similar to: Data changes in backgroundrb task don''t show up in Rails

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Data changes in backgroundrb task don''t show up in Rails"

2007 Apr 04
unit tests?
Ezra et al: I have this problem: Any progress on it? Or are unit tests simply impossible for now? -- Phlip <-- NOT a blog!!
2007 Apr 04
what version of BackgrounDRb do I have?
How to detect that from the files? -- Phlip <-- NOT a blog!!
2007 Feb 18
unit tests vs database state
BackgrounDRb-ers: I have this friend who claims that everything should have a unit test. We want to use BackgrounDRb in a test-first setting. When I update a database, to get it ready for testing, the update happens inside the MySQL transaction of the test process. The worker then runs in another process and sees the database''s original state. Turning off the transactions, in
2006 Nov 04
how to use LabellingFormBuilder
Railsers: As usual for a product written very rapidly, most of its documentation assumes some other documentation told you something critical. For example, the file form_helper.rb tempts me with this documentation: # <% form_for :person, @person, :url => { :action => "update" }, :builder => LabellingFormBuilder do |f| %> That''s beautiful. Now what do I
2006 Sep 15
unable to figure out how to get backgroundrb.yml to be used when starting backgroundrb
i ran rake backgroundrb:setup and modified the default config/backgroundrb.yml file as: --- port: "22223" timer_sleep: 60 load_rails: true environment: production host: localhost database_yml: config/database.yml acl: deny: all allow: localhost order: deny,allow and my database.yml production: adapter: mysql database: chip2_production username: xxxxx password:
2007 Feb 20
rails 1.2.1, locomotive and backgroundrb
Hi I just tried to move my project to rails 1.2.1 on my locomotive development setup. It seems that backgroundrb is not willing to start up anymore. If I switch locomotive back to 1.1.6, everthing is fine. This is the error I get while attempting to start backgroundrb: /Applications/Locomotive2/Bundles/standardRailsJan2007.locobundle/
2006 Oct 30
domain language?
RSpeckers: I went with RSpec instead of Systir because I downloaded and installed the former first. (I know that''s not exactly a ringing endorsement! ;-) I want to compete with FIT and Fitnesse, like this: (Click on a Green Bar to distend one test case.) I want a domain-specific language in the parchment-colored area on the
2007 Feb 16
negate the regexp in validates_format_of
Railsters: ActiveRecord''s validation system puts other database systems to shame. However, the newbies might not know how to write a regexp that excludes a match, instead of tests for it. Understand - I''m just asking this question to help them. I have been using Regexps since ''grep'' on Xenix! But the newbies here might not know how to do this:
2007 Feb 14
Scheduling in backgroundrb not working
Hi , How do i schedule a job that can send emails at intervals of time using backgroundrb and rails For testing When i hit the controller i''m able send the emails. but that is not i intend to do ..... I want to use backgroundrb and rails in which i''ll schedule a job for every 5 minutes/ 1 minute or so..... to send an email But when i write
2006 Aug 15
Set up a default route
Phlip wrote: > Can I fix it by adding a view called ''inventories''? That worked, because I have a sufficiently late version of MySQL. Next question. What does "Set up a default route" mean? When I read... reminds me of the Apache documentation for mod_rewrite. I hope someone appreciates the candor of my
2006 Dec 03
worker is not executed
Hey, I''ve got a problem where my worker is not being properly executed.... it used to work in an earlier version of brb, but i realized my vendor/plugins was out of whack, upgraded to the newer schedule- oriented release (0.2.1). I can start brb, and run the new_worker middleman, but ntohing happens. When putting brb in ''run'' mode, i see this: undefined method
2006 Nov 21
RXML vs form_tag etc
Railsers: The documentation for *.rhtml views invariably mentions *.rxml views. They sound like a Good Thing, because some of my generating code mixes Ruby and HTML so densely that the code is full of %><% markers. Dropping down to only one language would be a blessing. However, this documentation invariably avoids mentioning one tiny, insignificant detail: How do you inject raw HTML
2007 Feb 04
dispatch.cgi -> Anonymous modules have no name
I upgraded to Rails 1.2.1 and deployed to my ISP, who has 1.2.1 ready and waiting. The site disappeared into an HTTP 500 error. So I get into the site, run public/dispatch.cgi or dispatch.rb, and get this: # ./dispatch.rb Status: 400 Bad Request /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.4.0/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:405:in `to_constant_name'': Anonymous modules have no
2006 Nov 17
SQLite3 put a parse error in my schema.rb for timestamps
Railsers: I switched from MySQL to Sqlite3 for Test-Driven Development. It meant the difference between (Long term, I want to understand the db:migrate system well enough that I can run a long test, occassionally, that migrates everything to MySQL and retests it there. That will prevent nasty surprises at deployment time. But that''s not the current question!) Because I don''t
2006 Jul 03
Fwd: Models and Backgroundrb
Seems this mail did not make it to the list for some reason. It contains my solution for the problem with login_engine without having to load the whole Rails environment. Begin forwarded message: > From: G?nter Ladwig <gladwig at> > Date: 22. Juni 2006 23:51:18 MESZ > To: backgroundrb-devel at > Subject: Re: [Backgroundrb-devel] Models and Backgroundrb
2008 Jan 09
BackgrounDRb 1.0.1 release available now
Hi Folks, I am glad to announce a 1.0.1 release of BackgrounDRb library. It has numerous fixes and some nice feature updates, so please upgrade. Code: Updates and Fixes: * Fixed issue with Mysql Lost connections * Message debugging can be disabled now with ''debug_log'' option in configuration file( :debug_log: false)
2006 Dec 04
no method error when starting backgroundrb
I just installed backgroundrb on our server. When tryin to start via script/backgroundrb i get a no method error. ./script/backgroundrb start /home/tom/ralf_dev/vendor/plugins/backgroundrb/server/lib/backgroundrb_server.rb:34:in `format_message'': undefined method `strftime'' for "2006-12-04T15:53: 23.419225 ":String (NoMethodError) from
2007 Jul 10
Howdy, I''m trying to use monit with backgroundrb, but it seems that backgroundrb.ppid isn''t holding the id of the backgroundrb task. jodi at soup/var/www/the-soup/current $ cat log/backgroundrb.ppid 23182 jodi at soup/var/www/the-soup/current $ ps -efl 1 S deploy 23184 1 0 75 0 - 27056 stext 11:27 ? 00:00:04 backgroundrb 1 S deploy 23186 23184 0 76
2006 Jul 31
Starting backgroundrb from rails and restarting with rails
Hi, I have my rails sites tricked out with capistrano, and backgroundrb, so I can easily use the ant tasks, but I would like to be able to start and stop backgroundrb from within rails. I have a few reasons for this: 1. Using fastcgi, backgroundrb would start under the apache user and the same mod_security context as apache, instead of my developer account which has many more privileges. 2.
2006 Nov 29
Noob needs help installing backgroundrb on Windows XP
Hey Guys, In the readme for Backgroundrb it says that windows support has been depcreated for this version, but then it goes on to mention how to use it in Windows. So I''m not sure if it should be running on windows or not, so I''ll ask anyway. Also, I''m new to ruby and I''m also new to server administration, so I apologize if my questions are pretty