similar to: check_box:how to update 2 checkboxes dependent on each other

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "check_box:how to update 2 checkboxes dependent on each other"

2006 Jun 14
Select box onchange problem
Hi, i''ve got the following problem. I have a check_box witch shows a list of varieties. Now i want to call a action when the user changes his selection. (the method to be called, will store the selection from the user). This is my code: <%= select(''variety'', ''variety_id'', Variety.find_all.collect {|c| [c.description,]},
2006 Jan 04
radio_button method does not recognize int values?
So the api listing says that radio_button(object, method, tag_value, options = {}) gives a radio button tag, and if object.method == tag_value, then the button will be checked. I verified the method behaves correctly for attributes of type string. However, if the attribute is of type int, it doesn''t make the button checked. Does anyone have some information before I file a bug? Some
2008 Jan 23
Ajax.Autocompleter parameters
I''m trying to pass additional variables to my autocomplete data page. I used the parameters option but this only sends a static variable (i.e. I can''t do something like parameters:"param1="+$ (''checkbox1'').checked). I thought I could fix this by calling a new Ajax.Autocompleter every time the checkbox was clicked but that just created duplicate
2006 Apr 18
I''ve got a question on the use of check_box. *** This is working but there just has to be a better way: RHTML: <% for book in @books do %> <tr> <td><%=book.label%></td> <td> <%checked = book.subscribed ? ''checked'': ''nope''%> <%=check_box("book" +,
2006 Oct 15
Getting check_box to default to checked?
I''ve tried this (in a new method/template -- so @type doesn''t actually exist yet): check_box ''type'', ''notify_on_create'', {:checked=>''true''} But :checked seems to get swallowed. I''ve also tried setting notify_on_create to true in the Type model, but that doesn''t work either. Any way to get the
2006 Jul 19
Howto: Check_box with a variable (no model)
Hi, I would like to put a checkbox on a form where the input field is a variable rather than a field in a model. The normal way (with a model) would be: <%= check_box(''client'', ''accept'', {}, "1", "0") %> But since accept is a variable @accept and model client will not be there, how do I make a check box work? Regards, Paul
2006 May 03
disabled check_box does not work as expected?
I have a checkbox: <%= check_box(:day, :monday, {:disabled => ''''} , (day.monday == true ? {:checked => ''checked''} : {:checked => false} )) %> It is disabled allright, but it is always uncecked. Is this supposed to happen. It looks like (day.monday == true ? {:checked => ''checked''} : {:checked => false} ) is not
2010 Nov 11
Rails 3 - Nested Forms, using Builder -- Check_box issue
Hello, I have the following: My Controller: def new . . @teammembers.each do |teammember| request = => teammember.user_id, :full_name => ''Billy Bob T'') end My View: . . <%= f.fields_for :requests do |builder| %> <div class="field"> <%= builder.label
2006 May 03
Differences betwen check_box_tag and check_box form helper.
What is the difference between the check_box_tag and the check_box form helper? I can''t understand why both must exist. :( Thanks. Fernando Lujan
2007 Apr 16
How to use a form.check_box ?
Hey guys, I''m trying to have a simple webform in my administration section to add a user. I have the text_fields for adding the user''s name, password, and password confirmation, but cannot seem to figure out the checkbox. I want it to be a single checkbox, that if clicked, will set the database column "access" to be "admin" and if its unchecked, set it to be
2006 Aug 10
check_box form helper questions/issues
I''m using Rails 1.1.x and it looks like the check_box form helper expects me to provide and object and method so it can determine if the checkbox should be checked or not. I''m having a couple of issues with this. note: I''m using UserEngine and adding a HABTM so that: class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :foos end class foo <
2007 Dec 15
check_box not being checked
I''m new to RoR and I''m having a little problem that I can''t solve. My model is simple. I have Lists and ListItems. I have a view that loops through all the list items, and I put the HTML for the each list item row in a partial called _list_item.rhtml. This is the view, called show.rhtml <ul> <%= render(:partial => "list_item", :collection =>
2007 Sep 18
Prototype.js and Multidimensional Arrays
Hi there, this code works only fine , if i dont embedding the prototype.js in my document: <script type="text/javascript"> var myCheckBox2 = new Array(); myCheckBox2[''Ort''] = new Array("hamburg","berlin","hannover"); myCheckBox2[''Art''] = new Array("programmierung","support");
2006 Nov 04
Check_box woes
I have a User model and an Address model. A user has_many addresses, and an address belongs_to a user. An address object for a user could be a billing, shipping or marketing address. The way I''m tracking this is via the user attributes: billing_adress_id, marketing_address_id and shipping_address_id in the user table, which holds the relevant address id. But in my form that allows a
2006 Jun 09
has_many / : through / check_box - update problems
Can anyone help me with this, which has been making me tear my hair out for 2 days now ? I have the following classes using has_many :through relationships... (I''ve changed the class names to make it easier to understand, so don''t beat me up about naming conventions ;) ) class Movie < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :localdetails has_many :territories, :through=>:rights
2007 Apr 30
I am sure this is a trivial problem for a rails guru! all I want to do is display an appropriately cheched check_box in a table, so: instead of <% for t in @patient.histories%> <tr> <td><%= t.ihd %></td> </tr> <%end%> I want something like: <% for t in @patient.histories%> <tr>
2006 Nov 27
Problems using check_box
Hello! Since this is my first post here and I''m fairly new with the whole RoR concept, please bare with me (just wanted that to be out in the open)! ;D I''m trying to make a checkbox for each input in another model/database-table. I have a database table called Roster which includes the colums "id" and "name". And then I have a table called matches that
2008 Aug 20
Re: problem in check_box
Shandy, Fred; Thanks! I never knew we could use remote_function this way. Learning something new every day! Best regards, Bill --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/ To
2006 Jun 14
setting selected option in select
I am working on employee scheduling app and am trying to set a drop down list for store hours. I am having trouble setting a default selected for the list. Anybody have any suggestions. example code is below: I have an array set in model Storeday TIME_TYPES =[ [ "12:00am", "0:00" ], [ "12:15am", "0:15" ], [ "12:30am", "0:30" ], [
2006 Jul 03
in the mean time i am using a checkbox like this : <input type="checkbox" name="var[car]" <%= ? ''checked'' : '''' unless @var == nil %> /> but i am sure there is something better than this in rails like <%= checkbox_tag ''var'', ''car'', :checked => true %> but this is not