similar to: Connection to backgroundrb is lost when exiting action method

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "Connection to backgroundrb is lost when exiting action method"

2006 Nov 01
strange issue with backgroundrb behind apache/lighttpd
I''m getting strange data back from my worker whenever I run our rails app with more than one dispatcher under lighttpd. just to give some info on what the app does: user submits data to rails app. rails app hands off data to worker, which goes and does it''s thing, storing results in an array of response objects (the array is an attribute of the worker). the response object
2005 Jan 28
breakpoint not working
I keep getting: No connection to breakpoint service at druby://localhost:42531 (DRb::DRbConnError) Tries to connect will be made every 3 seconds... This happens every time i run ./script/breakpointer using 0.9.5 on OSX or Windows. Any ideas?
2006 Apr 01
What IDE for Rails on OSX?
Hi, I''m using TextMate for rails development on OSX, but have reached a point where I need to run in a debugger and be able to step through the code as it executes. I have previously used the Eclipse Ruby plug in and another IDE for ruby development on windows, but never figured out how to run a Rails app in the debugger. How are other textmate users debugging and what else is there on
2006 Sep 05
question about passing array of AR objects to worker
got a wierd problem maybe someone can help with. whenever i try to pass an array or AR objects to my worker, i end up with a DRb object in the''s an example class SearchWorker < BackgrounDRb::Rails attr_reader :resources def do_work(resources) resources.inspect end end class SearchController < ApplicationController def start_search
2007 Jan 19
problems updating to
Hi all I''ve upgraded the rails plugin from 0.7.5 to (plugin/remove rspec_on_rails followed by : ruby script/plugin install svn:// I''ve also updated the rspec gem and removed the older version. I''m running rubygems 0.9.1 on a windows box however, when I try to run a spec
2007 Apr 04
Exception when doing DRb remote calls from a BackgrounDRb worker
Hello, I am trying to make DRb calls to a external server from a backgrounDRb worker, but I''m getting always the next exception when I make the remote call. > ERROR: > drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrb.11175/experimenter_worker_3e899de945f0803a82cd257cfac316d0_0_0.0738904928422051 > - #<Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - >
2007 Jun 28
ThreadError from DRb server
Hi there, I''ve just started using aaf for searching and it''s running well apart from one error I received: A ThreadError occurred in person#search: current thread not owner (druby:/localhost:9010) /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/monitor.rb:274:in `mon_check_owner'' (druby:/localhost:9010) /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/monitor.rb:274:in `mon_check_owner''
2006 Sep 06
DRb error when using rails_spec on OS X
Hi, all- I started playing with RSpec in a new Rails app. I''ve installed the plugin and bootstrapped it, and run ''script/rails_spec_runner'' (not rails_spec_server as the website currently reads, btw) in a separate shell, then in another shell I run ''script/rails_spec'' and get the following: /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/drb/drb.rb:837:in
2011 Jan 03
Distorted output in fixed-point AEC
Hi, I couldn't find a discussion that specifically addresses this, so here it is. I'm using Speex AEC in my mobile VoIP application to cancel speaker echo. The used version is 1.2rc1 from the website, and I'm compiling with fixed-point. On most occasions, the AEC works very well and cancels most of the echo (combined with the preprocessor). On some devices, where the microphone signal
2016 Nov 20
RFC: Insertion of nops for performance stability
Hi Hal, A pre-emit pass will indeed be preferable. I originally thought of it, too, however I could not figure out how can such a pass have an access to information on instruction sizes and block alignments. I know that for X86, at least, the branch relaxation is happening during the layout phase in the Assembler, where I plan to integrate the nop insertion such that the new MCPerfNopFragment
2016 Nov 21
RFC: Insertion of nops for performance stability
Hi Hal, Thanks for the reference. I’ve looked at PPCBranchSelector and the PowerPC backend. It is very different from the X86 architecture and unfortunately the way branch relaxation and alignment related issues are handled in PPC cannot be copied to X86. This is because: 1. PPC instructions are of fixed length while X86 instructions are of variable length, and their length can change
2011 Jan 08
Distorted output in fixed-point AEC
Hi Jean-Marc, thanks for the response. First, I will clarify again that floating-point solves this - so isn't that a bug in fixed-point? Also, I understand that algorithmically the AEC won't cancel echo properly on a non-linear signal, but why completely distort the output? If the echo just won't get cancelled it would be acceptable, but in the current state it disables the ability to
2006 Dec 04
Question about acls
Hi, I''m not much of a developer but I''ve been using backgroundrb for a while now and with the release of 0.2.1 it looks like I can finally upgrade from the old version (0.2.0 had some weird issues when jobs just wouldn''t run, seems to have cleared up now - Thanks!). Anyhow, while I''m doing this, I would like to tackle this problem. Most tasks I run in
2006 Dec 25
Issues with 0.7.5
I installed 0.7.5 and the corresponding Rails plugin. Now it seems that the rake command is: rake spec:autotest I immediately ran into several problems: 1. rspec_autotest.rb line 30 has curly quotes and makes Ruby choke 2. Same line, rails_spec is spelled solid, when it should have the underscore But fixing these didn''t get me back going. Now I have to have a rails_spec_server
2012 Nov 16
How to activate all VPCUS for a domU?
Hi, I have set maxvcpus and vcpus options in my domU configuration file, and I can see that X number of vcpu are set for the domU. I tried to activate all the vpcus by using vpcu_avail option (using decimal to represent vpcu bitmask e.g. 24=11000) but it doesn''t seem to work, and only the first vpcu is activated (i.e. has -b- state) while all other vpcu''s set for the domU are
2012 Nov 16
How to activate all VPCUS for a domU?
Hi, I have set maxvcpus and vcpus options in my domU configuration file, and I can see that X number of vcpu are set for the domU. I tried to activate all the vpcus by using vpcu_avail option (using decimal to represent vpcu bitmask e.g. 24=11000) but it doesn''t seem to work, and only the first vpcu is activated (i.e. has -b- state) while all other vpcu''s set for the domU are
2012 Feb 24
[LLVMdev] CodeGen instructions and patterns
Is there a generic function that gives the machine instructions and their patterns given in the .td files of a backend specification ? or a subset which match a certain opcode ? otherwise how are the machine instructions being accessed/matched for instruction selection ? -Omer -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Nov 11
undefined method `add''
We''ve been running into problems with ferret indexing lately. The problem is intermittent and some times it persists. Just got this after wiping the index and redeploying: NoMethodError (undefined method `add'' for Solution:Class): (druby:// /data/releases/20071111152414/vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb:1238:in `method_missing''
2016 Nov 17
RFC: Insertion of nops for performance stability
Hi all, These days I am working on a feature designed to insert nops for IA code generation that will provide performance improvements and performance stability. This feature will not affect other architectures. It will, however, set up an infrastructure for other architectures to do the same, if ever needed. Here are some examples for cases in which nops can improve performance: 1. DSB
2002 Apr 07
HTB question
Hi, I am new to tc, please forgive me for simple question. I have linux 2.4 in my routers, I would like to use HTB. I have downloaded binary code from, (tc.gz), but I could not open the file. Is there any other place I can get binary code for HTB. Also if you can give some direction how to patch it, it will be really helpful. Thanks in advance Omer