similar to: Samba 3.1.0 Available for Download

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Samba 3.1.0 Available for Download"

2004 Sep 23
upcoming releases (3.0.8pre1 and 3.1.0)
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Folks, We are working on getting 3.0.8pre1 out this week. There's been a fair amount of changes that were held back from 3.0.7 so its time to get another preview release out. Also, I'm working on the first 3.1.0. The is essentially a copy of trunk. As a reminder, the purpose of the 3.1.x releases is similar to what we've used the
2010 Jan 15
optional package dependency
I have a package that can use rmpi, but works fine without it. None of the automatic test code invokes rmpi functionality. (One test file illustrates how to use it, but has quit() as its first command.) What's the best way to handle this? In particular, what is the appropriate form for upload to CRAN? When I omitted rmpi from the DESCRITPION file R CMD check gave <quote> * checking
2011 Dec 03
Puppet considered harmful?
I am considering installing a Puppet agent on a legacy server running an old, crappy, slow, leaky, yet important Java app. Nervous about introducing anything that might (further) destabilize the app. What are people''s experiences with Puppet in terms of resource usage (CPU/ memory/network/etc)? For starters will likely run it on the standard daemon schedule. Ultimately may want to control
2009 Feb 18
[LLVMdev] Parametric polymorphism
On Wednesday 18 February 2009 20:57:02 DeLesley Hutchins wrote: > > It's done by the front-end. There are a variety of attributes and > > mechanisms which are used to convolute data and marshall it through > > call sites in an ABI-conformant manner. > > Oh dear. :-( I think many people were confused by this at first but an excellent counter example was provided in a
2008 Mar 20
GSOC '08 hardware accelerated video decoding
Hi, I'm considering submitting a project for this year's Google Summer of Code program that would involve making progress on hardware accelerated video decoding for the nouveau driver and wanted some feedback. I know that this isn't a big priority at the moment amongst the regular contributors, but I think it would make a good GSOC project because of it's somewhat narrow scope. I
2009 Feb 18
[LLVMdev] Parametric polymorphism
> I think many people were confused by this at first but an excellent counter > example was provided in a previous thread: C99 ABIs can require that struct > return values are returned via a pointer to a preallocated struct passed as > an auxiliary argument *except* when you're talking about a C99 complex, in > which case the return value is conveyed in a completely different
2020 Apr 20
stringsAsFactors and type.convert()
Dear Martin, Thank you for the well-reasoned response. I realized I was rather late to make this suggestion for 4.0.0, changing a somewhat low-level function that can indeed affect packages. I was just reviewing some R user scripts that were using type.convert(), mainly on data frames. In all cases, people were passing, so I was reminded that I would not be the only user who would
2020 Jan 14
as-cran issue ==> set _R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_* settings!
>>>>> Avraham Adler >>>>> on Mon, 13 Jan 2020 14:38:12 -0500 writes: > Those of us stuck on Windows but who attempt to develop properly are > wounded to the quick, sir! > :) > Avi Indeed, you had a ' :) ' , but others have perceived this as an insult. I'm really really sorry for that and do want to apologize to all of
2004 Jun 15
SIP Registration with Entice Softswitch
I'm having problems getting Asterisk SIP to register with an Entice softswitch SIP Gateway. My provider tells me that all thats needed is a user name, password and the IP address and to register and it needs to be using MD5 authentication. I continualy get a "603 Decline" message. The provider of the gateway says they are not receiving any authentication information. Registration
2008 Jul 20
v1.1.2 release candidate
I've finally read and answered most of the mails on this list. ?If you haven't received an answer to your question, resend it. There are a couple of tricky mbox issues left, but I'm not sure if I can do anything about them unless someone can show me how to reproduce the problems. There are quite a lot of new features in v1.1.2 actually. Most of them are in plugins so hopefully they
2015 May 27
[LLVMdev] LLD improvement plan
On 26 May 2015, at 20:13, Rui Ueyama <ruiu at> wrote: > > I sent a patch to llvm-commits. You can see the code at Thanks! Why does the link not actually go where the text of it would imply, and instead bounce via some random (malicious?) third party? Do you have some malware infecting your mail client? David
2001 Sep 02
is there a wine "rpm" or similar pls?
I am v v newbie, want to get to grips with linux but mostly interested in using the PC; so the idea of wine appeals a lot. from what I see you generally have to build or compile or something it. Is there a rpm package, if I am using the term correctly, like a windows self-installing thing, i.e. one single file I can download, click on, it goes thru a (preferably non-interactive, I am happy
2009 Feb 18
[LLVMdev] Parametric polymorphism
Why do you say that people who compile, e.g., functional languages would benefit from type variables in LLVM? I like the level the LLVM is at, and would prefer to deal with instantiating parametric polymorphism at a higher level. On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 10:43 PM, DeLesley Hutchins <delesley.spambox at> wrote: >> I think many people were confused by this at first but an
2008 May 10
[LLVMdev] Preferring to use GCC instead of LLVM
Oh another thing, consider this question that some people will be asking: Why not use GCC to do what LLVM does, and skip the hassle of using LLVM entirely? ESPECIALLY considering that LLVM cannot be used without GCC. Even if you are using LLVM as a back-end only, for compiling LLVM bytecode only, GCC is still required to convert the "llc" output assembly .S file into a
2010 Nov 09
[LLVMdev] How can we recruit a reviewer for our path-profiling implementation?
Summary: We need to find a reviewer for our implementation of Ball-Laurus path profiling. It is well known that path profiling generates more precise information about a program's behaviour than edge profiling. We are conducting a research project with the goal of developing a methodology to make feedback-directed optimization (FDO) more sound. We are developing combined profiles that enable
2010 Jun 25
Compromised servers, SSH keys, and replay attacks
We had an incident recently where an openssh client and server were replaced with trojanned versions (it has SKYNET ASCII-art in the binary, if anyone's seen it. Anyone seen the source code ?). The trojan ssh & sshd both logged host/user/password, and probably had a login backdoor. Someone asked me what was their exposure if they used public/private keys instead of passwords. My
2020 Apr 20
stringsAsFactors and type.convert()
>>>>> Arni Magnusson >>>>> on Mon, 13 Apr 2020 22:20:19 +0000 writes: > If read.table() is defaulting to "character" instead of "factor" data type, shouldn't type.convert() also default to "character" in R 4.0.0? > This would seem like a good time to change the default to type.convert(, to align it with
2008 Aug 26
lattice: plotting an arbitrary number of panels, defining arbitrary groups
R Friends, I'm running R2.7.1 on Windows XP. I'm trying to get some lattice functionality which I have not seen previously documented--I'd like to plot the exact same data in multiple panels but changing the grouping variable each time so that each panel highlights a different feature of the data set. The following code does exactly that with a simple and fabricated air quality data
2018 Jan 15
[RFC][LV][VPlan] Proposal for Outer Loop Vectorization Implementation Plan
To revive the discussion around vectorizer testing, here's a quick sample of a few of the issues hit recently in the loop vectorizer.  I want to be careful to say that I am not stating these are the result of any recent work, just that they're issues that have been triaged down to the loop vectorizer doing something incorrect or questionable from a performance perspective.
2007 Jul 19
v1.1.alpha1 released This is the first alpha release of Dovecot v1.1. I hope that it stabilizes into final release within a few months. There are a lot of new features since v1.0. The most important ones are listed at the end of this post. This is the only v1.1.alpha announcement I send