similar to: has_many dynamic conditions

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "has_many dynamic conditions"

2005 Dec 27
How do I combine :finder_sql and :conditions to perform a sub-search on a custom has_many relationship?
I''m sure there''s something right under my nose that I''m missing. I have two tables with two parallel one-to-many relationships. I wish to use the :finder_sql parameter to essentially ''or'' the two foreign keys. What isn''t working for me is performing a ''sub-search''. Let''s say the tables are "stores" and
2005 Dec 27
Trouble combining :has_many, :finder_sql and :conditions to create a sub-search
I''m sure there''s something right under my nose that I''m missing. I have two tables with two parallel one-to-many relationships. I wish to use the :finder_sql parameter to essentially ''or'' the two foreign keys. What isn''t working for me is performing a ''sub-search''. Let''s say the tables are "stores" and
2010 Jan 25
has_many, :finder_sql, setting attributes
Hi all, My question is somewhat complicated, but bear with me. My project has a number of models: User, Program, and Team. Users belong to multiple Programs. Programs have multiple teams, but Teams belong to one program. For each Program a User belongs to, he can belong to multiple Teams. (Think of this in an athletic context where users are athletes, programs are universities). So my
2006 May 05
Missing documentation for find_in_collection? Trying to drill down in a 4 level has_many association fails
I''ve been reading up in ActiveRecord::Associations and playing around with my app via the console and found some interesting methods via the code completion of IRB, but I have no idea how to use them and can only find one hint in the API ClassMethods.html It mentions here in the has many associations that if you use the
2006 Jun 09
finder_sql issue with has_many :through
I have an inner join query that Action Record can''t seem to pull off conventionally, so I''m trying to use :finder_sql to utilize an sql query that works beautifully in SQL. The problem is, when I try to call the method, I get the following: private method `gsub'' called for #<Array:0x267de04> Here is my has_many code: has_many :mod_privileges,
2006 Oct 30
It this possible: finder_sql-like behavior for belongs_to?
Guys, I have a need to support as has_many/belongs_to relationship on a legacy(kind of) schema. The reason I say kind of is that the schema does have "id" columns that are used in many associations, but this particular has_many/belongs_to association needs to support different ones. I''ve attached to code at the end of this email. Suffice it to say I need to use the standard
2006 Jan 06
has_many with :finder_sql question
hi all, I have a Class, Client, which has_many projects (Project class). the projects depend on a session_id variable, however. So the question is, how can I do the following: has_many :projects, :finder_sql => "SELECT p.* FROM projects p INNER JOIN projects_users pu ON pu.project_id = WHERE pu.user_id = #{session[:user_id]}" The problem is that I need to filter a
2006 Jul 24
has_many + finder_sql
from the api I got: <pre> has_many :subscribers, :class_name => "Person", :finder_sql => ''SELECT DISTINCT people.* '' + ''FROM people p, post_subscriptions ps '' + ''WHERE ps.post_id = #{id} AND ps.person_id = '' + ''ORDER BY p.first_name'' </pre> I would like to pass in the
2006 Jan 19
bug in has_many count?
I can submit a patch, but wanted to confirm I''m looking at this right... The docs indicate that if you specify a has_many association with :finder_sql, but no :counter_sql, it constructs the appropriate counter sql by substituting the SELECT clause. But has_many_association.rb doesn''t seem to do that -- it just passes Base#count_by_sql the finder_sql, which doesn''t
2006 Mar 14
I''ve got an order model that stores order data. One piece of data is a credit card type, which is a digit 1,2 or 3. I have a cardType model that has an id, shortName and LongName for the credit card merchant (visa, mastercard, amex). I want to be able to say: order.cardType.shortName, but can''t seem to get has_one working. It works with has_many and a finder_sql statement on
2006 Feb 13
has_many finder_sql #{id} single/double quotes voodoo
I never would have figured this out in many moons: has_many :subscribers, :class_name => "Person", :finder_sql => ''SELECT DISTINCT people.* '' + ''FROM people p, post_subscriptions ps '' + ''WHERE ps.post_id = #{id} AND ps.person_id = '' + ''ORDER BY p.first_name'' Variable
2011 Sep 27
has_many with :finder_sql returns [nil]?
Is it supposed to do that? I find it very confusing. AR 3.0.10 class Unit has_many :units, :finder_sql => proc { "SELECT * FROM `#{table_name}` WHERE `location_id`=#{id} AND `location_type`=#{Location::UNIT}" } end Both should return []. However... >> Unit.first.units.find([1000000]) [2011-09-27 10:05:11|main|debug] Unit Load (4.0ms) SELECT `units`.* FROM `units`
2006 Apr 20
has_many :through with has_many/has_many join models
It seems that using a join model that joins with two has_many''s will fail to generate proper SQL class StudentSemesterRecord < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :semester has_many :discipline_records, :through => :semester end class Semester < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :student_semester_records has_many :discipline_records end class DisciplineRecord <
2006 Aug 15
has_many + finder_sql & :include
Hello, In a model I have: has_many :things, :finder_sql => '' select * from other_things '' + '' where id = #{id} '' When I do MyClass.find(:all, :include => :things) I get a weird error: from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.14.4/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter.rb:120:in
2006 Apr 04
has_many fails where find_by_sql succeeds
Can anyone explain why the method form of the following works, but the (apparently identical) has_many fails? I have 3 sites in my fixtures. Initially, for a new StockGroup, sites_not_using_this_stock_group should return all 3 sites (which it does). When you add a site to the StockGroup, it should disappear from the output of sites_not_using_this_stock_group. But the has_many form
2006 Mar 31
A.R. Associations problem
Hello, I''m learning A.R Associations by creating a simple forum that consists of 3 tables: ahuthors, topics and posts. This is the schema: class AddAuthorAndTopicAndPostTables < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :authors do |t| t.column :username, :string t.column :email, :string t.column :created_on, :datetime end create_table
2006 May 04
Complement set association to has_many/through?
I have two models, A and B, with a straightforward many-to-many has_many/through association between them. So, in A I have the association processed_bs and in B I have processedby_as. This works fine. Now, I would like to also have an association unprocessed_bs in A, which holds all Bs that _aren''t_ in processed_bs. I can write a method in A that returns all those objects as a list
2008 Jun 16
call_backs Is it?
Hi I have the models 1.ServiceDeskTicket with fields id --- number --- service_desk_status_id -- created_on -- updated_on etc 2.ServiceDeskActivity with fields id -- service_desk_ticket_id -- description -- created_on -- updated_on 3.ServiceDeskAttachment id -- service_desk_ticket_id -- attachment -- created_on -- updated_on Relations as ServiceDeskticket has_many
2008 Apr 24
Dynamic finders in has_many associations
I have these 3 models. class Ivr < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :klusterings, :dependent => :destroy has_many :klusters, :through => :klusterings, :uniq => true end class Kluster < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :klusterings, :dependent => :destroy has_many :ivrs, :through => :klusterings, :uniq => true end class Klustering < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :kluster
2006 Oct 27
has_many with nullable foreign_key?
Is there a way to use has_many and have it operate like such? select * from pages where site_id = #{id} or site_id is null I know there''s finder_sql, but then I''ll lose the find_in_collection goodness. Thanks, Joe -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the