similar to: Links on the left hand side - are components necessary?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Links on the left hand side - are components necessary?"

2006 Feb 27
(resend - sorry!) Which controllers?
Hello, I have recently started learning RoR. I think it''s _fantastic_. I am absolutely blown away. OK, this is to prepare you to my idiotic question. Hopefully, I won''t be stoned. I am designing a simple application, where users can register, and: * Publish a photo album * Publish a simple blog with comments * Determine their list of friends and foes The application will
2006 Jun 06
Invoice and invoice_lines
Hello People, I have a possibly very lame question. I am fairly new to RoR, and I want to make sure I do it "right". I have a model called Invoice, and one called InvoiceLines. Usual story: the table "invoice" has a 1:n relationship with "invoice_lines", which includes invoice_id. Now... the application will have a "new order" button, which will allow
2004 Nov 27
Shared remote repository
Hello, I have a bit of a problem - I have the feeling the solution is ridicolously trivial, and yet I can't find it! I have a remote repository of text files. Until today, I was the only one changing those files: I would simply change them locally, and update the remote repository with this command: cd local_dir rsync --delete -e ssh -Llavuz . merc@remote_server:remote_directory
2006 Jul 06
Not accepting nil values in fields when CREATING a record
Hello, I have a question for you. In my application, I want to make sure that the database doesn''t have any NULLs in fields. I can''t use validates_presence_of, because it will puke if there''s an empty string ("") So... is there an EASY way to check if a list of fields is null? Right now, I''m doing: def validate() [...]
2006 Jun 20
ActiveRecord saving madness?
Hello, First of all, I love RoR. I am studying it, and I am finally "getting there". However, I do have a bit of a problem with ActiveRecord''s saving behaviour. Imagine to have Orders (id, name) {has_one:invoice} and Invoices (id, order_id) {belongs_to :order} . If you type: invoice = an_order.invoice = invoice if invoice fails to save, you
2013 Feb 03
Create a helper for models and views?
Hi! If I have a method that is useful in both models and in views, where would be the appropriate place to put it? The method in question just takes two dates as strings, tries to parse them and returns all dates in the range between them. It also takes care of the issues when the dates are badly formatted etc etc.. This method is being used in several models (so a simple class method in
2006 Nov 16
Stubbing helpers
Hi, Is it possible to stub out a helper for development? I''ve got a (view) helper that renders a partial and runs all kind of javascript. But for dev purposes I''d like it to return some hardcoded html. I''m not having any success stubbing the helper out. Something like... test/mocks/development/helper_stub.rb require ''application_helper'' class
2006 Apr 19
Module and Model
I am getting the following error /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.14.2/lib/active_record/base.rb:1129:in `method_missing'': undefined method `directory?'' for Msg::File:Class (NoMethodError) I have a model called Msg::File in models/msg/file.rb, and I have a file in lib/msg/helper.rb which references to both Msg::File and How do I help activerecord
2006 Feb 19
instance variables in components not read by component view?
Hi, I''m trying to write a sidebar menu with dynamic menus, and to do so I would like to define a list of menus to display within my sidebar component controller code and pass that list to the component display view, like so: # menu_controller.rb class Sidebar::MenuController < ActionController::Base uses_component_template_root @menus = %w{admin user help} def display
2001 Feb 08
OpenSSH 2.3.0p4/2.2.0p1, Solaris 8, ssh-keygen bus error
Hi, I'm having a problem with ssh-keygen on Solaris 8; upon running, it produces a bus error due to a function call in OpenSSL (RC4_set_key): [...] (gdb) where #0 0x3440c in RC4_set_key () #1 0x2b890 in arc4random_stir () at /merc/tools/src/openssh-2.3.0p1/bsd-arc4random.c:65 #2 0x23ca8 in main (ac=1, av=0xffbefb94) at /merc/tools/src/openssh-2.3.0p1/ssh-keygen.c:720 I get
2006 Apr 08
Cannot use view helpers in RJS helpers
Any ideas why I would get an error in a RJS helper on view helpers such as number_to_currency. Example: # my_template.rjs page.help_me # my_helper for my_controller def help_me number_to_currency(10) end I have also tired page.number_to_currency but that doesn''t work either. Cheers, Nicholas
2012 Oct 18
spTransform longlat to utm
Dear all, I am trying to project my LongLat-maps to a plane. The ultimate purpose is to do a search of points in vicinity of other points using overlay-commands (sp) with radius in km. I am applying spTransform (package rgdal) and it gives my some curious results. An example. Let's take a point lying somewhere in Germany, zone=32U x <- 8.968735 y <- 49.454735 After conversion I
2005 Jun 09
Using transform on spproj package.
Hi, I'm trying to use transform my mercator locations into utm but I'm doing something wrong because only x is transformed ... see > xy.sp SpatialPoints: loni lati [1,] -8.85 38.16 [2,] -9.19 37.99 [3,] -9.11 37.97 [4,] -9.06 38.15 [5,] -9.03 37.87 [6,] -9.14 37.81 [7,] -9.09 37.70 [8,] -8.95 37.45 [9,] -9.17 37.37 [10,] -9.00 37.34 Coordinate Reference
2006 Jul 24
BIG JS limit? Using replace_html with partials containing JS
Hello, It''s pretty hard giving a practical example on this one. I have a partial which contains some generated Javascript. Something like: order_screen.rhtml ------------------------------------------- <h1>Order</h1> <div id="order_part"> <%=render :partial=>''order_new'' %> </div> <h1>Ordered products</h1>
2007 Jul 14
Using Helpers inside a Controller
I want to use helpers inside a controller method for an AJAX application. After the page is loaded and displayed, there will be an asynchronous javascript request to load additional resources such as html forms and other data. The controller which handles the request will collect the resources and send them back in json format. def get_resources data[:form1]=form_helper1()
2011 Feb 17
BUG: SAMBA 3.5.x and IBM TSM
Hi! I am using SAMBA 3.5.x and it doesn't work with IBM TSM. IBM TSM works properly with SAMBA 3.2.15. Is there any chance to solve this issue in future SAMBA versions? Best regards /Adrian Berlin -- You Rock! Your E-Mail Should Too! Signup Now at and get 2GB of Storage!
2006 Aug 16
Accessing Constants Declared in Helper Modules
Hello all, I''m having great trouble accessing a constant declared in a helper for one of my view templates. I am trying to create a grouped selection list based on a predefined set of values. Rather than declare this set of values in the view, I wanted to put it in the helper that automatically gets included for the view. Unfortunately, it doesn''t seem to work. All methods
2000 Jul 03
A couple of questions
Hi guys, First of all, thanks for your great work. So many people *need* Samba to work...! I have a couple of questions about Samba. I have been fiddeling with Samba config files for some time now (as well as reading documentation about it), and... there must be something I am missing. The network I am managing has a very, very standard configuration. It's a C class (netmask:
2006 Jun 22
Sharing primary key between two tables?
Hello, I have an ActiveRecord question. I have two tables, "customers" and "users". Those two tables really should share their primary key, in order to have a "real" 1:1 relationship. (I don''t mean to start a database-resign religious war, but I must say that I do feel very uneasy about using ActiveRecord''s "normal" way, which is to
2003 Mar 24
Samba as PDC and PAM authentication
I am using samba as a PDC on linux. It works fine with encrypted passwords. But now i need use a PAM authentication and PAM requires plain passwords. When i use "encrypt passwords = No" in smb.conf a PAM is out of game. Is there any way to use a PAM authentication with samba as PDC ? Thanks Daniel MERC