similar to: Support for clustered primary key in rails?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Support for clustered primary key in rails?"

2009 Mar 09
multiple columns primary key
Hi all, I have two tables: TABLE 1 A pk - fk (referencesc TABLE 2) B pk C pk D pk E F TABLE 2 A pk G H I L I don''t use incremental field (id). I''d like don''t use find_by_sql. How can I define both models to use correctly find method (with include)? With only one column primary key I haven''t problems. I thought two solutions, but I don''t like these
2006 Feb 21
Self-referencial habtm relationship
Heyo! I am setting up a self-referencial habtm relationship with the users of my app. I am using Chad Fowler''s "Rails Recipes" to get me started, and everything works great with the join table "people_friends". I add friends by doing somebody.friends << somebodyelse. However, with my app, there is an approval process so my join table has columns person_id,
2007 Aug 30
belongs_to with foreign keys that reference non primary key columns
Hello, I have a situation where the foreign key into a table doesn''t correspond to that table''s primary key: my_table ------------- id (pk) name ... other_table -------------- id (pk) my_table_name (fk references my_table(name)) ... I want to be able to say something like: class OtherTable < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :my_table, :foreign_key => { :my_table_name
2007 Jun 09
create 2 fk referencing the same table
Hi everyone! I have a problem with defining 2 fk referencing the same table. I have a Program table and a Team table. The Program should have an away team and a home team fk. From my understanding, "the fk column should be named after the class of the target table, converted to lowercase, with _id appended". But, in my case, I have 2 fk referencing the same table. How can I do this?
2006 Jan 21
n-way joins
Hi, I''m somewhat of a Rails newbie and am trying to understand how to formulate n-way (3 or 4 way) joins in Rails (where the join tables contain extra data as well.) Let me give you my basic entities: foos id - pk name - unique bars id - pk name - unique bazs id - pk name - unique frozs id - pk name - unique then i have two separate join tables: foos_bars_bazs - 3 way join
2012 Jun 25
Fast Kendall's Tau
Hello. Has any further action been taken regarding implementing David Simcha's fast Kendall tau code (now found in the package pcaPP as into R-base? It is literally hundreds of times faster, although I am uncertain as to whether he wrote code for testing the significance of the parameter. The last mention I have seen of this was in 2010
2005 Jun 27
FK constraints overrated?
Hello folks, I use to think that a relational databases without foreign keys constraints enforced strictly by the RDBMS were no good, piece of crap, data junk. However, I''ve also learned the hard way that FKs constraints imposes serious difficulties when moving data around, specially between different DBs, or for loading test data or for upgrading DBs schemas, or for porting DBs
2009 Jun 05
problem with using subset from two different tables
Hi all, I am new to R-project my problem is I tried to get subset from two different tables its giving error but if i m tring for geting results from one table its working actually i have to take values from two tables with applying different conditions on two tables like kk- is an object of one table and fk- is an object of another table here i have to get values from these tables like
2007 Nov 22
Active Record Question
hey! I have the following table structure in my DB | users | ------------ | (pk)id | | username | | pass | ------------ (1:n) | users_objects | | objectattributes | ------------------ ---------------------------------- | (fk,pk)user_id | (1:n) | (pk)attribute | |(fk,pk)object_id| | (pk,fk)
2006 Jul 10
Setup new data in the test database _after_ unit test runs
All, I want to run automated unit tests as part of my build. I am building to my test environment. Upon successful completion of all of my unit tests, I would then like to load some data (using a fixture, I imagine) into my test database that will act as fresh "system test" data for my users to play with. What is the best way to "load the standard system test/user acceptance
2019 Apr 12
players who cannot handle switching to a fallback mount point?
Hi Paul, Thanks for the quick response! We use the same type of encoder (Sam Cast) both live for both mountpoints on 96 Kb Joint Stereo. it is difficult to see if it is exactly the same. Is there a player that show exactly this? I will check this. We have use the limit-rate in our config. Thats work better for go to play the last fallback-mount file (i test this). See here our part of the
2009 Sep 08
barplot with lines instead of bars
Dear useRs, I want to plot the following barplot with lines instead of bars. Is there a way? data <- data.frame(cbind(k = 0:3, fk = c(11, 20,7,2), f0k = c(13.72, 17.64, 7.56, 1.08), fkest = c(11.85, 17.78, 8.89, 1.48))) d <- t(data[,2:4]) barplot(d, beside=TRUE) Regards, Rafael. ____________________________________________________________________________________ [[elided Yahoo
2006 Mar 11
assignment of parent ID in child''s fk field
When I create a child record I''m not automagically getting the parent ID put into the fk field. Does take parameters that allows me to do that as part of the AR record creation? Or do I need to do it separately? Or am I missing the boat altogether ;-) Thanks, Bill -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Apr 13
Creating an environment for a function.
I am trying to build a function in a context where the environment concept would appear to be useful. But I'm a bit foggy about this concept and would appreciate some pointers and advice. Basically the function I'm building, say foo(x,t), is a function of two variables). Depending on the value of t, foo will return one of the values f1(x), f2(x), ..., fk(x), where each of f1, ..., fk is
2006 Aug 30
Damaged source medium during rsync
What happens when rsync'ing a file that is damaged bacause of a bad sector on the source medium? I assume that the file will be synchronized partially, overwriting any file of the same name on the destination medium. If that is the case, is there a way to make rsync check readability of files before overwriting them on the target medium (e.g. by synching to a temp. file and, once
2018 Dec 07
Implement VLIW Backend on LLVM (Assembler Related Questions)
Hello, I want to implement LLVM backend for a specific VLIW hardware. I am working on defining its instruction set, and assembly language. The hardware has two pipelines, int and float. Each pipeline can do 3 operations/cycle, 3 operations forms an instruction. One of the Integer Instruction looks like this: add Ri, Rj, Rk; add Rl, Rm, Rn; add Ro, Rp, Rq An int instruction and a float
2007 Aug 02
ActiveRecord Limitation (Advance)
Or is it ? Need to be able to :- @search = Form.find(:all, :include=>[:form_type, :form_type_items], :conditions=>....) I need in the Form model a :form_type_items, the question is, what is the relationship type? Current Models:- Form belongs_to :form_type FormType has_many :form_types has_many :form_type_items FormTypeItem Belongs_to :form_type Form ---------------- | id |
2006 May 10
Why different directory sizes?
I just discovered two directories with the same number of files and the same number of hard links but different size: # stat /home/david/linuxburg/fax.old/docq_ps.nnnn \ /hdsync/home/david/linuxburg/fax.old/docq_ps.nnnn File: `/home/david/linuxburg/fax.old/docq_ps.nnnn' Size: 8192 Blocks: 16 IO Block: 4096 directory Device: 801h/2049d Inode: 52060
2007 Oct 21
[ANN/RFC] Rathole, a fixtures extension plugin
Like lots of other folks, I''ve been searching for a way to scratch my fixture itches. Rathole is my extraction of a few techniques we''ve successfully applied at my day job. We''ve been using Rathole for a month or so now, but I''d really like some feedback from a wider audience. Rathole tackles: * Conflicting PK''s (no more id''s in fixture
2009 Oct 08
Eager Loading a Relationship That Has No PK/FK
I''m attempting to wrestle an old DB into Rails. This relationship is giving me trouble: class Show < AR::Base has_many :segments end class Segment < AR::Base belongs_to :show has_one :media #this has no PK/FK relation end A Segment is "linked" to Media by, which is the result of concatenating and Segment.part. As I said there are is no