03
bug in postgresql ''now'' time handling??
line 212 of postgresql_adapter.rb is return if value =~ /^\(''now''::text\)::(date|timestamp)/ i don''t think this will work. in postgresql the field ''now'' is pinned to the SAME TIME for the duration of a transaction. eg. if you do begin transaction; insert into t values(42, ''now''); # sleep one minute
2007 Oct 08
How to get database adapter type programmatically in rails?
Hi,all I am developing a Rails application supporting both Mysql and Oracle. I have to use Native SQL statements some place. While we know the SQL grammar is quite different for Mysql and Oracle, so I have to get database adapter type programmatically in my codes to process different native SQL statements. I haven''t found any document for this situation. After some research, I have found
2006 Jul 17
Inserting datetime value into SQL Server
I have a SQL Server column named StartTime of (SQL Server) type datetime If I attempt to set the attribute using public def StartTime=(time) write_attribute(:StartTime, "{ts ''1899-12-30 #{time.hour}:#{time.min}:#{time.sec}''}") end it''s inserting a NULL value. Anyone else able to successfully insert a date time value into a SQL Server table using
2006 Jan 28
Method for returning a random date between two dates
Hi, I''m trying to create a method to return a random date within a range. So far, I''ve come up with this... require ''parsedate'' def random_date (a, b) adate = ParseDate.parsedate(a) bdate = ParseDate.parsedate(b) atime = Time.local(*adate) btime = Time.local(*bdate) atime + (rand * (atime - btime) ) end ...and it doesn''t seem to
2010 Oct 13
Rails 2.3.8 - What happens to a datetime field between a form being submitted and the controller receiving the params
I currently have a model that simply contains one datetime field: class CreateElectricityReadings < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :clocks do |t| t.datetime :time_keeper t.timestamps end end def self.down drop_table :clocks end end If I enter the date string "13/10/2010" into this field its showing up in the controller as
2009 Feb 09
RSpec Testing ActiveRecord config dependency.
I have the following library code: def normal_time_now return if default_timezone == :utc return end This is dependent upon a setting in config/environment.rb # Make Active Record use UTC-base instead of local time config.active_record.default_timezone = :utc I want to test that I get the expected results with the config set to utc and
2009 Jan 26
Mocking/Stubbing ActiveRecord.config.default_timezone
In tracking down a bug in AuthLogic I realized that I had made the same error in one of my libraries. Knowing what the error was made creating a test to expose it (using cucumber) rather trivial. However, it has occurred to me that this sort of issue is far more subtle than I first appreciated. So, I am looking for some opinions on how to test for this sort of thing in a more general sense. At
2006 Oct 19
Selecting datetime values from SQL Server (year < 1970)
All, Rails 1.1.6. Any AR find() call that generates a SELECT * type query against a table with a DATETIME column in SQL Server whose value occurs before 1970 will fail, because of the coercion of SQL Server datetime types to Time values in Ruby. See sqlserver_adapter.rb line 490 (record[col] = record[col].to_time if record[col].is_a? DBI::Timestamp) If I remove the coercion (just commenting
2006 Jan 30
multiparameter assignment
I''m trying to figure out the rails why to break a single database field out into multiple fields on a form, very similar to how rails does with dates. How can I create my own object that mirrors the date objects behaviur in how it accepts the multiparameter assignment from the form. Example: A phone number field (to force formating on the user) could be broken into 3 form fields,
2007 Jun 22
problem with AR and 'virtual' multiparameter attributes.
Hello, I have a model which I would like to have a ''virtual'' date column. This column wouldn''t exist in the database, but would exist for validation, etc. The data would be provided in the form of a date_select in the view. This produces a multiparameter attribute. My problem is that the ''execute_callstack_for_multiparameter_attributes'' method in
2006 Aug 31
time_zone_select Acting Funky
I am using time_zone_select for the first time: <%= time_zone_select(''user'', ''default_timezone'') %> I have an instance variable called user and that model has an attribute called ''default_timezone''. The list displays and when I submit the form, I see it sends the data: Parameters:
2006 Sep 01
time_zone_select Doesn't Update in Save
I am using time_zone_select for the first time: <%= form.time_zone_select(''default_timezone'') %> I have an instance variable called user and that model has an attribute called ''default_timezone''. This is all inside a nice form_form construct. The list of time zones displays and when I submit the form, I see it sends the data: Parameters:
2006 Jun 21
SQLServer Timestamp parsing problem in sqlserver_adapter.rb
So, I''ve used Rails to tie into a legacy system which is on SQL Server 2000 with a required timestamp field, DBTimeStamp. The field is defined in SQL Server as type timestamp, but when rails is pulling it in, it appears it may be casting to a datetime format. So, when I try to read or write to the field, it gives me a parsing error: NoMethodError: private method
2008 Feb 24
1 error(s) on assignment of multiparameter attributes
I am trying to create a form for processing credit cards. For the credit card expiration date, I would like to leave the day field out of the form for obvious reasons. However, the following code is producing an error for me. Any ideas? Thanks! <p><label for="email">Expiration</label><br/> <input type="hidden" id="user_card_expiration_3i"
2005 Sep 06
US Date Handling in Rails
My application is built on Rails and MySQL. It will only be accepting US formatted dates as input, however both Rails and MySQL are oriented around ISO the format. I know I can convert a good portion of the entries using ParseDate::parsedate but it does not appear this is how the conversion is taking place when data is being transferred from the params hash into model members. Say I have a field
2006 Aug 02
mangle ActiveRecord
Dear Gurus on Rails! How do I change the behaviour of one method in ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SchemaStatements ? Full story: I''d like to mangle ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SchemaStatements so when it creates a new sql table, it also (optionally) creates my created_at, deleted, key_id, session_id etc columns that I use on basically all tables. It would not be DRY to repeat
2009 Dec 08
Holiday Gift Perl Script for US Holiday Dummy Regressors
##### BEGIN CODE ###### #!/usr/bin/perl ###### # # --start, -s = The date you would like to start generating regressors #--end, -e = When to stop generating holiday regressros # --scope, -c = D, W for Daily or Weekly respectively (e.g. Does this week have a particular holiday) # --file, -f = Ummm where to write the output silly! # # **NOTE** The EOM holiday is "End of Month" for
2009 Dec 08
Opps Correct Version of Holiday Regressor Perl Script
Here is the correct version. The old version is the redirect only version of the script. ### BEGIN SCRIPT #### #!/usr/bin/perl ###### # --start, -s = The date you would like to start generating regressors #--end, -e = When to stop generating holiday regressros # --scope, -c = D, W for Daily or Weekly respectively (e.g. Does this week have a particular holiday) # --file, -f = Ummm where to write
2007 May 12
help, 1 error(s) on assignment of multiparameter attributes
Hi everyone! I just started learning Ruby on Rails about a week ago for a school project, and can''t seem to find a solution for something. I have this inside the form inside of edit_albums.rhtml: <%= start_form_tag :action=>''proccess_edit_album'', :id=> %> .... Release Date: <%= datetime_select(:album, :release_date, :start_year => 1960)